Reviews from

in the past

You don't know how tough things were back then.

Not much reason to play this if you don't like Harry Potter. It's OK.

I think this game is ok. I like being able to see some of the movie scenes in LEGO but it is a little barebones and misses a lot of interesting parts.

I played this game forever ago but i remeber the leap from years 1-4 to this was incredible.

Fun, but feels like there was a lot more that could have been added.

Note that I played the PSP version, which is an identical experience to the DS and 3DS versions. Anyway, so far I think this is the weakest TT's LEGO game I've played. Unlike portable LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, this game plays much closer to the PC and Home Console big brother, but something about this game is just not as enjoyable. On the other hand, I actually enjoyed the game MORE when I went for 100% and freeplay all the levels. The 100% completion of any TT's LEGO game is arguably a chore. Not an unenjoyable endeavor mind you, but you're still going through the same levels with maybe a few sections that you haven't seen before for a few extra thinanigans. I think the fact that I just breezed through the levels and didn't even have to finish them, collect all items and quit the level and they will be saved. This is an improvement over portable LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, and something pretty much every Home Console/PC version of LEGO games had since LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga or even earlier. There is another innovation that won't see it's implementation in big brothers until LEGO The Hobbit. Instead of starting the level from the very beginning, you can choose certain parts of the level to start at, which is a welcome addition and saves time. Honestly surprised they didn't add this feature sooner. 100% completing this game is actually a fairly quick process... however, it is ruined by one thing. Simply going through all the levels again and collecting and buying all the stuff isn't enough. The game locks about 15% of the completion percentage... behind duels. I don't remember how dueling works in PC version, but in this portable version, it isn't much fun. You can cast left or right, charge a spell and play pong with your opponent by deflecting the spell until one eventually misses and gets hit or the deflect is triggered too late or too early that it bounces away. It's not very difficult, but it's just not a very engaging system. And you're tasked to do it more than 50 times. It actually feels like padding. Not a good thing when you have to pad 100% completion like that. It makes for one of the worst 100% completion experiences in any of TT's LEGO games, and as a result makes this game even worse in my eyes. There are definitely better portable LEGO games than this.