Reviews from

in the past

"See you in my Heavenly kingdom"

heaven's gate was an interesting take on what it would be like if you removed the parasocial relationship charles had with vincent in the main game series. truly one of the most interesting character self explorations

v nice as a postscript to hello charlotte, giving a fresh perspective and deeper focus on the trio at the heart of it. because of this, despite framing itself as an au, it honestly feels more like the reality of these characters that informs the universe of the rest of the series. its very depressing but its not too dour towards making this impression either, if anything it being removed from the intensity of emotions the series led up to, while relying on prior knowledge of it, gives a clearer and less obfuscated picture of how much etherane can pack into these characters' relationships.

the diary (which you can read if you get the paid version, please get the paid version) is such a great final note; it's not just as anri's view of things but also invoking charles's preoccupations within their narratives from their views on anri and possibly themself AND also feels to me, potentially?, like one of the more directly personal things the author has shared. a constant series of narrativizing btwn character and creator and audience. think theres a v clear bridge btwn hello charlotte and tomorrow wont come to be found in how heaven's gate brings this obsession in ane's work, on humans blindly seeing themselves in others, to such a level of legibility that it seems like it was readymade to be worked into the core of twc.

the stark, battered grief that hangs over hg gets expanded on nicely by twc too, and it also feels fitting that it comes after the anger and melodrama and anger ABOUT the melodrama of the series that came before. the arc of these games' development is like seeing someone develop their own self over time, trying to figure out what they honestly believe and what they mean to express. even this technically unnecessary side story vn to a larger rpgmaker series has a place in that bigger picture--one that i admittedly, ironically, am creating for myself. but im ok with believing in it, because this search is what affects me most in etherane's work: its not that the author has hard conclusive answers for the problems they present, but like they are still trying to understand and rigorously interrogate their view of the world in ways i can relate to v much, as if we are doing it together.

My favorite out of all of them and i will probably be thinking about it for a very long time. It's a very sincere and heartbreaking love/coming of age story.

Its very hard to put into words but i feel very personally attached to this game and many elements seen in Childhood's End. Very specific bits and pieces that feel too real to me, past experiences, feelings, memories. I relate too much. This series is very much about leaving things to interpretation and these last two games did a number on my brain. Thanks etherane.

Also i dunno if the fact that theres no music on this one is intentional. I listened to melancholic game BGM while playing and also some songs from EP 1. It added a lot to the experience for me.

Os jogos da série de hello charlotte são provavelmente meus favoritos de rpg maker e talvez os meus jogos favoritos da vida, e com Heaven's gate não é nem um pouco diferente, mesmo tendo apenas 40 minutos de jogo isso foi o suficiente para me cativar ainda mais com todos os personagens(e se tem uma coisa que a etherane faz com maestria é saber criar ótimos personagens). Me deixa triste ser um jogo tão curto, já que eu sempre quero poder ver mais do universo de hello charlotte, mas ao mesmo assim, tudo que acontece nesses pequenos 40 minutos foram o suficiente para fazer esse jogo se tornar facilmente o meu favorito.

personally if i was there i wouldve gotten anri a girlfriend