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the real infinite wealth was the friends we made along the way…

- improved gameplay over Y7
- 2nd fave soundtrack in the series
- story is good but pacing is a bit off and the ending is kinda rushed
- hawaii is great
- all of kiryus life links fucked me up awful
- funk is still going on

the opposite of Y7, i really fw the gameplay in this one but the story doesn’t exactly stick the landing the same way Y7 did

Massive improvement on Like a Dragon and I already gave that one 5 stars so you can imagine how much I liked Infinite Wealth

talvez se passe 5 anos 10 anos até 15 anos, mas a riqueza que esse jogo tem me deixou infinitamente emocionado é o melhor jogo da serie yakuza e um jogo que não deve ser subestimado simplesmente peak

When do the developers get that bigger does not equal better? Infinite Wealth improves on multiple aspects of the first outing, but stumbles in the most basics of things.

The combat is fun at first, but becomes extremely tedious as you basically just spam the same special moves over and over and over again. Changing jobs is an extreme chore and discourages any kind of experimentation. Less said about the damage scaling the better. Or the gear. Or the story.

The next one will remain on the shop shelf infinitely.

itchy balls kasuga is a peak character

Siempre voy a defender a muerte este juego y cuando lleguen los goty seré el fan de la saga mas pesado pidiendo a gritos que le den reconocimiento, a pesar de eso, no puedo darle las cinco estrellas porque falla en un par de cosas que creo esenciales.

Cosas que me han gustado:
Kazuma Kiryu. Simplemente ese nombre no puede fallar, no hace falta mucho mas comentario sobre el que es ya uno de los personajes mas iconicos de gaming.
Las secundarias, salvo un par concretas que te hacian recorrer el mapa de una punta a otra, las misiones secundarias llegan incluso a superar a la historia principal en algunos casos y son tan entretenidas que te invitan a hacer todas las que puedas.
Hay varios personajazos pero voy a destacar a los siguientes: Yamai, Chitose, Tomizawa, Seonhee, Zhao, Eiji y Asakura.
Si has jugado toda la saga de yakuza, la parte de memorias con Kiryu e ir viendo sitios, personajes y recuerdos miticos de la franquicia es bastante bonito.
El gameplay, en el juego anterior estaba bien pero llegaba a cansar, en esta entrega simplemente no cansa. Entre las mejores, nuevos trabajos mas balanceados y algunas habilidades mas guapardas hacen satisfactorio el combate a turnos.
Los primeros 6 capítulos con Ichiban donde vas descubriendo todo son simplemente maravilloso.
Han arreglado los problemas del anterior de el pico de dificultad que te metian contra un personaje de 15 niveles mas y han hecho que grindear sea mucho mas ameno y entretenido con las dungeon.

Cosas que no:
La historia en si no me ha disgustado, peeeero se van por las ramas a partir de cierto momento y intentan abrir doscientas subtramas para luego no explicarlas (no se si a proposito para un proximo juego)
Los villanos no me podian importar menos y estar peor escritos a pesar del potencial que tenian (salvo yamai)
Amo a Kiryu y he disfrutado todos los capitulos en los que me han dejado controlarle, pero Ichiban pasa de ser el protagonista a ser una sombra. No me gusta eso teniendo en cuenta que en teoria el era el nuevo protagonista desde LAD.
Esto ya es mio pero me esperaba un juego muchisimo mas emotivo, no se siente como un juego final.

A pesar de todo esto me he gozado todo el tiempo que he pasado jugando y me complace confirmar que efectivamente, es un juegazo.

