Reviews from

in the past

This game is the perfect podcast game. In that it's perfectly able to hide its red flags long enough to suck you into listening to better productions while making you think you're doing something when really you're just sighing in exasperation as the dumbass AI dwarves fall into a pit and get stuck because Dwarves can't mine without being micromanaged and you just keep playing because we live in a Capitalist Hellscape and this is the only endorphin release you can get anymore.

The first red flag should have been the "Tutorial" which somehow explains a lot and yet nothing.

The second red flag would be the single track of music for the OST. Maybe there's more, but I sure didn't hear it for the first five hours.

The third was that nothing you do in the Overworld matters and will not affect you at all because anyone who declares war on you can just be bought off easily. Barely an inconvenience.

The fourth is that there are literally unimplemented or poorly implemented game mechanics still present in the "final" release. And attackers are of so little concern I started ignoring their attacks and someone would just rebuild the base anyway.

The fifth is that the optimization is terrible. 10 hours in and the game is stuttering like hell.

Nothing about this game is elegant, it's a hell of a lot of clicking to get ♥♥♥♥ done and I can't go through everything wrong because this game doesn't respect your time so why should I respect it.

But hey, 20 hours of Hammerting let me catch up on my podcast queue. So, that's. Something.