Reviews from

in the past

Eee bu İstanbul Kıyamet vakti çakması amk Anglolar her şeyi çalıyor harbi yazıklar olsun

steam version is awfully broken, i respect the vibes and designs but i can't even play the damn game without fps dipping into one-digit levels every time some worm spews shit on me, and they removed the multiplayer (i think you can restore the coop feature with mods, never tried it tho)

This game got me in a hold for a while when I started playing it. It's a really bug ridden mess, but it was fun back in the days. In current day doesn't hold up too well, but if it gets remade it would probably be on par with borderlands

alien wankers gonna pay for shooting up my lorry, """post-apocalyptic""" they say, luckily nosferatu have taught me how to endure the sewers

They really didn't need to let us know this game took place in London, you could tell just by looking at it