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in the past

The only thing I really play Herfstone for anymore is the solo content because the writing is usually funny enough to make me laugh and the AI opponents you get are often fun puzzles to work through. Blizzard's latest Solo Adventure, The Boomsday Project, is literally all puzzles! At an entry price of completely free, as the last two solo adventures have been, I thought why not dip into it. I did them all without a guide and it took me like 10 or 12 hours.

The Boomsday Project is over 120 single-board puzzles to solve between four different objectives: Lethal, Mirror, Boardclear, and Survival. Lethal has you trying to deplete your opponent's health to 0, Mirror is mirroring their board exactly, Boardclear is wiping all minions from the board, and Survival is getting above a certain threshold of health. They're all just 1 turn, and the board's status, your starting hand, and starting mana are always the same. There's even a handy "reset" button right where the "end turn" button usually is for convenience.

Given each puzzle is just a turn, a fair few of them are pretty dead easy, but some of them had me absolutely stumped for upward of an hour they were so hard. They're really cleverly designed puzzles, and especially the final part of each 4 segments had me crazy stumped for at least one of their sections. The writing isn't thaaat funny this time around, but I thought the puzzles more than made up for that. That said, John Dimaggio voices the main antagonist of the adventure, so that certainly makes up for it a little X3

Verdict: Recommended. For the cost of entry, they're really fun TCG logic puzzles that don't require even owning any cards in the game to try out. Playing through it doesn't get you anything but a card back, but it's fun enough that I didn't care. Definitely worth a look if you like logic puzzles that don't eat up too much time (usually :P ).