Reviews from

in the past

An unnerving and nice puzzle game where you play as an old man going through several rooms, looking for answers. You can tell it's a port from mobile because the game is quite short.

An immersive and melancholic puzzle game where you follow around an old dude solving puzzles. It reminded me of Gorogoa with the difference that this one has a bullshit speedrun achievement that is way too strict for no reason.

Atmospheric puzzle game. The puzzles itself are not difficult and it's the melancholic atmosphere that leaves more of an impression instead of the gameplay.

Los puzzles que proponen no están mal, no te quedas realmente encallado en ninguno si piensas un poco, lo único que me habría gustado que fuesen más temáticos con la historia, pero bueno.

Más que contar una historia, Heal cuenta una experiencia. Los acertijos están bien diseñados y son entretenidos. Cuenta con una banda sonora ambiental muy buena, con buenos sonidos incidentales. Tiene mecánicas de juego diferente en cada puzle y su variedad en ese sentido lo hace especial.

Feels surprisingly similar to Distraint despite the lack of text. The puzzles aren't too hard but they're not horribly easy, they're definitely fun though. Overall it's a really good game.