Reviews from

in the past

I love the Jurassic park franchise and this encapsulated the vibes perfectly

me orgulho das minhas platinas

quase platinei, peguei tudo os coletáveis. na falta de um jwe2 já supre a sede de aves pré históricas (sim seus imbecils os dinosauros eram aves discordar leva ban)

Oni prchají... Přímo na nás! Traduje se, že pokud jste hráli jednu LEGO hru, tak jste hráli všechny, a vybírat byste si tedy měli spíše než na základě kvalit jednotlivých titulů dle tématu, které je vám blízké. Jakkoli se toto tvrzení těžko rozporuje, tak přeci jen rozdíly mezi jednotlivými tituly jsou. A zrovna v tomto případě nikterak nicotné.

Speciálně pak oproti superhrdinským LEGO zástupcům. Zde je totiž výrazný příklon k exploraci na úkor akce, čemuž odpovídá i struktura. Je zde sice hafo levelů, ale jsou o poznání kratší, akce prosté a většinou jsou čistě o kombinování schopností, úprku před masožravci či souboji dinotitánů. Jsou zábavné, byť málokterý nabídne něco specifického (je zde pár výjimek; kupříkladu jeden je uvězněn v gyrosféře a druhý mu musí připravovat cestu), pokrývají první čtveřici filmů a to celé je pospojováno již tradičními parodickými animačkami, které tentokrát stojí především na vizuálních gazích (speciálně dinosauři jsou fenomenálně rozanimováni) a nikoli i slovním humoru jako třeba marvelácké LEGO hry. Je to tedy humorem vhodné i pro děcka angličtinou zatím nepolíbená.

Jurský svět ovšem do plné rozkvete do krásy až po odehrání dějových pasáží, kdy máte k dispozici otevřené světy obou ostrovů ze zadaptovaných filmů. V případě dvojky a trojky nejsou ani tak otevřené, jako spíše sevřené a přímočaré, ale jednička a čtyřka obsáhnou nemálo prostoru, kde se lze vyblbnout. Můžete závodit, můžete být létajícím ptakoještěrem, podmořským, mrňavým compíkem stejně jako dravým raptorem či gigantickým býložravcem. Každý umí něco jiného, každý se jinak hýbe a ovládá. K tomu tradiční LEGO vehikly a několik desítek postaviček, kde každá umí něco. Začnete tedy ty ostrovy prolézat, kombinovat schopnosti, odemykat skryté bonusy apod. A teprve zde se naplno ukáže krása a zábavnost. Podobné otevřené "huby" nabízí i jiné LEGO tituly, ale zde je to v rámci série poprvé (přeci jen je to již pět let starý titul) dotaženo do použitelného a jakžtakž přehledného stavu. Co je, bohužel, společného většině LEGO her běžících na tomto enginu, jsou častější než časté bugy a glitche; ne závažné, ale takové že si jich nelze nevšimnout (chvilkové záseky, nenačtení nějakého objektu apod.).

Pokud máte doma děcko na kooperaci (či dvě co by hrála spolu), a speciálně má-li slabost pro dinosaury, tak Jurassic World patří mezi ty vůbec nejlepší tituly z LEGO série. A po celou dobu (pokud chcete mít 100% tak se bavíme o bezmála třech desítkách hodin) se baví i dospělí, který není odsunut pouze do pomocné role "udělej za mě tati tohle, tady pomož vyskákat složitější plošinkovou pasáž apod.", ale regulérně se u toho baví jako to děcko. Čili shodný efekt, které na dětskou dušičku v dospělácích má i fyzické LEGO.

Two words:
Lego Dinosaurs

Me and my brother had fun beating each other up as our favorite dinosaurs!

Mira, me gustan mucho los dinosaurios, y me gustan las pelis de Jurassic park, así que un juego LEGO de eso me cayó de maravilla.

Platinei ele na steam e foi bem gostoso de fazer 100%

Très bon jeu lego et la recréation du park est fidele

Not a remarkable game, just another really fun LEGO game. Being able to play as the dinosaurs is amazing.

