Reviews from

in the past

t's the definition of a solid JRPG. It does everything well and has all the features I want in my JRPG (speeding up battles, on-screen encounters, a good mini-map) and while the story is pretty standard, the characters are interesting enough to keep you going. If you're a fan of JRPGs or simply enjoy a good adventure, do yourself a favor and play Hexyz Force – you won't be disappointed.

Traditional JRPG that does everything serviceably well and displays just enough unique ideas to establish its own identity.
+ exceptional replayability because the story is immediately split into two paths with different casts, focus, and tone that rarely cross and only join at the very end
+ interesting weapon system to share skills between characters
+ solid balancing that makes the heroes feel appropriately strong while letting enemies hit hard
+ beneficial speed-up button (if only it worked outside combat...)
+ helpful maps to navigate the often labyrinthine areas
+ not amazing but generally decent soundtrack
+ creative albeit few enemy designs
+ adult main cast on one side
- mediocre writing especially for the story conclusion
- poorly integrated ending requirements
- excessively drab environments even in the few "towns"
- bad antagonists who never seem threatening or even entertaining

would be 4/5 if not for Cecilia awful story with crippled party member and 1/3 of the game with 2 people party against 3 people encounters.
neutral ending sucks too so I recommend playing only Levant story