Reviews from

in the past

Plusy: LEGO!, humor cutscenek, głosy w cutscenkach
Minusy: nudna, słabe poziomy, błędy, klatkowanie

The levels and character design are perfect. The open world is what makes this one of the greatest lego games. One of maybe a dozen games i have platinumed.

Jako Gandalf można wkurwiać brata napierdalając w niego zaklęciami, polecam

I want to revisit it now that I'm older but when I was a kid I never really liked this one for some reason.

I only ever played parts of this game, so I intend to fully play through it one day. But what little I did play was some of the best Lego content I have experienced.

Este es el mejor, si tuviera que elegir un juego de lego que sea encerrado en una cápsula del tiempo, sería este fácil

This was not a bad game but for little me it was a little bit too big and too long.

One of the best LEGO games. The story was great, the LEGO charm was on point as always, and the open world was engaging and fun to traverse.

The game that turned me into a LotR fan

one of the best LEGO titles released, if only to experience Middle-earth & the gorgeous Howard Shore score one more time

I got lost on my way to find the Brown Wizard and never played again.

Lego once again taking a property that I adore beyond my own comprehension and making something so effortlessly charming and infinitely re-playable.

So good, in fact, that it was the first game since Lego PotC nearly 10 years ago that I have 100% completed.

Very good Lego games, stays real to the movies and as every lego game all the collectables are interesting and fun to collect. Older game, isnt flawless preformance wise, even for its time.

Never really played until my replay of every game. Only played once on my brother's PS3 on a wet Sunday afternoon while we were ordering food.

No tan bueno como los otros

I wish I could play this again but I sold my Xbox 360 years ago and it’s not available on the series X.


I played this before watching any of the movies as a kid. Top tier Lego game.

Running around middle earth is awesome and it's a unique 100% completion experience compared to other lego games.

Trying to 100% it now and it is tough. The items and weapons you can switch to ("The Treasure Box") is a cool addition that makes this game stand out from all the other LEGO games. It feels like the developers loved working on the game and it shows. Even though I haven't seen the movies, the world and gameplay makes me a fan.

Un des rares bons jeux LOTR (pour dire à quel point c'est la merde cette licence avec les jeux video).

2012 was a magical year for lego games

Break the dam, release the river!

Also this game slams and jams

I love Lego Games, I love Lord of The Rings, and this game is just a masterpiece. Easly: 5/5

Peak Books.

Peak Movies.

Peak Lego Sets.

Peak Lego Game.

Muy buen juego de lego llevado al mundo del Señor de los Anillos, muy divertido si eres fan de la franquicia como yo :)