Reviews from

in the past

I played this on my phone during my first semester of college every night for a couple weeks and I had maybe four hours of game time in total. I love the idea for this game and I love other imagine games. A few of the characters are lovable and memorable, but I can’t say the same about the British guy I romanced. I enjoyed this game and liked doing makeup, but I also think the ending was super rushed.

did not expect when going into the imagine series that i’d discover an insatiable love for visual novels and dress up/simulation games. like you could not have prepared me enough, still feels like a fever dream

not an amazing otome/sim game, but i think this game is interesting because unlike most games in the imagine series, this is localized from a japanese otome makeup series "cosmetic paradise" so it had a good base to build off of. the localization is... extreme, anglicizing practically every character sprite, name, and location in the game.
however, i enjoy the makeup gameplay and the dating routes and characters still feel pretty well-written in the localization. it's really unfortunate that we'll never see how this game was intended outside of japan because it looks cool, but i think the game holds up well