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This is genuinely the perfect Yakuza experience, it improves upon almost everything from like a dragon, the combat feels so much more interactive and immersive thanks to adding the ability to move freely, I also think it was a great idea to restrict how many moves you can carry over from other jobs as in LAD I felt too overpowered and the combat got post game/ng+ but it also allows for experimentation that wasn't in LAD since u can choose any 5 skills from different jobs to carry over meaning u can have actual builds now instead of spamming Megaton Throw on every character, this is probably the best implemented turn based combat in any game, it's easy to understand, immersive and active and it's all complimented by the animations' creativity, there's also so much content in this game with 4 whole maps and so many returning and new minigames such as a detailed Animal Crossing minigame, a pokemon minigame which ties into the AC minigame and into the actual combat with a whole job dedicated to it and taking pictures of pervs while riding a trolly. The story is one of the better Yakuza stories imo, the start is one of the best intros in gaming and instantly gets you hooked, the middle section is also a lot better than LAD's which was very forgettable, this game manages to keep you interested all the way through this time, the second half of the mid section of the game also begins some of the most emotional moments in the series for Kiryu as he's faced with death, I love how the Kiryu's side quests (Date's especially) add onto Kiryu's character and help you understand his current mindset, the Hawaii side quests are also equally as good, to be honest these are probably the best list of side quests in the series, there's not as many but they hit as hard if not harder than most of the best side quests from previous games and gets rid of all the filler side quests. I couldn't of asked for better new party members either. The new Hawaii party has really good chemistry with each other and manages to avoid feeling like a copy of LAD's initial party, Tomi and Chitose are both well written, fleshed out characters too, this could be also said for seonhee who's finally a party member (I've waited 4 years for her to join), this is thanks to the walk n talk feature which gives small details about each party members' personality and how they interact with the other members, making them feel like a real group of friends and people, I think the party split between Japan and Hawaii also worked very well and made dynamics you'd think be weird but actually work really well, the final third of the game is PEAK especially the finale I dont really get why people don’t like it as I thought it was obvious Kiryu wouldn’t die tbh and Kiryu’s journey in finding his will to live again was so good especially in those final scenes after the Ebina boss fight, speaking of, Ebina was a great villain probably one of the best in series although it takes until the finale for him to really come through, Bryce mid tho, the Tojo boys inclusion was also so good and I love how it mirrored Daigo and Kiryu’s dynamic from 4 as now it’s Kiryu trying to get Daigo to step and take responsibility for not doing enough to help the ex-yakuza, the scene and fight with the Tojo boys in the finale is also peak Yakuza and had me creaming my pants, I really liked Ichican and Eiji in the finale as it shows Ichiban’s growth by having him properly save the Ryo Aoki counterpart this time around, I think Chitose and Tomi’s arcs wrap up pretty well too although it does feel like they’re one game characters. Overall, this game is peak and easily the best Yakuza and I'm saying all this while feeling burnt out from the series after playing almost every game beforehand, also i would've said more but i'm glazing too hard already. JUST REMEMBERED, YAMAI IS GOATED, BRO IS SO SLICK AND COLD STYLL, PLEAAAASE BRING HIM BACK

I love Tohru Furuya, who plays Bryce in the japanese voice track, but I hope to never hear him try to speak english ever again.

They took like a dragon and just improved everything except the final villain (the final antagonists is much better in 7). The gameplay improvement is so drastic that going back to play 7 is like going from dark souls 3 back to play 2. The plot is better with each previous game of the series you have under your belt (if you played Gaiden and 6 you will appreciate this game even more).

A lot of questions and plots get wrapped up all the way from yakuza 6 and the new characters like Seonhee are amazing and should make a constant return (her love for kiryu was some of the best companion interactions in the game).

The story isnt perfect, otherwise this would be a 5 star game since the length of the game, the pacing and the level of content is incredibly well done.

This is a must grab for fans of 7 or any of the previous yakuza games.

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Alot of discussion of this game as it seems to me boils down to discussing why the gameplay and plot are worse than LAD7 as well as complaining about the DLC. While the DLC is not good and pretty scummy, the actual game itself both in plot and gameplay are amazing. The hate I see thrown around too is often unwarranted and I frankly can't comprehend why people are throwing around the accusations they are. The way it feels is like you didn't even play the game for yourself you just took the popular opinion because everyone throws the same shitty complaints that don't make sense in the context of the actual game.

