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Hokko life is pretty much a clone of animal crossing but with every aspect being worse. Starting off I had fun completing the requests and learning the mechanics but as soon as this is over the game does not offer much more. It’s placement controls are janky making it hard get into a grove. I’m not the biggest fan of this genre of game but had an okay time one evening.

one of my biggest switch purchases regrets- everyone was talking about how good the furniture building was but I couldn't even get through the tutorial.

This is a GREAT "pc game for those who don't have switch but wanna play an animal crossing", but with way more advanced building. Recommend to avoid if you don't love custom crafting. But people make the most amazing things you can get from the store. I would prefer if they had made it a bit more easy to earn money in.

Budget Animal Crossing that looks and feels okay, but also vibes like exactly what it is. Budget Animal Crossing. Definitely on the slow side and I was hoping for a bit more vitality and energy, but I immediately felt myself bored with this game after about an hour. Maybe I shouldn't score the game since I played so little, but that was my immediate and initial feeling about this game so I'm doing it anyway. Uninstalling and moving on.

Animal crossing’s crackhead brother

El juego está bastante vacío.

Limp, empty, buggy, awkward.

Felt really sad playing this. It's obvious a lot of effort and work went into Hokko Life, but nothing in it came together, and the villagers (especially the shopkeeper) felt like FNAF animatronics. An update that really focuses on small details might make this into something decent, but as it stands, it just feels hollow, lonely, and uncomfortable.

À l'heure actuelle le jeu n'est pas bon. J'attendais ce jeu avec impatience après avoir vu le trailer. Et j'étais vite très déçu, Le jeu est moche j'ai l'impression de joué à un jeu gratuit sur Google, C'est très vite répétitif, Le jeu possédé quand même quelques bonnes mécaniques, mais pas assez pour donner envie d'y jouer. Le jeu coûte beaucoup trop cher pour ce que le jeu propose. En espérant que le jeu s'améliore avec le temps

Lot of wasted potential here. This could be really fun if it were just a bit more polished. The furniture building mechanic is especially intriguing, but it's unfortunately just not well executed.

It's hard not look at this as off-brand Animal Crossing. It does do certain things well but never totally comes together. The crafting system is overly complicated, and the villager interaction feels lacking.

If you're an Animal Crossing fan, this still might be interesting for a while, but I would recommend setting modest expectations.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for January 2023, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before February 7th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A take on Animal Crossing.

Hokko Life screams its inspiration. You have animal characters, arriving in a town on a train, and people just walking up to you and making demands of your time. But that’s also exactly what Animal Crossing is. This isn’t trying to create a new genre, it’s taking what is successful and finding its audience, and doing that well enough after a few minutes to get comfortable with the game.

Hokko Life is focused on a laid-back style of game, where players build a town for characters, add new citizens to their town, and just have a simple existence. It gets into the meat of the game quickly but this is a slow raft ride down a lazy river rather than whitewater rafting. It’s not going to appeal to everyone but it’s a game you can boot up every couple of days and play for thirty minutes just enjoying the atmosphere.

Pick this up if you enjoy Animal Crossing. I stress this because this isn’t attempting to be something completely new, it knows what it wants to deliver to players and does it successfully. This is the comfortable shoe for players who want to experience Animal Crossing on a different platform, and the fact it’s not tied to a set internal clock means players can play on their schedule.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Animal Crossing but without the charm. There's just not enough to do each day so you spend roughly a couple of minutes per day before sleeping it to get the new batch of villager requests. Still, lots to collect, farm and build. Great for anyone who wants a sufficient Animal Crossing clone on PC.