Reviews from

in the past

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 10\10;

i was expecting sm more from this game but its still enjoyable and can be funny

Playing this game always feels weird. Like it is currently glued together and it could fall apart at any second.

Glowing blue brick make dopamine go brr

Gave up %100ing this game because it got extremely monotonous and started to fall apart the longer I played it.

This has to be the worst level design I have ever seen in a LEGO game and possibly the worst overall. The smallest area you can possibly conceive of and story-wise just requires you to take a short walk is filled with an unfathomable amount of collectibles that you won't be able to get unless you do 3 different replays.

What a let-down. Poor level design, short and boring missions, trash open world which is essentially just a walking sim between missions. It lacks the LEGO game charm and is infuriatingly uninventive.

The Sequel Trilogy in LEGO is actually better than the real thing.

why was i so desperate to shell out $100 for this

Pierde la escencia de los originales. El gameplay al tomar un enfoque narrativo se vuelve lineal y repetitivo hasta el hartazgo. Además le quitaron el lobby, eso es un pecado que no tiene redención.

Not a bad game, but such a contrast in the LEGO games that came before it that I simply couldn’t get into it.

Sometimes I have the urge to go back and try to 100% it's just the perfect Lego star wars game for me and I wish I had the time to play it more but there's just so much content. I barely scratched the surface.

ngl, I kinda like the complete saga a little more than this game

i waited nearly 4 YEARS for this and cheered when it wasn't bad!

Don't know how you can copy a game made in 2007 and make it worse but here we are, BRING BACK THEM NOT TALKING YOU COWARDS.

kinda amazing and awesome but gets rather repetitive after a while

At this point in my life I seriously doubt that I should have much of a say in serious criticism of new Lego games. If my little cousins like "The Skywalker Saga" so be it, I am very happy for them an I'm not being sarcastic. I am now going to attempt some light criticism of a new Lego game. To me this game felt like looking at The Brundlefly. I really appreciate all the time and effort that went into this but it's pretty disgusting. Not to mention all the systems and wide open sub worlds. I think that this game has two different audiences, 16-23 year old Lego Star Wars video game fans and the actual audience for a Lego Star Wars game and for some reason I feel like they leaned way into trying to appease the people that would pre-order the game twice to get two exclusive blue milk Luke Skywalker figures

It may feel a bit grindy and some places a bit empty but I loved exploring it anyway

dissapointing,covers way to much movies in a kind of short game run time,so each movie feels extremely superficial and boring,just go play the original lego star wars games,way better than this thing

Really sad I found this so dull and lifeless

They removed the infinite NPC glitch only a week after launch. Boooring; maybe try being more like Lego GTA once in a while ‘eh 🥱

I actually really enjoyed this game, I didn't like the changes to the traditional LEGO game format such as the traditional hearts being replaced by a health bar, but overall its a good game and there's enough content to keep someone engaged.

I was extremely let down by this game. I do not like the new format of basically no missions and just open-world objectives for story-telling.

Bought this one a while ago but it was just kinda meh. The gameplay is very repetitive and you just sort of know the drill after a while.

perfected the lego formula but just not great