#1 No character Development?
Are you fucking blind? First of all the two new characters are a huge focus on their arcs and development because as far as we are concerned this might be their only game in the LAD series to tell THEIR stories, so the writers and developers wanted to make sure that they were able to get their moment, but Ichiban, and Saeko and their relationship developing was a huge part of the story. All of Saeko's drink links further expanded her story and told a small tale of how see views romance that I feel is crucial to her character and her actions taken along the course of the main story. You know what I would call that? Character development. Ichibans development as he struggles to find love as a man who spent most his life in Jail, as he grapples with the final wishes of his father are shown amazing, as he finds his conviction and accepts the mantle given to him by Kiryu as the future of the Yakuza. NOT TO MENTION THE PLOT INVOLVING KIRYU AS HE GRAPPLES WITH HIS OWN DEATH, but no character development and if I had to go over everything this would be SOO long.

#2 The villians are terrible!!!!
No they are not. I cannot help that nobody can understand that the point of Bryce is despite his plans being terrible, the years had given him a god complex which was a great antithesis to Ichi, as well as the fact that Ebina isn't just the villain with daddy issues that I see people throw around, he also represents the thousands of life's that have been directly effected and will seek vengeance against the actions of the Yakuza. Not just the actions of the Yakuza the mistakes that Kiryu made as the fourth chairman, yes his MISTAKES because despite being the protag Kiryu is not absolved of all sin. The ending scene where Kiryu asks Ebina to let them live because he finally realizes he has never been walking the path of Black or White, but a gray path that he cannot change, he can only hope to repent in his last moments is beautiful.

At this rate there is a lot more I could say but I wont. I think with those two points alone that a lot of the base criticism of this game is actual baseless drivel that isn't worth being spoke from the slop lips they come from.

This game was absolutely unhinged and insane in the best ways possible. They built upon the bare bones turn based combat of the previous game and turned it into something more engaging with the ability to move and combo off of your teammates more. The new classes are all a blast to use as well. Oh and the side content. There is an INSANE amount of stuff to get sidetracked and do; you can be a Door Dash Demon, a trainer who captures other humans and puts them against battle with other trainers, or you can literally just play Animal Crossing. That’s only the major side content that’s offered. It’s just such a massive upgrade in terms of gameplay.

My main criticisms lie in the writing for this game. It feels as if RGG Studio has wrote themselves in a weird limbo where they can’t quite seem to move on from Kiryu, but still want Ichiban as the MC moving forward. Also who would’ve seen the plot twist coming? (That was a sarcastic question)

Overall it’s a great game and it is definitely worth playing as a Yakuza fan, just don’t expect the story to be on par with the previous games.

Genuinely the most disappointing game I've ever played. It promises so many things in the trailer but so little comes to fruition.
The gameplay is probably the best aspect of this entry, and it's not even that good. It's fun for a couple hours but starts to become repetitive and mindless. Having the game alter between two protagonists is also really annoying because you have to keep switching out your equipment.
The characters do not get any development, except for Chitose. Not the party nor the main antagonists, which are also just really boring and generic. They're barely present in the story and don't have any interesting dynamics with the cast, and the plot is as good as the antagonists.
Lastly, the ending is another beast of its own. I didn't think it was possible to write an ending worse than LAD7's but here we are. To keep it as spoiler free as possible: if you were interested in this game for the satisfying conclusion it promised, you'll be as disappointed as I was because there is no conclusion.
Everything is just kind of brushed off because RGG wanted to play it safe.

I do not recommend this game. It is seriously not worth the time or money and I regret falling for the hype and buying it day 1.

This was an enormous and different palette to the series that I feel was needed. It goes beyond being a hero and crawling from the bottom, it wants to understand forgiveness, grief, compassion and love. And if you have all that in your heart, then you have infinite wealth.

There's so much that's so admirable about this game as an RPG. I really, really enjoyed spending time in Infinite Wealth. I just wish the plot had been nearly as tight as most of the more recent RGG games and the villains had been given more care. There's a real aimlessness to the plot of this game that ends up prompting repetitive scenarios and a lack of momentum, and when the game does want to weigh harder on pathos, it ends up falling short because the plot just isn't all that exciting to invest in.

