Reviews from

in the past

disregarding the fact that this game gave me nightmares as a kid for literally no reason, it's actually pretty decent and replaying it didn't feel like a complete waste of time. some of the graphics haven't aged too well, but the low poly exaggerated style of the objects and environments have a very specific nostalgic charm to them. a lot of the objects are arranged/hidden in clever ways, so it's slightly challenging but not terribly difficult. i wish that the camera didn't feel so zoomed in but it's not a big deal-- it's an old DSiware game and you'll be playing on a smaller screen anyways. the physics are a little janky and there were a few occasions where an object i needed clipped through the wall and disappeared, but luckily you can't get softlocked from that since leaving and exiting a room resets the objects' positions. overall not bad if you're wanting something simple you can finish within a few hours