No way Chris Pratt is in this lego game like that has ever happened before. I got the one that came with a Henry Wu minifigure this was back when they refused to make any sets on the original series so this was the closest to that at this time. Why am I mentioning this idk I they think it’s neat. I really do like that they give you the options of the only decent Jurassic park movies right out of the gate. I don’t have anything really bad to say about this game since it’s just a solid game but some of the source material is Jurassic park the lost world and 3. Fuck it the rest of the review will be about the Jurassic park novel because I have more to say about it spoilers for the book ahead. I really do like the horror in the book because Micheal crighton really likes to describe things in high detail like with Dennis’ corspe which the gang find later in the book. Alright plot time remember that scene at the start of lost world with the girl dieing from compies yeah the book opens with that. It’s definitely a good opener since all of Iteration 1 (think like story arcs) is dealing with what killed the kid. It introduces the characters you love like Alan, Ellie, Ian, and the best character in the book Don Gennaro (I’m serious). They then get invited to the theme park by a more capitalist version of John Hammond. Now John Hammond is basically a different character is basically the main thematic changes from book to movie. If I want to describe him Movie Hammond is a lot like a mix of what Hollywood wants you to think Walt was with a combination of Santa while book version is reminds me more of a Jeff Bezos like character. The reason why Dennis sells out Hammond in novel is because he was treated like shit and wanted to jump ship. Another thing is with Tim and Lex where they switched ages and book Lex was even more immature then movie Tim. In the movie he brought them over so they could get away from their parents divorce while in the book he brought them to help make a better case for why they should move forward with the park. Their fates are also vastly different with movie Hammond realizes that the park was a bad idea and that you can’t control these creatures. Meanwhile book Hammond dies from compies a nice way to tie back to the start of the book with the girl dieing. He wasn’t redeemed he just wanted to give the park another chance instead of coming to terms with the fact it can’t be controlled. I really like both of these takes and is up to you who is better. Another thing I would like to mention is the side plot of animals coming to the main land which is similar to the Fallen kingdom but it isn’t on purpose. That’s why Alan is trying to get back since he needs to warn the crew of ship that dinosaurs are on board. It does lead to at the end of the book mysterious disappearances of local chickens showing that some did get out. Cool idea wish it got expanded a little more and not in a shitty 2018 movie. Now for the major changes to deaths. Hammond and Wu die meanwhile Donald and Moldoon survive. Ian also does but that gets rectoned in the lost world books. I really like Donald since he’s basically just another Moldoon but cooler and doesn’t kick the bucket. Lastly I finally understand where Jurassic park River adventure (the universal studios ride) is based just a scene in the book that was really cool finding out 10/10 read it for yourself

This game is the start of the Chris Pratt voice acting pandemic

The sound clips from the movie were way too distorted and loud. Should have just kept it silent.

não é do mesmo nivel que do HP mas bom

Por ter sido um dos primeiros jogos que eu recebi de presente dos meus pais, acabei me apegando bastante ao game.
Nunca fui fã de Jurassic World, mas ainda sim consegui me divertir bastante.

You can play as the dinosaurs thats amazing

Nada do que eu falar vai ser merecido por esse, é divertido e possui um universo divertido pra se passar, Jurassic World, mas não me pegou e por isso dropei.

This was the first Lego game I bought that featured voice acting, and I thought it was cringe. Other than that, the game was cool aside from the open-world aspect which felt very unnecessary and needlessly complicated. It was cool to revisit the Jurassic Park movies in lego form though just as it was for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter

N'oubliez pas de vous laver les mains avant de jouer.

Zerei com meu primo, mas esse não me prendeu tanto não... Confesso, acheio meio sei lá o jogokkkkkk óbvio que é divertido, provavelmente quem é fã dos filmes vai amar, mas pra mim mesmo não funcionou legal


vu la gueule du 2, du 3 et des Jurassic World, faut pas s'attendre à ce que le jeu soit ouf

Loved this game so much as a kid. It really never got stale for me. The lush (LEGO) greenery of the open world combined with John Williams's score and the ability to ride dinosaurs really sealed the deal for me. I didn't need anything else. It's your standard LEGO fare, but that Jurassic World IP is oh so sweet.

I once played it for so long my thumb got cut by the controller grip. This was my first xbox game and playing it in coop with my bro was an experience to remember. The tame lego violence and suspense was a gatway drug into much worse, but in true lego fashion there were some funny ass moments. I also remember this hyper specific glitch I discoverd where if you turn into a flying dino bird thingy in this one enclosure and glitch out, you can traverse the open world as the unplayable bird. Back to the game. The sound track of classic Jurrasic park tied in perfectly to some of the environments. Some enclosures genuinely felt like a fever dream upon reflection, maybe my memory is just bad overtime but the whole oversaturated-green lego foilage thing makes me feel like a dumbass kid.


2/5 I do not recommend.
My Jurassic LEGO ►
[PC Port was full of game breaking bugs. Was a nightmare to finish]