However, as a game about Kiryu and Ichiban, this game sings. Every scene about their storylines and emotional journeys is really rewarding. There are times in the Yakuza franchise where Kiryu's journey is sort of reactive rather than internal - this game really digs into the internal journey in a way that's consistently revealing new layers.

It's a little hard to imagine ever playing through the whole thing again, given its intense length and the fact that it maybe overstays its welcome anyway. But I also know I'm going to go back at the end of the year and hang out in Premium Adventure, see some of these sillier side stories through to the end.

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This….this game is the pay off to playing 8 really great games….i’ve been a fan of yakuza since I played 4 way back on the ps3, however I didn’t play through the full series until I played through Yakuza 7. Infinite wealth takes everything that worked in its predecessor and expands and improves on it ten fold. The story is excellent, the turn based combat is better than ever, and the character work is superb. There really could not have been a better end to the dragon of dojima’s story, Kiryu will forever be my favorite video game protagonist…and Ichiban is pretty awesome too.

way better combat than 7 the story is super mid

i will keep it spoiler free but if you like yakuza this game will punch you in the stomach like 3000000 times and then kiss oyu at the end

lots of fun side stuff but dondoko island sucks i grinded it to max completion just for the sake of completion but damn its tedious asf

I haven't even played it yet and i already know it's peak.

i grew up in hawaii so this is an obviously biased viewpoint that i'm speaking from, but exploring the painstakingly recreated waikiki stip all the way to ala moana mall and iolani palace was a big deal to someone who hasn't been able to visit home since 2009

you can also fight a giant squid with a swiffer mop and a surfboard, which is also very true to the hawaiian experience

A great game with one of the easiest platinum of the series.
It had a good story but it got lost a little at the end.

Story is a little messy at times but that’s par the course for these games at this point and it definitely didn’t prevent me from putting 100+ hours into Infinite Wealth. Definitely a high point for the series.

This should've been the best Yakuza game.

Ever since I started my marathon of these games, one thing I've noticed, even with the games that I hate, that there is a consistency with this series. Every single game, for one reason or another, none of them are genuinely bad games, at worst they can be a 6/10. For a series that's been going on for this long with a lot of games and a lot of ideas being passed around, it's a miracle that that is the case.

Infinite Wealth is a game that's in that middle ground for me. This game isn't a 6/10, it shouldn't be.

This game has some of the best gameplay and QOL features in any Yakuza game. The core gameplay from 7 has been greatly improved on and expanded, with new moves features and the ability to move around in battle, which makes combat flow so much faster and so much smoother. Almost all the characters are great and all the jobs have been improved upon, and with skill inheritance you can have a truly really powerful build, no job in this game is genuinely bad. All the side content is great, the substories were consistently good and a lot of the jokes landed, this game is honestly really funny a good chunk of the time. There is just about as much side content to do in this game as Yakuza 5. Just about every issue I had with Y7 has been fixed, including the dungeons being, in my opinion, much better to explore, especially with the addition of the on-foot radio which is just a perfect thing to add, it should be in every RGG game going forward. On a gameplay front, this is a 10/10 game, honestly.

So saying all of this, why am I not giving this game a perfect score? Simple, this is the worst story ever told in any Yakuza game bar fucking none.

The game makes just about 0 sense and you are aimlessly wandering around trying to figure out what you're doing and what you are actually accomplishing, and you don't figure out until chapter 10 or 12, which no matter what is just awful. This game has about 10 different plot beats that could be the main story but they try to put all of them in the same game and none of it works. They never properly expand upon their ideas, they NEVER give any of the newer characters development, and they never explain or give the player a reason to care about anything that's happened. Tell me, did you remember Wong-To's son until Chitose just randomly asked some Palekana mook in the very last chapter of the game? I didn't, and the game stopped caring afterwards since you don't see him again. The first 6 chapters of this game I think are the best part, honestly. You aren't really doing much but it's still enjoyable to sit through because all it is is Ichiban trying to find answers where his mother could be and who to talk to, then the game keeps going and just shits itself.

