Reviews from

in the past

This game was a patience tester for me. It wasn't bad but it was awfully clunky and didn't seem very well optimized. This game, in particular, made my little base PS4 roar like the crashed plane in the LOST pilot episode. And, at one point in the game, the world itself didn't load in so I'm standing in a void where all I could see was doorways and some other elements way off in the distance. I had to restart the game entirely but thankfully it is a short play. I stuck it out and finished it off but I don't think I'll ever go back in.

What the game may lack in general gameplay appeal it more than makes up for in uniqueness and the art style.

Picking flowers, smashing crates, fighting ghosts, and some fetch quest type stuff doesn't sound like a compelling mixture but it works for this one since the game is short and sweet.

I've no doubt this was a labor of love for the devs who made it, but I just couldn't get into it.