Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay so far is extremely fun and the story is interesting.

Este tipo de juegos nunca se completa pero XD
Me gusta mucho, viniendo de una mala experiencia del genshin no esperaba mucho y al inicio me parecía muy aburrido, no por el combate, si no por las animaciones, gracias a Dios existe el x2 en batallas que es un must para todo el juego, eso combinado con el modo automático hacen que al día no te hagas ni 5 minutos en hacer las diarias, por el lado de la historia está ok supongo, Luofu me pareció una basura pero con Penacony están mejorando un poco, sus mecánicas de combate aunque son simples son un poco interesantes por los equipos que se pueden formas basados en algo en específico como FUA, dots, etc. Lo malo es que el grindeo de artefactos es una basura, un gacha dentro de otro gacha, creo que es lo único que no me gusta, junto con algunos diseños (Seele y Acheron lol)

Tem um universo interessante, junto de um enorme potencial para sua construção, mas o jogo faz questão de jogar tudo no lixo com sua escrita porca, como no caso de Xianzhou, onde fingimos que simplesmente não aconteceu pelo quão ruim foi, e atualmente Penacony se prova no mesmo caminho da mediocridade, descartando inúmeros potenciais que poderiam ser interessantes para a narrativa e simplesmente jogando o mistério do assassinato no lixo com um plot merda.
Genuinamente espero que a história do jogo melhore, porque consigo ver potencial nela, mas no ritmo em que se encontra, será complicado.

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i love kafstel

never wanted to interact with trash cans more than i have in this game.

RPG turn-based isn't my cup of tea, either.

Currently at the last part of 2.0's story, overall it's a really enjoyable game. The narrative is a bit lost on me sometimes, but I really enjoy the gameplay loop

eu nao suporto jogo de turno, nao entendo nada dessa historia e acho os personagens sem graça. mas a tradução é hilária

Quitando todo el tema de gacha, la historia y su música son preciosas.
I love the combat, the animations are amazing...

Fun gacha game with a solid turn-based combat system and intriguing characters to collect. The story is very hit or miss for me the game likes to throw lots of random terminology at you that makes sense in the game world but means nothing to you and it hopes you just figure it out. Many characters in the story also fall into this habit of basically playing 4D chess to try and feel mysterious but it gets old since there are so many characters doing it. Fun to grind as background while binging a show or something though.

Been playing since the release, thought i would give it a try since it's a hoyverse game; then got addicted (still, due to the gacha system, though way more generous than genshin).
Currently own most of the characters and hoping on keeping it that way :)

PS: there is no way to keep a single main, I went from Sampo, to Well, to Kafka, Blade, Black Swan, now I'm planning on getting Boothill...

Mejor juego de Hoyoverse de momento.

Honestly? A lot better than I expected. Still a gacha game but not overly predatory and has some beautiful music and some great characters many of which I fell quickly in love with. (Looking at you Kafka). The gameplay is simple and fun and there's plenty of content. Took me a month of moderate play to catch up to the main story while doing side stuff and seasonal events.

Great battle system and beautiful sound tracks. New area is amazing and better story telling than genshin. Very f2p friendly and great waifus.

bon jeu si cetait pas pour les pdf

Debo aplaudir primero que es el primer y único juego tipo gacha que me ha gustado, en general la forma en la que esta construido es bastante llamativa, el combate es en extremo simple pero se disfruta y cumple, la historia para ser de un juego, esta bastante bien. También mencionar que las recompensas que dan hacen el propio gachapon mucho mas llevadero y sencillo de obtener personajes de los banners. Esta bastante bien, tomando en cuenta también que es gratis.

Kafka mi vieja.

like it. but yeah don't play with the expectation it'll magically make you like turn based games.

I feel like the gacha is a tad bit more forgiving than others (gens-), and you can advance very far with only 4 stars. good for a f2p.

Penacony kantaa tän iha vitusti

the first arc might be a bit short and slow but bruh that final boss went hard penacony is peak

i play this almost exclusively to spite you, john

juego hijo de puta no gano un 50 50 pero esta bueno igual