Reviews from

in the past


Para pensar: macarrones con tomat ICO

so fucking gorgeous never test my patience like this ever again

se pá talvez seja o que eu mais goste do fumitao

tres bien vieilli, univers intrigant qui donne envie d'en savoir plus

a Jogabilidade desse jogo é horrível , eu não conseguir jogar 20 minutos , talvez depois eu tento jogar ele de novo

I dont know what it is with Fumito Ueda making these ambiguous games during the ps2 era but i definitely loved the whole vibe of the game, I had already played Shadow of the colossus so i was already familiar with the gameplay it just involved more puzzles that SOTC. I dropped the game but the mysticism of the game makes me want to come back to it

Ico é um daqueles tesouros escondidos no mundo dos jogos, a jogabilidade até hoje foi pouco replicada, jogos como ''A Plague Tale" ainda trouxeram parte da jogabilidade que em 2001 ICO já trazia com maestria, o meu segundo jogo favorito de todos os tempos.

I remember watching a review on G4 as a kid and the reviewer absolutely hated this thing. I somehow ended up with it anyway, but sucked at the platforming. Not sure if it was me or the game.

One of the most touching games that everyone should at least play once and it's an influential one in the industry too.

A one of a kind masterpiece

Beautiful sceneries, smooth gameplay, great art direction and very immersive, definitely a piece of art.

Sony could make the best controller ever and I don't think that would top the Dualshock 2 vibrating when you hold hands with Yorda

those benches do NOT look comfortable but I suppose I'd be able to sleep on nails with save music that ethereal

So..... Is she alive? did we win?

Otra obra de arte hecha juego...

Um dos poucos jogos que você pode pegar uma cópia japonesa, americana ou europeia e jogar sem problemas pois ele mal tem UI, as únicas opções durante o jogo vai ser na hora de salvar o game mesmo.

Jfc Backloggd change the cover image to the other region boxarts

if theres one thing to take away from ico, its that it accomplishes a lot with very little.

its clear ico was designed to be as immersive as possible. this manifests as an absence of any non-diagetic elements such as an onscreen hud, button prompts, and music. to counteract the lack of a display, interactable elements are always visually consistent. boxes, levers, chains, and climbable ledges straddle the line between standing out enough to be immediately obvious while also fitting well into the overall aesthetic of the area.

the world of ico feels real in the sense that nothing about the areas looks like it was specifically designed for the player to traverse. everything about the castle looks functional and its only the degradation of it that presents the challenge of moving forward.
interiors are often large and empty, with pulled back camera angles and unsettling ambient noise. in contrast, the outside is sunlit with gentle breezes and signs of life, and its only in these areas will the player find spots to rest and save their game. this serves to align the players motivation with ico and yordas motivations of escaping the castle into the green forest thats constantly teased in the distance. this is taken even further during one of the final areas when the environment suddenly becomes metallic, harsh and unwelcoming, representing the urgency of the current situation.
ico is also a masterclass of environmental storytelling. the ending recontextualizes everything about the environment that the player has seen up until that point, eliciting a profound feeling of melancholy that other games could only ever hope to come close to.

if youve ever played either god of war 2018 or ragnarok, you would know that jumping onto a wall or into a boat causes atreus to immediately be right there behind you. its clear that your companion is teleporting all over the place for the sake of the players convenience. compare this to yorda in ico and the difference is obvious. the player has to wait for yorda to physically move between locations. she wanders off on her own sometimes. it feels like shes a real person bound by the rules of the world in the same way the player is, not only furthering the sense of immersion but also the connection the player feels between the two.
it feels as though the game was created with a distinct goal in mind: immerse the player into the world and make them feel a connection between themselves and yorda. any element or mechanic that didnt directly contribute to this goal was ultimately cut, resulting in one of the most focused and flawless experiences ever seen in gaming.

theres not much more i can say about the genius of this game without spoiling it. if youre a game developer or at all interested in game design it would be irresponsible not to play ico.

Es gracioso los primeros 5 minutos, luego ya no.

Also ha ha funny cover

It's a cool game with an interesting world and art direction, but I've never thought the platforming and puzzles were the best.

This is how my brown ass drags white women outta bar

This is what videogames exist, you are not getting this level of connection with any other game, thank god this game exists

Some games really achieve their maximum vibes once you play them on original hardware, resolution, and on an old screen from way back then.
Ico is tremendous, and playing again it after some years, I can understand once again how much this game has shaped some little corners of videogame design.

the only good part is that it is a game about holding hands

Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos que eu ja joguei pelos fatores de sua simples decisão artistica. ICO não traz bosses gigantes, diversos inimigos, tiro mas sim algo intimista, uma relação de desconhecidos para irmãos onde você os guiará. Eu passei muita raiva com o sistema datado do jogo mas fiquei embasbacado em como a TeamICO conseguiu, em 2001, fazer uma IA tão inteligente como a Yorda, é absurdo. O game é curto, se voce decorar os puzzles ele cai pra 2h30 no máx e essa é a proposta dele mesmo, uma lore nada explicada, puzzles insuportaveis que não jogam nada na sua cara com o toque especial que so o Fumito Ueda consegue dar. Sensacional ainda jogar ele hoje e apreciar como ele ou melhor, o Ueda sempre foi a frente de seu tempo.

O jogo é muito imersivo, os cenários são bonitos e os efeitos sonoros combinados com a falta de OSTs entregam uma sensação única.
Eu não sou muito fã de puzzles então não posso falar que foi uma gameplay super divertida, mas eu também não posso ignorar a importância do jogo dentro da indústria. Em conclusão, bom jogo.

This is the very first video game ever created. And of course, it's peak.

I miss Team Ico/10

Tilín y su novia argentina, bruja y autista.
Que lejos a llegado el Tilín