Reviews from

in the past

i love medieval settings so much; with actions that have consequences, gripping story, beautiful art style and interesting characters, the game is pretty great, aliena and jack's relationship was the only downside. i'm looking forward to reading the book as well.

When I was in my early 20's I had to go to London for an appointment. I had time to wait for a few hours so my mum said we should go to Westminster Abbey as it was nearby. I can't say this thought really interested me but that line of thinking soon changed when I actually entered the building. It's amazing how much you take your own country's landmarks and history for granted sometimes. Westminster Abbey is such a stunning cathedral full of history. Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Laurence Olivier, Geffery Chaucer, Charles Dickins, Winston Churchill, Rudyard Kipling among others are buried there. This is nothing compared with the architecture, artifacts (the coronation chair is located here) and atmosphere of the building. I've had a real interest in church and gothic architecture ever since. It was an eye opening experience that sometimes you can miss what is right in front of you.

How is any of this relevant to The Pillars of the Earth? It brought back that same feeling. That impression that I take more interest in other culture's history and landmarks than my own, this especially hit when I had to look up to see if King Stephen in this story was a real monarch (He was). You see this game is a work of historical fiction based on the novel by Ken Follet which much to my chagrin I also haven't read. It's set in 12th century England about the building of a cathedral, the clergy and monks, lords, politics and ordinary people around it over several years. There is a surprising amount of content included here with the game split into three sections called books where the characters vary as the story gets told from different perspectives. The characters are all extremely well written and the dialogue and pacing of the story wrapping everything together works far better than I had anticipated it would though it's very slow and mundane at times. It's not super thrilling or action packed but feels like a very mature and often disheartening story as I would expect based on the original source.

What really brings the characters and world together though is the games superb cast. The voice acting for each character just feels like perfect casting and considering the bulk of the game is these conversations it was imperative they got that right and I couldn't find a single fault. The games entire presentation is stunning actually. The game is 2D art and almost every scene just felt like a stunning painting with carefully calculated backgrounds and prominent character art and colours. It's often bleak in setting but gorgeous in visuals and sound. I never got tired of looking at it and I don't think I can praise it's presentation enough.

Whilst not admiring the vistas or enjoying the conversations, Pillars of the Earth from a gameplay perspective is a point and click. It really doesn't get much deeper than that, you pick up key conversations or items that you can use on characters to progress various quests or unlock more information. The items have a wheel or you can quick select on the d-pad. I appreciate there isn't anything bonkers like the Discworld games. Everything here is fairly straight forward and logical for the most part. It's clearly more about pushing the flow of the narrative of the source material rather than in engaging or challenging puzzles. The overall story is set but small actions you make or don't can have impact on aspects of it even if they seem small initially. Each chapter will highlight these decisions for you at the end.

Whilst I've been positive overall I did have some technical issues like once when loading my game I couldn't move my character at all, completely frozen meaning I had to restart a couple of hours of content as well as a crash and some audio issues which brought my enjoyment of the game down slightly. Despite that though I would really recommend it. It's like no point and click I've played or seen. The visual and audio quality are sublime mixed with an interesting period of history I really should learn more about.

+ Stunning artwork.
+ Great voice acting and casting.
+ Engrossing story.

- A few technical issues.
- Can feel slow at times, especially playing a lot it one sitting.

I played this game before, but didn't fishined at first (busy playing others games), but as i wanted to mastered him it becomed one of the best point and click game i ever played, the history, the voice acting, the conspiracy in the plot, it all worth it the money and time.

also it's based on a book (a good one), i must play

This was a strong story, obviously the gameplay was a bit minimal. A lot of good characters and drama. If you don't mind a walking simulator this is worth picking up.

Loved it, felt like the right middle between a videogame, a movie and a book. It can take quite a long time mentally to finish it.?

