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in the past

Combat was so fun and satisfying. Varied enough in the short runtime to make it interesting. And while the characters were a bit predictable it was still charming in a way I never expected from Bethesda lol

Nossa, de verdade que jogo maravilhoso! Eu realmente não esperava a emoção que esse jogo trás e a diversão que ele proporciona. Fui de cabeça nesse jogo sem nem pensar muito, pois tinha ouvido falar muito bem dele, mesmo sendo o primeiro jogo de ritmo que eu jogo. Por isso acabei estranhando um pouco no começo, mas com o tempo esse jogo me prendeu de uma forma inexplicável. A gameplay é muito bem pensada e gostosa, os gráficos são lindos demais, o estilo do jogo me cativou muito, as músicas, os ritmos, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é incrível! De verdade, eu super recomendo!

Xbox's first great exclusive in a while and they have to port it to PlayStation to keep the company afloat.

Um dos jogos mais criativos de 2023!

Impressionante como a Tango Gameworks, nome por trás da criação de Hifi Rush, consegue ser um estúdio tão versátil e maestro. Confesso que não conheço a maioria das músicas desse jogo, mas a forma como ela se conecta com o mundo e com a gameplay é algo que jamais vi. Qualidade surreal. Quando eu puder, irei voltar a jogar para finalizar ele. Mas até a parte onde cheguei, achei o jogo lindo, divertido e cativante. Um jogo aos moldes antigos.

Started this on the bus ride to Kissing Bridge and got through most of the game. A pretty fun time that made the bus ride go quickly. Some of the puzzles and fights were a little tough though.

ho il senso del ritmo di un perusi ma mi è piaciuto molto

I lack rhythm and forced parrying is literal bullshit but it's still fun.

Ojala haberlo jugado el año pasado facilmente entraria en mi top 10, un juego muy entretenido de principio a fin con personajes entretenidos y setpieces tremendas 10/10

Un juego muy divertido que me ha entretenido los fines de semana.
Los personajes son muy carismáticos y el sistema de combate es original.
Lo recomiendo bastante.

this game makes me smile. I like smiling.

Excellent presentation, impeccable art and especially animation, a pretty good soundtrack(that should have had more licensed music or been all original songs) that fits well with the game in a variety of adjacent styles, some interesting setpieces in a relatively believable world and some memorable characters that deliver some great lines well. There's some more cringey dialogue in the game that felt hackneyed at times, but that's the only main flaw that I can pick out as I played. The story itself was compelling enough though, and it showed it's influences unabashedly. Best game Bethesda's published in years. The most intriguing, clever and successful implementation of rhythm gameplay I think I've seen, save for something like rock band. And the hack and slash element feels like a streamlined dmc, just as fun to play.

What an incredible game, just play it. See if you like it... I personally, LOVED IT.

What to say about this masterpiece?

The rhythm game par excellence. Almost everything is on time to the music: the environment, the enemies, you, your attacks. There’s never been a more gratifying reward for going with the flow in a game, and the songs are all absolute bangers.

Hi-Fi Rush is stylish, lighthearted, colourful and constantly fun. The jokes don’t feel forced, the writing and characters are snappy, and the movement and fighting mechanics are an absolute pleasure to explore. I loved all the little references to other media that inspired the game, I loved being able to parry almost everything, and I loved the dynamic between all our heroes.

We are blessed to get this level of creativity still happening these days.

guitar hero + devil may cry = perfeição

Que jogo divertido, não esperava nada e me entregou tudo!

Yesterday out of nowhere, Tango Gameworks announced and shadowdropped Hi-Fi Rush and I was captivated by it's trailer.
I booted up my series X and went straight to downloading it via Game Pass.
Little did I know what awaited me as the world had never seen this game before.
This is a hack n slash game at it's very core. However, what it offers is a rhythym based combat system where EVERY single aspect of the game is in beat. Enemy attacks, the world, your attacks. The freakin main character Chai's movement.
If you've played Bayonetta or Devil May Cry, you know the game structure. It's level by level, where combat arenas ensue as you progress with puzzle aspects and platforming.
As you go back to vist your homebase, you will talk with your ragtag crew in-between missions and prepare for your musical adventure.
You are Chai, an absolute dork who wants to be a rockstar and you get a robot arm. Hilarity ensues and you are tasked to go after a big corporation.
The plot of this game is actually fantastic and without spoilers, I can't say much but it is such a wonderfully written game. The dialouge never misses a beat (ayyye) and constantly made me laugh while always driving me forward. Looking out for the next bit of lore drop or quipy one liners as the characters all flesh out and become a team.
Props to the writing team because I think this games dialouge is so perfectly carved in all of it's intention. It's extremely smart in it's humour and delivery.
I never talk about looks of a game because I don't think they mater graphically. However, Hi-Fi Rush comes with the most jaw dropping animation I've ever seen. From in game to cutscenes, this game sparks with beauty and colourful landscapes.
There's a scene where Chai is smashed through a wall, tumbling as he goes and it will forever stick in my mind because it's so fluid and gorgeous.
This game has a visual style of American cartoons back when and it nails it.
It's a rhythm game baby! Nine Inch Nails and The Black Keys followed with other named bands all feature in boss fights with an orignal soundtrack that slaps hard.
You'll be fighting to the beat in no time as you just click your fingers on the buttons to the rocky jazz music that follows you throughout the game
Hi-Fi Rush will never have words to describe it for me because it transcends words. It is easily without a doubt, in my opinion, one of the greatest pieces of media to have ever released.
It is easily in my top 10 games of all time and it will be hard to beat this for GOTY this year. I love this game. I adore this game. It constantly gets better and nails every aspect.


I don't think a game has felt more like exercise than this, what a ride!

Direção de arte fantástica. Músicas divertidas, estética impressionante e um sentimento de nostalgia que eu não sei de onde vem. Incrível. Quero terminar.

Years of Rhythm Heaven have prepared me for this very moment.
(My only main complaint is how fast it feels like the story rushes you out the door as soon as you get all your skills, but at least it never feels like it overstayed its welcome and instead has so much post-game content)

This review contains spoilers

godo per nulla noioso ed è sempre figo combattere e andare a giro

one of the best rhythm hack and slash game to date. visually stylistic and vibrant fun characters

I love this game to an extent that's hard to even quantify. The very first minutes of this game had me smiling and giggling like no other game has managed to do.

Hi-Fi Rush is very short, and it is only better for it. It is extremely cute and sweet, but never cloying. It has a talking cat and a Twin Peaks reference. It slightly falters in its attempts with at least two heartfelt emotional moments, but the undying chemistry between the characters earns it.

So basically, Hi-Fi Rush is short, cute, and has a talking cat and a Twin Peaks reference: It's all killer, no filler. 5/5.

i am NOT a rhythm game person, however this game kinda just changed my brain chemistry, with it's beautiful artstyle, amazing combat, and nine inch goddamn nails, this game combined something i'm not really fond of into something i absoluetly adore. even if you don't like rhythm games, i think this one is SO SO different from the rest, and it is a mustbuy

O jogo é definitivamente muito bom, qualidade de som e gameplay impecáveis, porém mesmo tentando caber com o estilo do game, não peguei o hype pra completa-lo, fiz 6 horas de game e cheguei no seu segundo boss e flopei, talvez em algum futuro eu possa dar outra chance a ele

Man, this is so fucking neat. Fun concept and incredible visuals/animation.