Reviews from

in the past

It's a pretty accessible shmup without unwinnable continue states or complicated upgrade systems, you just cycle between three weapons and upgrade them with use. Super cute and vivid, not too replayable.

Has cemented itself as one of my favorite shmups. This game is a blast the whole way through and I also love that the game stars two cute anime girls wearing aerobics outfits in jet scooters. This game rules, highly slept on game.

jugablemente es la cosa más normal del mundo, pero lo compensa teniendo vibes de anime de canal sur 2

i did beat this game when i got my pc and now my picture is in this website

that picture is ending credits

a fun, cozy little shmup that can easily be beaten in one sitting. cute animations and great music. and a great translation, as to be expected from Hilltop.

A comedic in style horizontal shooter that doesn't do anything that interesting mechanically and doesn't have any inventive scoring mechanics but has some great, varied, well animated, enemy designs that are different on each of the six stages and has some of the best and most lively backgrounds I've seen in the genre. Four weapons to switch between that each has their own special "bomb" attack and upgrades to make them stronger. The rapid-fire shot seems significantly more powerful but you can quickly swap between them with each having its own button. Has four difficulty settings from easy to very hard, medium was extremely easy from how powerful your attacks are, not being killed from touching the environment, and it never throwing anything cheap at you. Are some more inventive moments like where you are stuck in an elevator as boxes of oranges and apples are bouncing around to hit you and then start to break open to drop hazards at you or going into a wedding chapel where the bride's real love interrupts the ceremony and you are attacked by tears and hearts coming from the three. Fun one worth checking out.


A nice shmup reminiscent of Parodius with its lighthearted and whacky stages. Gameplay was solid, quite liked the fully upgraded ice cream beams in particular. The fully-voiced cutscenes were a nice surprise and they looked pretty good even though I had no idea what they were saying.

Why do we have hands? There are many reasons:
- Pat Dr. Tequila
- Hold the Dr. Tequila
- Cherish the Dr. Tequila
- Forfeit all mortal possessions to Dr. Tequila

If you saw my review of Pop'n TwinBee, you may notice that I gave heavy praise to the game's aesthetics and accessibility - Tonight, in one sitting, I played through Harmful Park and felt mostly the same - In risk of repeating myself, I supposed I should just say that you should read my Pop'n TwinBee review for how I feel about the overall aesthetic and accessibility, although I will say that contrary to Pop'n TwinBee, this game is considerably funnier and a lot more ridiculous. It's chock full of silly things for every moment that passes and it never gets old mostly due to how short this game is. This game is also considerably easier if you're able to not die and get all of your weapon types to level 4. Like, it's kinda piss-easy.

If you like silly or humorous games, and games with very bubblegum or otherwise "poppy" aesthetics, this is definitely up your alley. It may have not been obvious, in what I've said in the review so far but I do adore this game and I think you should play it. It's nice and short, and you can easily knock it out in a bit over an hour, and all of those minutes are for sure worth your time.

I'm not really good at this kind of game, but this one feels pretty fantastic. Score attack level seems insane though.

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This guy literally founded a amusement park just because he was horny, what a great game

no rush to replay it as it has a very flawed idea of 'difficulty' -- instead of the traditional focus on bullets / enemies, you'll find yourself the most at odds with how huge certain level enemies' health bars are! also, having most of the shot types fire directly in front of you doesn't really balance them well. i'm assuming the game wants you to cycle through all of them since the shot type you died with is the only one that loses all of it's power, but they all really only cover what's in front of you reliably. everyone i know who has played this game admits they only really use laser and traditional peashooter gun shot types and dont bother with the other two.

what it lacks in SHMUP balance it makes up for in OST, sound design, and graphics. stage 2 is a really amazing looking haunted house, and stage 4 and stage 6 specifically have amazing level themes.

Leagues from the best shmup I've ever played, but I'll cherish it more than more objective successors because Harmful Park expertly plays its part as a haunted house ride of nigh-megalomanic visual creativity and sprite art. Every inch of its stages feel rich and inhabited and you just wanna fuckin live there as you stuff your face with "Pop Cown".

Charming, fun and good difficulty level. Play harmful park.