Barely a game, but still somehow one of my favorite gaming experiences

factory sealed
Have't played.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. Historical fiction tends not to be a genre that particularly appeals to be, which makes my great enjoyment of this game, based around the seemingly mundane topic of building a cathedral, all the more impressive. Primarily being a 'point-and-click' adventure game, the game's story is a core part of the game, and it's excellent throughout. This will of course be largely coming from the book on which the game is based (which I've not read), but it's pulled off excellently here, with a cast of believable characters who you really come to empathise with. In terms of puzzles, they're typically fairly rudimentary, but they do the job, with solutions that make sense - something that all too many games in the genre don't manage!

Do you like high drama about the church? Pillars of the Earth is a fantastic point & click. The artstyle and narrative of the source material carry it very far, with a very distinct, rustic charm and enthralling story. The many character perspective shifts bring a lot of variety to a setting which otherwise might seem quite drab. You don't usually hear people clamoring for tales from 12th century England, but this game easily captures the space with a deft hand.

The weakest part of the game are it's various challenges. Some of these are the usual "click on things til they work," while others are simple quick-time events. Although the game dodges much of the usual point & click moon-logic that often plagues the genre, some decisions or situations can be a bit arbitrary or hard to locate, with little telegraphing. If this were presented in a more visual novel style, with less "gamey" mechanics and more focus on the choices, I would have been more pleased.

But the depth of the story itself, and your influence upon it, is not to be discounted. It is deeply engaging, and the myriad of dramas, conspiracies, and complications that arise through each chapter are a delight to experience. This is the sort of game that I'd recommend to anyone who gets bored to tears reading a dense novel, and needs just a little further engagement to enjoy a powerful story. The storytelling, the characters on display, the gorgeous artstyle, and the fantastic OST are enough to make this a resounding game for any lover of lore.

Haven't reached the ending of this game yet, but the artwork and soundtrack is really cute. It feels tedious at times, but I think the game has done a great job of bringing the books to life in a fun way.

Um jogo que me fez companhia na pandemia e conversou comigo profundamente. Um jogo bonito com um sistema bom em geral no que quer fazer.

The art style is so so good. The story is, of course, the one we know from the book the game is based on, so you already know it's good!

Surprisingly complex, choices have consequences many chapters later, story is mature and engaging, must play

The most expensive part of building is the mistakes. Pilíře země jsou obsáhlou solidní historickou četbou pro každého, která má solidní televizní adaptaci, solidní inkarnaci v podobě zdařilé deskové hry a nyní, nepřekvapivě, i solidní videoherní variantu. S touto „značkou“ tedy nešlápnete vedle. Přesně víte čeho se vám dostane. Ano, solidní zábavy; nic více a nic méně.

První co ohromí po otevření Pilířů země je počet stra… Ehm, první co ohromí po spuštění Pilířů země je grafická stránka, která je poctivě ručně kreslená a bere takřka konstantně dech. Není o moc více tradičně kreslených adventur, které by byly až takhle nádherné. I design postav je na nejvyšší úrovni. Snad jen ty animace pohybu místy haprují. Aby toho z technické stránky nebylo málo, tak to oplývá i jedním z nejlepších herních dabingů vůbec. Nadšení z něj je však schlazeno zvláštní "vteřinou ticha" mezi každou větou. Působí to kvůli tomu nemístně strojově a nepřirozeně. A to je v kostce vlastně celá hra; na každý klad a pochvalu je tu jeden zápor a výtka čili grafice podráží nohy animace, dabingu proluky, herním mechanikám nedotaženost, ale o tom později.

