Reviews from

in the past

Using this to review Canto 5

Gameplay-wise a massive upgrade over the previous ones, paced way better too. Love the Great Lake, super cool setting that I hope we can revisit later. Amazing climax, loved Ahab as a villain and as always with these chapters, the final fight was just soooo good. Heathmael forever....

-MD3 was a huge step up from MD2 & MD1, allowing you to experiment with more IDs with less cost to resources
-Canto V was excellent, Ishmael is a favorite character of mine now
-Refraction Railway 3 is a slight disappointment, I wish it was slightly harder
-Event 1 was pretty fun, but doesn't leave much to chew on.
-Event 2 was really really good. Fun new boss fight, 2 really good IDs (BL Mersault goes insane)
A pretty huge step up from Season 2

blade lineage outis: i just lost all my clashes

blade lineage faust: i just lost all my clashes too

dante: is there anyone on this team that wins all their clashes?

captain ishmael:

Going off of my username and profile picture, this one was always going to be my favorite, and probably always will be. I was very happy with how they portrayed her story and emotions. Canto VI played more with preconceptions of what a chapter in this game (or a gacha game in general) looks like but this just resonated with me so much harder.

Love Canto V!
+ Best setting in the game (As of Canto VI)
+ Ishmael going crazy is a good time
+ Scariest story boss in the game so far was very fun
+ The Whales are rad
+ Valid nerfs for once apparently.

- Weird pacing in part 1 and 2 as is the usual.