Reviews from

in the past

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At one point in the game, when you go to Mustafar to trigger the Anakin vs. Obi Wan level, the character you're supposed to talk to just disappears. We basically got soft locked and had to restart the whole game. So screw you for that game.

I was ready to fall in love with this game but something about it never clicked. I was lucky to not run into any gamebreaking bugs and was able to 100%, which I did really enjoy. The levels are a major disappointment though and getting the extra challenges for them are not fun. The character UI is also a mess. The hub worlds are amazing though and 100% those were great fun. The Switch version had major visual downgrades but it never really hurt the experience.

I just 100% the game a few days ago, Man so much missed potential..

This is honestly one the best ways to play lego star wars by yourself. Going back and playing the previous ones, it's co-op in a way that almost demands it. Not where it's required like in "It Takes Two", but in a way where there is no fun to be had with the puzzles without it. This game can be played co-op, but the puzzles are better with or without a player 2.

The boss battles are done well, the puzzles aren't hard but are as fun as ever, it has full on dialogs instead of grunts (thank you tt games), this is the definitive way to play lego star wars in my opinion.

My one of two real complaints are that it's not as compelling to 100% it the way other lego star wars (lego games in general) are. They now have 9 movies to adapt into levels. This wouldn't really be much of an issue if cut scenes in the middle of the level can be skipped. The way you are meant to 100% a lego game is going through a level in "Free play" mode, which allows you to go through a level again with a variety of characters to swap through unlocking new parts of a map. Normally cut scenes would not play entirely in playing a level like this. But in Skywalker Saga they are still there. And even worse, unskippable at times, making the level more tedious if you so much as miss a single collectable when going through a level. I know 100%ting a game is something weird to include about in thinking of recommending a game, but that's what lego games are typically built off of. So many collectables and unlock-able characters and items, that the game encourages you to replay levels to get all of them. Sure you can play and finish all the levels, and be done. But to me that has always only been 1/4 of a full lego game.

My second issue is the DLC. The only "DLC" we get for this game are character pacts. All from spinoffs of the star wars universe. Which in theory sounds cool, until you have to pay real money to play them. And this is a given that whoever is there should be. Such as the star wars rebels pack missing Zeb and Chopper entirely. I would preferred for the DLC to be more levels than anything. More content to play in this behemoth of a star wars game, and I can understand what development times may not have allowed for that seeing as how tt games likely has other lego games to work on. But the character pack just feels so unnecessary at this point.

The game itself is definitely one of the best to play through, with many of it's gameplay elements being different from any star wars game we seen before. Blaster characters are actually useful, the puzzles while once again not hard very satisfying, The new objective system gives Lego starwars a fresh way to play, the world feels so nice with how much they open it. It's a good game for sure, and it's honestly the best way to play Lego star wars right now.

Acho que infelizmente minha paixão por jogo de Lego se esvaiu.

My partner joined me on the adventure to conquer the story mode of all 9 films and it was a great co op experience. Couch co op is so rare these days and the beauty of the co op is that each player can do their own thing at different times. It makes the levels feel really grand and makes it less boring for each player.
In terms of gameplay, it's very different from the originals. It essentially plays as an over the shoulder hack n slash game with ariel combos and all. It's honestly a blast to play. It's just so satfifying breaking an enemies guard and smashing them into the air like I'm Dante from Devil May Cry made of freakin lego.
The gameplay is indeed really enjoyable but I gotta say, this game is MASSIVE. It took 62 hours to do it all. About 15-20 of that was the actual main core game. There is SO much to do in this game. It's a lego collectathon on another scale. There is a total of 28 explorable planets to explore, 5 captial ships and 45 story missions makes this game the largest and most vast Lego game to date.
And it's way too much.
Sadly, as much as the side quests can be amusing and the races are fun, the game just has too much where it becomes kind of mind numbing. Maybe it's because I did it in about 2 weeks but it felt like the game was filled with a lot of pointless content to fill in it's levels.
To make up for that, the story is indeed hilarious and fun. It is voiced and the mumble mode is actually garbage. So surprisingly, we played it voiced and god. It's pretty good in most areas. Episode 4 sucks the most in terms of it's voice direction but everything else was a blast.
The humour is still here and it's a good laugh. Emperor Palpatine offering Rey a mint lolly like an old man during their fight is peak my dumb kind of comedy.
My biggest and absolute huge drawback is it's many level breaking glitches and bugs. The amount of times I had to close out of a level or move on to another one and go back later was way too much. It was awful. It desperately needs a restart from checkpoint button because it is wild how many times a character just won't do what it has to do.
Pro tip, play on story mode after your freeplay run. Story mode ended up fixing all my issues. I guess the AI just can't register a freeplay set or characters like it can pre set models in the story.
Overall, if you want a fun lego game that will offer tonnes of content, a fun co op experience, this game is fanastic. It's a no brainer co op game.
If you love Star Wars, bam, this is also for you and it does the series so much justice.
But there are a lot of issues and as a platinum hoarder, this game is a biiiiigggg time sink. We got through almost 7-8 3 hour podcasts thanks to this game.

esse jogo é mt bom, mas lego não tem mais tanta graça pra mim...