One thing that pissed me off a lot is that all the characters from 7 just don't act like themselves, Saeko especially but MOSTLY ICHIBAN. Ichiban in 7 was just some guy, down on his luck starting from rock bottom ever since he had to take the fall for something he didn't do. Trying to find Arakawa the entire game truly believing he would never betray him, to find out that he is his father and his connection with him grows, he finds purpose again in what he's doing and he feels like he's found his footing in the world, only for Arakawa to die the same night they get together again after 20 years and he breaks down, being at his lowest just senselessly beating the shit out of some random goon for information. Some people complained that scene was out of character for Ichi, but that's the point. It's to show how one of the nicest people ever, can still hit below rock botton. Ichi was at his lowest there, confused and pissed off at whoever did it. Ichiban wasn't this paragon of niceness, or the greatest person ever, he was a nice and forgiving guy but not to a comical extent. He forgave Nanba for betraying him because Nanba's motivation to betray him was understandable, he wanted to find his brother again. Ichiban knows how he feels because he's in the same boat, he's known him for a while at that point to so he just can't see himself being mad at what he considered a friend for so long. Aoki is another example. Why did Ichiban forgive him? He's known him for years, he's been his guardian for years, literal decades. Not only recently until he found him again exposing his plans for what he wants to do, reconnecting with him after everything has happened, be basically bond brothers. Ichiban didn't forgive Aoki because he knew deep down he was a nice guy, he forgave him because he's had this connection with him, feels bad for him because he see's the same thing that happened to him, happen to Aoki.

In this game Ichiban forgives a literal fucking murderer who tried killing him, his friends, and lead the charge on kidnapping his mother and a child 4 different times because he found out what they were gonna use the kid for and called it off. Ichiban does shit like this several times, another time with Chitose where she lies and betrays him 3 different times, one of them being the fact she's the reason every single person in Yokohama knows of him as a criminal who started a company to steal shit from people. Basically ruining his reputation. But no it's fine because she didn't actually wanna do it in the end, see how fucking dumb that sounds? This game at all times is 2 steps away from a fantastic plot beat that it just shits itself on and gives up, like this game is scared of actually having focus, because that's what it feels like.

One other reason for why I think that, remember Gaiden? Remember the whole idea of Gaiden being that it's an inbetween game before Y8 so you know the context of what Kiryu is doing and what role the Daidoji are gonna play? Y8 basically spits in your face if you played Gaiden and kills Hanawa after he was in maybe 3 cutscenes with his runtime being 10 minutes total where he gets shot by some random fucking goon. Gaiden meant literally nothing to this game, you did not need to fucking play it AT ALL because it never comes up. All you need to know from Gaiden is that Kiryu is still infact with the Daidoji and Hanawa is infact a character.

I've never played a game with a truly irredeemable story until I played this game, but I can't say I truly, genuinely hate it, because what this game does do good it does fucking amazingly. But I just can't help but while playing this game noticing how it's trying to not only do so much without giving development, it's trying to be other Yakuza games. Mostly 5 I feel in it's identity with being the BIGGEST EVER, and I feel it shares some plot points, and 7 with the fact they basically nullify everything that happened in that game by making offhand comments on what happened. All the 'Jima's starting a security firm after Y7? They got cancelled by some VTuber and now they're out of the job so they had to move away to some fishing shack in the middle of nowhere. The great dissolution? Doesn't matter, Seiryu clan is bringing all the Yakuza together to basically erase the first one to only start a new great dissolution so they can use the Yakuza as slave workers to move toxic waste to some bumfuck Little Saint James-esque waste dump ran by the Palekana. Why did Ebina do this? Because he hates Yakuza! Just like Aoki, like ashes in my fucking mouth.

This game just doesn't respect its own plot, or the player. Game doesn't really have a single plot, it has like 10 different ones that it doesn't know what to choose. This game is messy, unfocused, underdeveloped, and feels insanely rushed towards the end. It's such a shame because again, everything else about this game is perfect, I just can't imagine myself playing through the game again and looking back on the story thinking "Maybe I was too harsh on this game?" like some other Yakuza games I've played.

