Reviews from

in the past

Let's start with the pros: A good visual, beautiful locations and there was a lot of action in the battles. It is also worth noting that collecting so many famous characters in one project can also be called a plus. In the game, they tried to make a new story and gave the opportunity to create their own Persian who plays the main role in it.
Of the cons: It's a long story. Some of the characters shown in the story never joined the battle. The balance of power of the characters is very vague. There are very few cards, abilities and combinations for so many characters, playing for the same one you will get tired of going through such a long storyline. You can also specify the incompleteness of the project (which may be a reference to a new part that they may want to release)

Начнем с плюсов: Неплохой визуал, красивые локации и было много экшена в битвах. Так же стоит отметить что сбор стольких известных персонажей в одном проекте тоже можно назвать плюсом. В игре попытались сделать новую историю и дали возможность создания своего перса который занимает в ней главную роль.
Из минусов: Затянутая история. Некоторые персонажи показанные в истории так и не вступили в битву. Баланс сил персонажей устроен очень расплывчато. Очень мало карт, способностей и комбинаций для стольких персонажей, играя за одного и того же вам надоест проходить такую длинную сюжетную линию. Так же можно указать незавершенность проекта (которая может является отсылкой к новой части, которую они возможно хотят выпустить)

would of been a 5 star if it had perona in the game

Cool game to play once in a while with friends on the switch. The intro lines are so awkward and bad they become funny. Overall it's a nonsensical game that joins a lot of favorite characters in a casual game. That being said I couldn't be bothered to play the single player because it's too boring.

único ponto positivo é poder jogar com personagens de animes que ainda não receberam adaptação para jogo

There is part of me that loves this game. There's a much bigger part of me that is disappointed in this game.

se tivesse o totoro seria 10

Cool to play as all the characters but the story is not it

shitty game shitty conreols shitty online and too expensive

It’s been awhile since I laughed this hard

great graphics, but no homies that had the game

For a person who immensely sucks at fighting games I'm super appreciative that the game let's you unlock all 40 characters in one go. Now I get to play as my favourite My Hero Academia character: All Might <3