Could've been better, should've been better. This game still has the classic lego humour, the combat's been given more depth than any game before, and it's the best looking lego game with a cool open-world so there's clearly been a lot of effort put into trying to make this the best lego star wars experience. But unfortunately the developers clearly didn't have proper time to create well-designed levels like the old games, and it massively hinders the experience, as without them you're just walking around checkpoint-to-checkpoint, and if you're lucky they might lead you to a level with some thought put into it. This is obviously an issue that comes from the time crunch that the developers were put through, and now that LEGO isn't exclusively working with TT Games anymore hopefully the new developers get the time needed to create a fully thought-out game.

The biggest blue balls in gaming history

On paper this is the ULTIMATE Star Wars game. An action adventure EPIC turning EVERY planet from the Skywalker Saga into SPRAWLING collect-a-thon playgrounds, EXPANDING these iconic locales into thriving landscapes of secret areas and satirical gags... BUT THE MECHANICS AND LEVEL DESIGN ARE SO FUCKING BORING

USE THE MYSTICAL POWERS OF THE ALMIGHTY JEDI TO very, very slowly move this crate into position. Don't worry about any sort of challenge making this interesting, the crate automatically locks into a specific spot. THEN USE THESE TRANSCENDENT FORCES OF MYTHICAL LEGEND TO very, very slowly move this other crate onto the first one. Again, don't worry about the crates falling over or any other room for error that could make this vaguely interesting, this crate also automatically slots into position. STACKING CRATES IS WHAT MY UNCLE DOES FOR A LIVING, I'M DARTH "ANAKIN" VADER NOT KEITH, THIS IS TERRIBLE

A series of platforms. Hell yeah, some 3D platforming!... Press X. That's it. To jump from platform to platform, press X. You don't have to aim. You can't fall. Press X. And again. And again three more times... YOU DID IT HOLY SHIT YEEEEAAAAHHHH YOU'RE A GOD AMONGST CLOWNS MAKE LOVE TO ME


Complete Saga's mechanics were basic. Time a button press to dodge a bullet. Jump over these really close together platforms. Use the right character at the right terminal. Individually mundane, but collectively creating a consistent stream of micro scenarios to subconsciously problem solve. It's easy, but never mindless. Skywalker Saga lacks many of these micro systems, meaning the moment-to-moment gameplay is almost non-existent.

Darth Sidious accidentally calling for Order 67, which makes all stormtroopers break out in a dance party, was the exact moment I knew my suicide note was worth finishing

Sem modo multijogador descente, pra mim é inutil e ruim, dei refound

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 10\10;

i was expecting sm more from this game but its still enjoyable and can be funny

Playing this game always feels weird. Like it is currently glued together and it could fall apart at any second.

I was so hyped for this game and was somewhat disappointed, it's still good, but it's not as good as it could've been, was somewhat boring. still liked it though

Very enjoyable game, loved every second of it, despite it being significantly longer than all other LEGO games i played. Despite the levels being shorter, and the lack of character creator, theres a lot of areas to visit that are very enjoyable to explore.

Just couldn’t get into it

yea.. its good but loses the charm somehow

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was probably my favorite game in my younger years. I was so, so excited to see another LEGO game be announced and to get to cash in on the nostalgia.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga just fell so short of any expectation I had. It's not bad. It's just not good. It's filled to the brim with content, but I didn't find any of it to be engaging. The levels feel like abridged versions of their counterparts from both LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I also find the FoV to be small to the point of it hindering my ability to enjoy a lot of the gameplay. There's no character creator either, which I honestly find to be crushingly disappointing. I think if I ever get the itch to play another LEGO game, I'll just stick to the classics, if this is any indication of what's next.

Piace a chi è fan hardcore di Star Wars, nonostante la sua immensa lunghezza nel completarlo al 100%

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preferivo quelli vecchi

I can't in good conscious rank this any lower than 5 stars, even with the lack of Character Creation it is still an absolute wonder to play and if they can keep this up for other Lego Games like the Rumoured Lego Harry Potter Skywalker esque game and add Character Creation back in then I can see it becoming their new style of games.

It has so much charm and so many character interactions that keep surprising me to this day, I reccommend this to anyone any day!

transformaram lego em rpg

Muito surpreendente e ótimo como uma nova era pra os jogos legos, um dos mais divertidos, mas infelizmente peca demais no modo história e no seu humor.

ngl, I kinda like the complete saga a little more than this game

i waited nearly 4 YEARS for this and cheered when it wasn't bad!

Don't know how you can copy a game made in 2007 and make it worse but here we are, BRING BACK THEM NOT TALKING YOU COWARDS.

kinda amazing and awesome but gets rather repetitive after a while

At this point in my life I seriously doubt that I should have much of a say in serious criticism of new Lego games. If my little cousins like "The Skywalker Saga" so be it, I am very happy for them an I'm not being sarcastic. I am now going to attempt some light criticism of a new Lego game. To me this game felt like looking at The Brundlefly. I really appreciate all the time and effort that went into this but it's pretty disgusting. Not to mention all the systems and wide open sub worlds. I think that this game has two different audiences, 16-23 year old Lego Star Wars video game fans and the actual audience for a Lego Star Wars game and for some reason I feel like they leaned way into trying to appease the people that would pre-order the game twice to get two exclusive blue milk Luke Skywalker figures