I desperately wanted to love this game, I wanted this to be my favorite Yakuza game, but I just can't bring myself to like it. Maybe next time will be better. If Judgment 3 sucks though I'm never buying a single RGG game ever again.

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Did all Dragon's Memoirs and Life Links. Did all substories too. Beat Amon in post-game dungeon.

Gosh, where do I begin with this game? While I overall enjoyed my time with this game, it is in the lower half of the yakuza games. Story pacing is real bad. Ichiban's half of the story feels a bit lacking in comparison to Kiryu's where I enjoyed every chapter of his.

The villians are fine, some of the weaker ones in the franchise. It sucks that Hanawa and Wong just get killed off, and that's it. It's nice to see Jo back, but he doesn't really do as much as I would have liked him to. Yamai stands out for being probs the best new character. Overall, I find it a much better final game for Kiryu than 6 was. Like to an almost impressive point with how much fanservice they put in here for him.

I am a big fan of Tomizawa and Chitose. They both felt rather fresh with Ichiban having to really earn them as party members. In general, the characterization in this game is great when it wants to be. All the drink links are great, and Kiryu's are really well written in the nature of just the crossover between the old party members and the legend himself. Like Saeko's I really loved in particular.

Gameplay wise, it's... good enough? I've never really understood the praise the turn-based combat gets. 7's was very mixed, and 8's here is better but largely feels just "good enough". There's still too much grinding, and switching between the 2 parties doesn't help much. Nothing about the job system particularly invited me to really check it out, and it required also too much grinding for me to really invest in it. I think locking different jobs behind the bond system was kinda lame. There's also way too many freaking sidequests that interrupt the main story.

Speaking of, the side content is like massive. There's so much to do, but tbh I don't care for most of it. I completely ignored Dondogo Island after the stupidly long mandatory tutorial for it, and Sujimon I would have also ignored if it weren't for the substories with it. Even then, I primarily just solo'd it with the Kiryu sujimon you get post-game. Kiryu's "substories" feels just enough to be satisfying, but not quite enough to feel complete. I think some more like actual substories and not just the memoirs would've been good for him. Meanwhile, Ichiban's substories are a great bunch in this game. Better and funnier than 7's. Except for the romance substories. I actually kinda liked the online dating side mode till it got boring, but the fact he just kinda gets bummed by all the girls for laughs is... extremely cringe and in poor taste. Not even with the Saeko stuff can they get rid of this stupid thing in every game.

Overall, it was enjoyable to me. Far too long, and really the first yakuza game I've ever felt burnt out on but hey when it's good it's GOOD.

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My least favorite trope in the Like a Dragon series by far is how, despite the heroes' making it a point to never kill in cold blood, the antagonists keep ending up dead just to gratify the player. This was especially egregious in the seventh game. The fact that Infinite Wealth very intentionally subverts this already makes it incredible on its own. One of the most shockingly self-aware and beautifully told sequels I've ever seen, truly building upon what came before it in increasingly layered ways.

Where do I even being with this one man

It's pretty much everything I wanted, just so perfect all around
Ichiban's route is incredible, great continuation of his story while also feeling so fresh for the series. Hawaii is such a great setting and they went all out with it, super surprised at how in depth it goes
The new characters are so so good too, I'm absolutely in love with Tomizawa, and Chitose is just the best
I genuinely couldn't think it was possible for me to like Ichiban even more but this story really does it for me, specially with that ending cutscene. What a guy.

But I already knew Ichiban's side was gonna be great and I'd adore him, what really took me by surprise was what they did with Kiryu

If this is the last time he's ever playable, or even a protagonist, I genuinely could not be happier with the conclusion to his story
His role in the narrative and the conclusions they arrive to with his character are just so, so perfect
There's not much I can say without going too in depth into spoilers, but as someone who has played every single Kiryu game, I really really couldn't be happier

The themes in the narratives of the Ichigang games in relation to the legacy and story of the series are very clear, and I adore them
Cannot wait to see where they take it with the next entry

Absolutely incredible game.

