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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Gamecube) is a linear action-adventure game that attempts to condense the movie's major events into a series of disconnected levels. The gameplay revolves around basic spellcasting combat, rudimentary puzzles, and collecting endless Triwizard shield tokens. While fans might appreciate seeing iconic moments from the film, the game suffers from repetitive gameplay, awkward controls, and a lack of the magical atmosphere that defines the Harry Potter universe.

esse eu reconheço que era chato mas de alguma forma gosto muito dele, talvez por ser meu filme preferido da franquia

Although I've completed this game a few times due to marathoning and marathoning the franchise, it was missing its essence: The other games were straight to the point and more linear. This one isn't - you have to collect shields to proceed with the story and go through challenges.

It's boring and it feels uninspired, and sometimes the camera angles are inconvenient, and some enemies would respawn over and over again, it was annoying on some levels. This game was a downgrade compared to the previous three games, which were peak.

A good thing this game has, though, is that you can choose between Harry, Hermione, or Ron.

They tried to milk the movie too much that they even forgot to do a game.

You had the formula nailed; how did you fumble it?

Nice story, cute game, but terrible PC controls.

Why? You had a guaranteed banger game and you went out of your way to make it shit

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What a long a** game. I've finished it due to a long vendetta I've developed due to resentment to this game. There were times I stopped playing for a while becaues I got tired of the game. The entire plot of multiple missions within a "level" and the accumulative wizard cards and points, and ratings doesn't really add up in the end. There is no reward after completing anything, unlike in previous games, if you finished everything, you'll get the house cup.

pior jogo de harry potter lançado, a visão desse jogo é horrível

Непонятная унылая бродилка с обязательным сбором коллектебелсов, а вследствие и перепрохождением одного уровня по раз 5. Геймплей мёртвый. Безыдейное говно.

Скелеты в конце Zaeb....

It was my favorite from all the HP games, I loved the levels and atmosphere a lot, I think this was the first game where it started getting more serious and better for young adults and teens and not just for kids to play. I struggled a lot in a few levels but it was worth it. The menu was so cool, it made me want to play more just so i can look at it more haha

They turned it into a boring action game.

I wouldnt have minded this game just being a mediocre lil action game but it did the thing where it seems they realized the game would be 2 hours long so they extended it by constantly forcing you to replay levels for collectibles to unlock the next one. That already sucked when sonic unleashed did it, except that game was good.

I was hoping for a weird lil skung adventure but it was mostly just kinda dull so i quit a third of the way in.

play the ps360 deathly hallows third person shooters instead, those are funny

Rons inexplicable obsession with beans was good tho

Até entendo que as pessoas não gostem… mas adoro esse game, talvez por ter sido o meu favorito… mas me divertia horrores

Most of my playtime was on PSP, so sure, some of my problems may come from there, but I think the game's core is the problem here, not the port.

It's not that top down co-op play wouldn't work in this series, it's that the execution is incredibly poor. It feels rushed and unfinished.

This was one of the cooler HP games. Probably, I can't remember much

En vrai le jeu est fun, mais tu suis vite fait le scénario du film, tu peux jouer jusqu'a 3 en jouant les 3 persos principaux, et voilà ! le gameplay est sympa, y'a des phases de combat assez cool, pas trop moche en vrai, mais le gameplay tourne vite en rond !!

No puedo entender qué se les pasó por la cabeza a los desarrolladores a la hora de hacer este juego. Menudo desastre y qué oportunidad perdida de hacer, el que podría haber sido, el mejor juego de Harry Potter

My least enjoyed of all the Harry Potter computer games, after the amazing third game this one took away all the elements that made the games fun and made a run and gun wizard game?

does not live up to the story or the movie. while the multiplayer aspect is innovative, it feels like a step back in other areas. the lack of an open world to explore and the choice to opt for a weird third-person camera are most notably drawbacks. also, the graphic effects of the spells and the collectibles feel so different and disconnected from the art style of the game, ugly even, making the playthrough of the game a lot less magical

It's divided into levels in a very weird way. Feels kinda alienating after the 3rd game

Downgrade from the game's before but they weren't laying too hard into the movies at least. Has a really weird level based 3D mario level design where you return to stages to explore and find more secrets, except finding those secrets is required to progress. Ends up with too much padding with reusing levels. Agony.

The version I got of the game was stuck in a horrible black&white version and I don't think I progressed much.


Tres primeros juegos de aventura que aún permanecen en los recuerdos de muchos de los que los jugaron en su infancia. El recuerdo de vivir todo lo que vivió Harry en las películas y libros explorando Hogwarts y aprendiendo el poder de la magia permanece en los corazones de muchos jugones.

Pues todo eso se acabó aquí.
¿Te gustaba explorar Hogwarts? Pues toma un menú de misiones al estilo Señor de los Anillos.
¿Te gustaba esa esencia de juego de aventuras? Esto es un juego de acción donde toca matar a todo lo que se te cruce.
Y de postre, abandonamos la estética cartoon para replicar el estilo visual de las películas, empeorando una barbaridad la estética del juego.

¿Se le rescata algo? Ser el único juego de la franquicia con multijugador, lo que entretiene un poco.

Pojebane, do teraz nie przeszedłem

A massive downgrade from previous entries, an open-world Hogwarts is traded in for individual levels and time trials. Clunky controls and muddy graphics create a poor wizarding experience.