Reviews from

in the past

This is me and my partner's go-to game when she comes over. The rules are simple, scales really well to 2 players, and sets of 3 games never last too long.

le meh, the card game is way better. Despite playing exactly the same ??

A simple card game with a lot of interesting strategies and fun interaction between players. Quick rounds, casual but substantial, a real treat to play.

arkadaşlarınızla beyninizi pvp bir oyunda yitirdikten sonra girmelik oyun

The physical card game is one of the simplest and most fun party games about deduction and deceiving I know.
The videogame version is a little bit of a rough and barebones port, but it works and as long as you can find someone to play with online, you can have a pretty good time.

Obviously, the PC version takes away the layer of verbal communication with your opponent and trying to figure out their lies through their behavior during actual face-to-face matches, which brings the best out of this game. But it's still a decent alternative. And you technically could make up for that with a webcam and something like Discord.