Reviews from

in the past

Man if you had a 3ds in 2012-2014 you'd know how fucking great this game was

Pretty much what you'd expect from a short run 'n' gun game. It's fun and unfrustrating but there's no reason to play it over the sequel (unless you buy both in one collection).

You can unlock the bird character in this one

It's one of the best Mega Man clones for $2. Good shit.

it's a 2 dollar megaman clone that's surprisingly raw

a runny shooty game where you run AND shoot. yeehaw!

Over the course of the hour it takes to complete, Gunman Clive constantly introduces you to new concepts and mechanics in each bitesize level, but not all of these are executed to the same standard. Some are good fun while others aren’t as polished whether it be through environmental objects not consistently interacting as expected or uninspired level design. Though the aesthetic is very plain, there is something strangely charming about the wild west theme the game runs with and the classic save the damsel in distress story. A nice touch are the additional unlockable characters adding a bit of replay value and variety to proceedings. Gunman Clive is a decent platformer especially considering it was the work of one man, but it doesn’t do enough to separate itself from the countless alternatives on the market.