Reviews from

in the past

I read both the Steam translation (for Akari's route, and the story) and the original Japanese (for Himegi 3some, and H-scenes).

I overall really liked it and it solid amount of actual content besides just typical fandisc stuff.

The Kotori prologue was fine but I didn't consider it particularly necessary. Nice to consider another PoV I suppose

Amane's route was great for the simple/cute romance and friendship related to . Flashbacks were great. Might be favorite for the stuff alone and almost considered this VN a 9/10 for this route alone.

Hotaru and Kanako had alright/decent routes for cute but kinda weird romance. Them having less of a focus on the Soaring Club was nice but I dont think it went quite the distance it could have for both.

The Kazato twins route was fine as 1 day short slice of life route. Woulda been nice to have more but I like slice of life thankfully.

The JP-only Ageha route... well I can see why it was removed in MoeNovel's release lol. It was just a weird Himegi sister 3some mini route but at least it was quite short.

Akari's route was great and had content that felt like it belonged in the original. It had cute romance, a cute Akari, and nice ties to the student council. Cool that MoeNovel actually went out of their way to translate Cruise Sign only content.

* Kotori's sequel route ended up being pretty great. I didn't really like the 'fight' that happened, but everything else was fantastic. Its the only route to cover what Aoi/Kotori/Ageha will do in the year theyd graduate, and generally gave closure to a lot of characters as well as introducing some likable new ones. The romance stuff was great. The final flight towards the end was great, especially without having to rely on . Everything from the flight onward was very emotional. If people wanna just read Flight Diary for this route, I'd recommend it since it involves everyone and as said above give closure to almost everyone.

If the non Amane/Kotori routes were just a tad higher in quality I'd consider this on par with the original. Otherwise still a great 9/10 read.