Reviews from

in the past

let me tell you all about love at first sight. that's right. konata. have you seen her with your eyes lately? i bet you have, you've seen her face plastered on some dirty e-girl twitter page where she sells her used panties for a killing. and i know what you did. you bought that pair of used panties and you had the night of your life, all by yourself alone in your dirty room. i actually don't care about that though. more importantly, i know what you did wrong.

you supported the bastardization of HER image. of konata's legacy. you let the whores take HER away from us. the 2000s otaku inside of you is crying, crying cartoonishly oversized tears with his face in a >~< shape at the thought of you betraying the only girl who understands you. the girl who made you feel whole. that classic, raw, unadulterated otaku culture free from the modern irony inflicted by highschool deflection and dissociation is coming back in full force, we will reclaim her image once and for all.

i do like tsukasa more though. im kinda just a sucker for girls who look really cute when they pout. idk. konata is definitely iconic but idk. idk man.