Reviews from

in the past

i liked this alot i played in 2020, my favorite part was the music and the atmosphere it created, it also makes me think i am or was autsitic as i really struggled with reading their faces

It's been a while since I played this but I really liked it at the time. The film noir feeling of the 40s and 50s comes across really well, from the music to the dialog and the design of the world. The facial animations are still very funny but were actually technically very impressive back then. It's a shame that there's no sequel yet, it had a very good story and a lot of potential for more.

what i love about this game is that even if come out in 2011, which is thirteen years ago, it feels new in terms of gameplay.

it´s locked at 30fps even if you have a killer beast machine because of the capture engine they used to capture face expressions. the capturing itself and actor they used are amazing, you can just tell them that they hide something or lie.

i love if you make a mistake when interogating someone game just keeps going on and you actually feel like lost a short-cut to solve the case.

the chase scenes, environment, musics and graphics are just incredible. the amount of immersion you get from a game which released a decade ago does tell how good the game was and still is.

El tono y música del juego son lo mejor. Sí te mete en la vibra de film noir. Sin embargo, el sistema de entrevista e identificar la mentira o la verdad, se siente random.

El cambio de protagonista vino en detrimento del juego, porque pasas mucho tiempo con Cole, como para dejarlo en segundo plano y la ciudad MUY grande y MUY vacía. No tiene sentido su tamaño, porque no es un mundo abierto, es una narrativa secuencial y manejar en este juego se siente tedioso.

Es un género que tenía mucho potencial para ROCKSTAR, pero en esta ocasión no la aprovecharon bien.

A ahead of its time masterpiece of gaming.

I thought for a long time about whether the game deserved the attention then and now. On the one hand, there are big sins in general with the gameplay, but on the other hand, the game was initially positioned as an interactive movie and as a full-fledged detective story. From the very beginning to the end, the main plot stretches piece by piece, which adds up to one thing and from this you get a strong buzz, but unfortunately, a second playthrough after a long period will not work, the game is quite well remembered. A very cool experiment that ended up being one of the best AAA in this direction so far.

Долго думал, насчет того, заслужила ли игра того внимания тогда и сейчас. С одной стороны есть большие грехи в целом с геймплеем, но с другой стороны игра изначально позиционировалась как интерактивное кино и как полноценная детективная история. С самого начала и до конца тянется кусочком по кусочку основной сюжет который складывается в одно и от этого получаешь сильный кайф, но к сожалению, второе прохождение через большой промежуток увы не выйдет, игра достаточно хорошо запоминается. Очень крутой эксперимент который в итоге вышел одной из лучшей AAA в этом направлении до сих пор.

esse jogo ter sido relançado 3 vezes é quase um gaslighting pq ele nao saiu pronto em nenhuma das vezes

I'm on the case and I'm gonna do it!

L.A. Noire is truly a game ahead of it's time, but it's also a game very much from 2011. It's motion capture of face expressions makes games that are coming out today look like the ones that came out more than a decade ago. And even though it has a decent story, it's gameplay gets repetitive very soon and the world, as amazing as it is, being almost a 1x1 replica of 1940s Los Angeles, it's filled with very little to do. Overall L.A. Noire is still a very decent and it's sad that Rockstar might never make another one again.

Some of the most high-tech facial animations that ever turned out so terrible.

fundamentally flawed in about every way but also compelling due to the gameplay systems tug of war, giving us weird market-aimed elements like the collectibles, side missions and hilariously uncharted-y shootouts existing alongside pseudo-scientific facial reads in a awkwardly phrased (in both this version and the 2017 one), punitive interrogation system, and a grab-the-objects-until-you-hear-the-audio-cue investigation system.
very juvenile and not very tactful, which adds some fascination to the hyper expensive, semi auteur hijacked by the demands behind its financing vibe it has. we have the worst impulses of both ends of this transaction being brought to life with money obviously raining on its 720p. would be a far less interesting game if less clearly expensive, a document of the dumb guy getting and then fumbling support from big corporations

the interrogations have probably one of the least productive feedback systems in a game, effectively telling you you gotta force-quit your game to retry whenever you make a "mistake", which can feel comically arbitrary. retrying missions takes a century because most cutscenes are unskippable.

