Reviews from

in the past

"We have Mortal Kombat at home."

I hate to say it, but this is the biggest disappointment for me so far during the Jaggy adventure. Crap fighting games have their special allure and it's basically a gamble if I get enjoyment out of them or not, but I just had to play Kasumi Ninja over here due to just how shit it looked from when I first saw it in that AVGN video from way back. It's about as big of a ripoff you can expect, blood and guts and even features palette swap ninjas. Hell, they also ape Street Fighter by having the final boss be another palette swap of the ninjas who's possessed by the devil or some shit. They apparently turn into a red thrilled lizard on higher difficulties, but that's only from what I read and bothered to watch on youtube.

Due to functionally being a two-button fighter there is very little to it, and every day I thank the absolute angels on GameFAQs who bless us with easy access to their guides to shit fighting game inputs, because I'd be sitting here all day trying to figure out some of the painfully boring moves these characters have. For instance, to throw a standard projectile with Danja you have to hold C and press B,B,B,F on the dpad. There is remarkably very little hype in this game, the music is low-quality tinny shit that can be expected from a McDonalds Drive-Thru employee attempting to use the GEMS driver for the first time. The characters are very forgettable looking with the lowest amount of costume design required, and they decided to put in a native american stereotype just to upset me. Of course they scalp people, what else do they do? We don't have enough money to have them do raindances or shoot wolves out of their asses. We did have enough money to have the funny ms paint-bearded Scotsman shoot fireballs from his dick though! Literally the one bit that's actually cheese-worthy in this game, it's no wonder it got the spotlight so much in any video featuring it, because it's the only thing worth talking about. Sucks for them, because internet media has overexposed it to me to the point of numbness.

I went through the effort of doing a bunch of the fatalities myself in 2P mode and most of them are low-effort with zero creativity and involve already existing moves the characters use as a special, like the bikini chick using her shitty Raiden superman dive to split the guy in half. The only good one is the 2P ninja doing the Seth Rollins Curb Stomp to explode the other guy's head, and I doubt this d-tier studio had a magic time machine to see WWE matches 20 years into the future so that's entirely on me.

A very boring and lactose intolerant fighter with little cheese to speak of, I'm making it go one-on-one with The Undertaker.