V zásadě jde z poloviny o tradiční klikací adventuru a z poloviny o narativní volbami obohacený přístup, který tak rádi razí v Telltale. Jenže výsledkem není ani kočka ani pes. Obě poloviny zdánlivě mají papírově vše, co by od nich hráč očekával. Volnost pohybu po vícero lokacích, osoby ke zpovídání, inventář, kombinování předmětů apod. pro klikací pasáže a pro ty interaktivní zase časté rozhodování, kdy se naopak nějakými předměty a pohybem po lokacích nezatěžujete a jen se necháte za ručičku táhnout dějovou linií. I když táhnout… To neplatí, jelikož tradiční klikací část je z logiky věci pozvolná a poklidná čili tempo je nevyrovnané jak sinusoida. Navíc díky obsáhlosti předlohy i toto je docela macek (tři knihy každá na cca pět až šest hodin), ale včetně více než malé porce balastu a vaty (což pravda, je problém už i v knize). Zároveň platí, že klikací pasáže jsou příliš jednoduché, aby to nabízelo nějakou (klidně i minimální) výzvu a rozhodovací pasáže zase dojíždějí na nutnost držet se zuby nehty předlohy čili o zásadních dějových věcech nerozhodujete. Často tedy volíte, ale buďto jde o nepodstatné věci, jejichž dopad je okamžitý a čistě v rámci dané lokace či (a to spíše) váš postoj, chování a přístup k postavám. Jenže i tak to není dotažené, protože i když se k nějaké stěžejní postavě budete chovat mile, vstřícně, odtažitě, chladně či vyloženě jak k psovi, tak pokud v předloze časem byli kamarádi/milenci/sokové, tak nejinak tomu bude i zde.

Předchozí řádky vyznívají poněkud negativněji než bylo zamýšleno. Mohu jen zopakovat, že se jedná o solidní titul, navíc mezi hrami se stále ještě netradiční zápletkou (nejblíže tomu je wannabe videoherní Jméno Růže adventura The Abbey). Navzdory oné vatě je dějová linka zajímavá (a časem i bezpočtem čtenářů dobře prověřená), pokrývá několik desetiletí, postavy vám ukradené nebudou, srce plesá (a ruka mimoděk sahá po F12) co každou obrazovku, má to zajímavé nápady, není nuda to hrát a nikdy se nezaseknete ani kdybyste nakrásně v životě žádnou adventuru nehráli. Ve výsledku pokud předlohu máte rádi, tak tohle vás nijak nezklame. Ba spíše naopak. Pokud předlohu neznáte a zároveň si potrpíte na historickou populární beletrii plnou intrik, velkých lásek i tragických osudů, tak platí to samé. A pokud jste si to vždy chtěli přečíst, ale odrazovalo vás oněch bezmála tisíc stran, tak tohle je ideální (a ano, jak jinak než solidní) způsob, jak se s nimi popasovat.

Daedalic is the ideal developer to make a book adaption, as they often dabble in slower-paced games. As always, the art is a pleasure to look at, and it gives the characters and the whole world time to breathe - the puzzles are straightforward enough, I don't think the intended audience would have been pleased with absurd complications while you're holding 20 items simultaneously. Despite the slow pace, it still manages to ramp it up and deliver a good ending. Which might not be all that hard, considering it's all been written. And the historic setting is great.

It is a shame that usually videogames don't stand such deep and mature stories. Yeah, I understand the game based on book (very good one) but is it really a problem to have more games based on books?
After The Pillars of the Earth it is really hard to even look on moviesque games. They just so lose in comparison. I can't believe anyone can say the story in Heavy Rain is better than in this one.
As I know, developers met some problems at half way so 3rd book plays in rush. I wanted more detailed scenes here and there, some moments were so emotional, but every chapter takes around 10 minutes, characters jump from one period of time to another in a moment, from one location to another.
I will definitely read a book to deal with my feeling of "unbacked" story. Regardless of that, the visual and atmosphere is stunning. I wish developers will convert it into full meter movie one day.

This is a game I often recommend to others to try out, and I often find myself wanting to play it again! The story is awesome, and the art is beautiful! Definitely one of my favorites!

really enjoyed this , more then the books i'd say

+ przepiękna ręcznie rysowana grafika, gra wygląda jak wysokobudżetowy film animowany
+ ładna muzyka
+ dobrze napisane i odegrane dialogi

- brak gry w grze, jest to w zasadzie Visual Novel, a gra jest długa
- bardzo kiepskie QTE mające tylko jeden schemat, zupełnie niepotrzebne i nic nie wnoszące do rozgrywki — domyślam się, że miało przeciwdziałać ogólnemu wrażeniu braku gameplayu, ale w praktyce nie pomaga

Ogólnie solidna i interesująca pozycja, ale gry tutaj niewiele. Można potraktować jako lekko interaktywny serial.