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I think the story is worse than 7 but the ending was better, not so much better tho tbh. combat was more polished n a lot more smoother. the game looks better and plays better too. it definitely felt like a perfected version of 7. wonder where they are going with 9 tho. loved every scene with Kiryu as well, but I felt the story was rushed because it is Kiryu’s last game essentially so they just fisted a lot of Kiryu fanservice into the game, so the game mostly felt like a celebration for Kiryu’s legacy, which I loved.
the game also has a lot worse boss battles with some quality mixed in as well.

Lauren cried her eyes out for about four hours straight towards the end of this game. It's an astonishingly sad video games at times, but also triumphant, and heroic, and awesome at others.

Infinite Wealth is another wonderful JRPG following from Yakuza 7's/LAD's success. While the stakes are higher than ever in the series, the game delivers very well in some areas, while stumbling in others.

The gameplay, yet again, outshines everything else to offer in the series. The various class affinities, and even the small attention to detail that was paid to adding things like movement, back attacks, and in general, Kiryu's kit -- all deserve massive applause. The game is more interactive than ever, yet remains a turn-based game. Each character has their own unique job, but can branch out into plenty of jobs with abilities being able to be transferred, allowing you to create the ultimate party for dungeons and story missions. Some classes like Sujimancer also deserve massive props - the fact that this game just has a Persona-eque subclass built in is wild, on top of all the other effort they had to put into the other classes. I sometimes wish the gameplay evolved more over the game, as there will be times where fights get a bit drab and boring, but mostly, the gameplay is good enough to see that most people will finish this game.

What will get in the way of finishing the game? The plethora of substories and side content the game has to offer. Most notably are the Sujimon minigame/substory and Dondoko Island. I have pretty positive things to say about Sujimon...not so much about Dondoko. Sujimon is an awesome monster-catcher minigame where you'll be living out your Pokemon dreams in real life. It comes with a good chunk of sidequests, and it's a great way to earn money early in the game before dungeons open up a bit more. Dondoko Island...eesh. I'm very split on that one. The other Nintendo franchise they were all to happy to take inspiration from was Animal Crossing, the zen island-building game that captivated so many especially in 2020. While the charm of greeting guests and effort was put in into Dondoko, it gets stale very, very fast. The island currency is worth jack, questioning why it's even really in the game when it gives you nothing outside of the island. It's less zen, and more micro-management of lackluster action combat when enemies appear. Definietly not star material, especially compared to the business minigame and hilarity of that back in Like A Dragon.

The story, which is always so important for Yakuza fans, is mostly rough. It hurts me so much to say it, especially when the end is impactful as it is -- but the story is rough. There are some high points - meeting the party and going through Ichiban's roughshod introduction to Hawaii is a high point. Unfortunately, the writers from there decided to hem and haw until a very forcastable plot twist, then hem and haw until the conclusion. I've played the game since launch and I'm working on remembering what happened even halfway through this game. There's just a lot of enemy beatdowns with little cutscenes, or a lot of cutscenes of just talking, moreso than other entries in the Yakuza franchise. I really don't know where to put this game, or what to say about its overall theme considering I feel like I only watched 5 or so impactful cutscenes, mostly near the end of the game that really shed light on the theme instead of the game weaving it throughout. For what was marketed as such an epic adventure that could be Kiryu's last stand, there were definetly some things that could have been left on the cutting room floor.

Everything else about it though, is wonderful. Hawaii is a nice, new open location to explore. The OST is great, with a bunch of cool quality of life things like being able to listen to music while strolling around. They cut down on a lot of lackluster content like the Hero missions, instead having them work towards upgrades for Kiryu along with the Drink Links, which will have longtime fans of the series invested for meeting members of Kiryu's past.

Infinite Wealth is infinite with ambition - a noble attempt to make the best RGG game ever. While it's a wonderful game, cutting and polishing the story and content a bit instead of going big could have been advantageous to the developers. I anticipate Ichiban's next adventure more than ever, but in the meantime...a hui hou.