Reviews from

in the past

Toaplan #02

Guardian is pretty different from Tiger Heli; this one is an auto-side-scrolling beat 'em up similar to Altered Beast, although not as memorable, sadly.

You can punch, kick, and get two power-ups: one that lets you shoot a laser gun, completely obilerating any enemy standing in your way, and an immunity shield that lasts for like 5 seconds.

Despite coming one whole year after Tiger Heli, Guardian feels extremely primitive; it's just choppy all around, and it reminds me of Wonder Momo, which is not a good sign.

The last level is just really unfair. Throwing endless amounts of enemies at you that drain your life faster than you can say "fuck.".

At least you get to restart exactly where you left off once you pop another quarter into the cabinet, which is good for our time but not so much for our economy.

In conclusion, 'Guardian' is just a super forgettable videogame, not very fun at all. It's not the absolute worst I've played, though, so let's just move on. Don't look at it; it's not hurting anyone. 

Generic sidescroller without much activity on the screen and an incoherent design.