the aesthetic is overworked but pleasant, with a world that's mechanically empty but fun to roam in, with easy to appreciate visual detail. most fun i had here was for sure crashing cars to rack up damage money for that one achievement. trying to run over pedestrians is fun too, like going against its design. but this is somewhat dulled by the fact you just kill a lot of people anyway.

very strangely paced, with a second main arc that's intentionally repetitive and anticlimatic but still not very impactful in any way shape or form, then willingly lulling into valleys of basically nothing for great chunks of some cases until you start playing as kelso, where it actually has narrative momentum for a bit. then it has a hilariously clunky ending where you understand the prestige tv-y type thing they went for but feel none of. i know they wanted to make this game be considerably longer, which probably would make it a terrible but more remarkably punitive experience, maybe then giving it more impact. i can't tell. i'd personally restructure the game a lot, make some parts crosscut, probably remove or severely rework the whole homicide bit etc. so like, it's kinda trash in most relevant ways but it's also fascinating and the fact i even thought of how i'd restructure it at all, which i like never do with media, is a testament to it having some power. very confused, misdirected power, but power regardless. i liked collecting cars

If this was an adventure game with none of the driving/shooting it would have been game of the year.

It will seem fanciful in years to come that the facial animations in L.A. Noire were so revolutionary and impressive, but they truly enthralled me first time round. Add to this a sharp story and some clever investigative mechanics and you have a remarkable new IP.

What a pity they have never continued it.

Another game I couldnt finish in a weekend cuz of renting it thru blockbuster but I'll get to it eventually teehee

If the whole game were about solving mysteries this game would be rated higher but the random shooting sections were tedious and annoying.

bem, pensava que era um jogo de mundo aberto com varias opções de diálogos que mudava o rumo da história, me enganei.
apesar da época existir poucos jogos desse tipo eu só queria chegar no final para terminar esse jogo, mas tem uma história boa recomendo para jogadores casuais que queiram ler e desvendar mistérios.

Harika bir dedektiflik ve kötü bir açık dünya oyunu... Halbuki, ikisi de bir araya gelince hiç sırıtacak şeyler değilmiş gibi görünüyor ama işte...

Great game, but I need to revisit this at some point.

Esse jogo merece todos elogios possíveis, toda trajetória até os cargos mais altos é feito com total sutileza, todos personagens são únicos do primeiro ao último diálogo, eu mesmo posso sonhar um dia com um sucessor espiritual de L.A noire

Un juego espectacular, la historia es muy buena al igual que su narrativa, las investigaciones estan bien, y aunque las secuencias de interrogatorio no son perfectas, por lo regular estan bien echas.

Jogo absolutamente sensacional, pena que o terceiro ato do jogo foi meio rushado.

I am biased with this being the game that really got me into gaming but this may be the greatest game of the 21st century even if it did use two discs

Yo soy un firme defensor de L.A. Noire, a mucha gente no le convenció su historia, su sistema de detectar las mentiras y demás pero... Yo lo disfruté sobremanera.
He de decir que ambientar un juego en esa época y hacer que fuese estilo novela negra ya era un absoluto win para mí, me tenían compradísimo desde el principio. Pero aún así la historia de Cole Phelps está muy bien contada y hay un progreso muy interesante en el que vemos que los protagonistas no siempre son los héroes intocables que solucionan las cosas. Si os molan los juegos de investigación y demás, jugadlo, os encantará

Don't recall whether i played this on pc or ps3, but i do recall playing the unremastered version. Driving the car felt absolutely useless i disntinctively recall, but solving the crimes was great

jogo divertido sobre policial, uma pena eu nunca ter terminado :/ porem pretendo um dia retomar em alguma outra plataforma

gameplay legal e investigaçoes com mecanicas interessantes

This one is special, has interesting story how it's made and how it ends up with Rockstar. The facial expressions were huge for that time and despite the memes in my opinion they are still great to this day. It definitely submerge you in this atmospheric.

Truly awful gameplay at times, but the vibes are immaculate here. Gumshoe detectives, men saying “beat it, toots”, casual racism around every corner, and even explorable ice cream parlors.