Reviews from

in the past

this is literally THE zombie game of all time there is no questioj behign athat eleitralkyy waeaomse

uma infância se borrando com hordas.

The perfect horde shooter. I don't imagine there will be any game that tops this. There is absolutely zero in-game progression "systems" and yet it is absolutely worthy of hundreds, maybe thousands, over hours.

Lan house moments.

Como não adorar um clássico dos jogos de apocalipse

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 8\10;
Fator replay: 10\10;
Motivo de não zerar: É um tipico jogo de jogar para descontrair, então não vi a necessidade de ter pressa para finalizar, mas um dia irei.

Since this game has the first one included, this review will go for both games:



uma das melhores coisas ja feitas pela valve.

When you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to play multiplayer with randoms, the nice thing about the shitty AI for your partners in singleplayer is you don't feel bad unloading a whole set of Shotguns shells or Assault Rifle rounds whenever they steal an item from you, at least for me personally.

Pretty much the quintessential zombie game out there. Doesn't get much better than this

o melhor jogo de zumbis já feito

Fun for a while but it can get repetitive real quick.

It's the same game but with a new story, characters, maps and some new weapons I think. That and they put all of the L4D1 maps and characters in this one so you literally have no reason to play the first one.

Other than that, I feel the exact same about this one than I do with the first one.

Nunca me acabo de hacer click este juego pq me parece super repetitivo con poca variedad de armas y enemigos. Eso si los mapas que crea la gente guapisimos

Um dos melhores jogos de zumbi ja feitos

This in my opinion is the closest thing that will ever come to a perfect zombie game. Left 4 Dead 2 is a game I have come back to many times whenever I feel like I need a good zombie shooter. There’s many games about zombies that have been made but this is one that I feel like almost everyone will enjoy no matter their preference or even if they are into zombie games as a whole. Hell I’ve bought this game 3 times because of how much damn fun it is, with one of those times being so I can give it to my friend so we can play it together.

Now, Left 4 Dead as whole is an interesting game because it really just feels like a game that doesn’t age. This was made back in 2009, but I never really hear anybody talk about it being dated whatsoever when it comes to anything except maybe the lighting. I do agree that there’s many areas where the game is extremely dark, making it hard to navigate. Notably on the Left 4 Dead 1 maps. I would recommend trying to fix the lighting. Other than that it looks and feels amazing to this day. Not to mention the game runs incredibly smoothly, even on less powerful hardware. Even when modding the game, it rarely ever has issues, which just helps overall feel like a complete and smooth experience.

In extension to my previous statement, even controlling and playing the game just feels right. The controls are very simple to learn and it’s easy to get into the fun of the game without being overwhelmed despite the amount of zombies that can appear on screen. Everything works as it should, and I’ve never had an issue with controls of the game. Now, it’s obviously known that Left 4 Dead is a co-op shooter, but to be honest you don’t really need other people to enjoy it, which I appreciate. Yes, it is more fun with friends but the carnage or entertainment you get from the game is still there if you want to play by yourself. The AI are decent enough that you don’t really ever lose the thrilling feeling the game is supposed to give you. Occasionally they can get stuck or make a dumb decision, but I’d say that it’s mostly not bothersome in the regular campaigns. Speaking of which, every campaign feels different enough that you don’t get tired of the satisfying gun play easily. I think that the variety of the infected helps with that too because even though you’re on alert when you hear their cues, every special infected is dealt with differently enough that they don’t feel the same. Every weapon feels impactful, the enemies are interesting, and the map design compliments the combat beautifully. One of my only issues is that I feel like the regular and dual wield pistols are the only exception to what I said earlier. They feel sort of useless, and I always swap them out for a melee weapon or the Deagle. Another issue I have is that the slow down when the zombies damage you is annoying. That would be about it though because I truly believe that Turtle Rock/Valve perfected the combat for their own game.

As for the story, well I think it’s the weakest part of Left 4 Dead but that’s not saying much. It’s sort of the same case with Doom where the story is there if you care but if you don’t, it doesn’t penalize you for it. Looking into it though, the world feels intriguing enough that I would willingly look into how this all happened, and the people that are involved. It tells you enough to get you hooked, but also leaves this air of mystery that gets you thinking about it still. The strongest part of the story though is easily the characters. I love that every single one of them has a distinct personality, mannerisms, and way of speaking. Their dynamic is really good too. It doesn’t feel that awkward when they exchange words with each other or like they’re trying to force their character type. Even Rochelle has a proper character now that they added back most of her lines that were cut. They did an amazing job making the characters we play as likable and they did it in a way that feels natural too. I love the world, the lore, the characters, and it just adds to everything else about the game that makes it a masterpiece.

It’s rare to see a game that comes together this perfectly with everything it has. Years have passed and this game is still fondly thought about by almost everyone that has played it. I’ve had so many memories playing Left 4 Dead and I’m glad that I can keep making more every time I come back. Without a doubt, I firmly believe that this game is a masterpiece in every way. I don’t say this about many games, but this is a must play for everyone.

Mt bom de jogar com os amigos kkk

Fun as fuck with friends and especially with mods

Me lo compre pensando que tenia un modo campaña como el portal pero no hay mucha historia , el juego se resume en matar zombis y ya.
La jugabilidad muy guay y jugarlo con tus amigos con mods tiene que estar guay pero no tengo así que difícil.

When Shinji Ikari and Hatsune Miku lost Asuka Soryu to Squidward and Johhny Bravo while Peter Griffen was being beaten to death by Senator Armstrong all while listening to Buddy Holly by Weezer I fucking cried.

Madrugada dos mortos em versão jogável!!!

Melhor com amigos, se atirando sem querer, e rindo a bessa

Took everything the original did and made it better. The characters, settings, levels, guns, everything is immaculate.