Reviews from

in the past

It got my younger brother exercising.

Fun little game with no ending. Had fun and did some light exercise.

Great fun short exercise game to play with minor customization, all about staying fit!

The best Switch game ever made, no competition.

they put more effort into this then Skyward Sword HD

You shouldn't have expected much considering it was made by Nintendo employees in their free time when the world was shut down.

Baby game made me exercise boo. Also it's not really a game but at least it's free I guess.

i did two thousand and one hundred to beat my friend and died irl

Sorry to be a negative nancy but I just don't get the point of this. Exercise games are a great way to merge gaming and exercise, but this isn't a game. It's an animation of a rabbit skipping rope.

If your form of exercise is miming jump roping, why wouldn't you do it while watching your favourite show instead of...this?

You could argue that the counter makes it worth it, but it's so sensitive that I often made it go up by accident just by slightly moving my arms, so chances are the counter in the game isn't even accurate to the amount of jumps you've actually done.

get fit, loose weight, have fu- wait the game got delisted nvm,,,

THE video game ever made, truly, a masterpiece if I've ever seen one.

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You just get to jump! And there's 2-player. And also you get to change costumes.

No, that's all you get to do in Jump Rope Challenge.

jump jump jump. Or just swing the remote like in the good old Wii days ¯\(ツ)

Actual peak of not only Nintendo but the industry as a whole

Great to do daily exercise like a mini-habit.

Due to my excellent jumping form and vibrant energy, I received an email from Nintendo stating that I had completed this game. It had everything I wanted out of a jump rope game: jumping, etc. If I had to point to one flaw it would be the lack of rope--generally considered at least half of jump roping.

A neat creation born out of the hellscape that is 2020 in an earnest attempt to make us move a little while stuck at home.