Reviews from

in the past

do NOT pay attention to my star score. I have GOT to play M&Ms Shell Shocked. I have GOT to play and beat M&Ms Shell Shocked. This game is NOT Crash Bandicoot, it is M&Ms Shell Shocked. You WILL use the yellow bitch's iconic spin move and jump on boxes and drive cars. I have GOT to play M&Ms Shell Shocked. The M&M Minis are right pricks I tell you what. I have GOT to play M&Ms Shell Shocked.

A cheap cash grab with surprisingly high quality (animation wise, not compression) cutscenes. Arguably better advertisements for M&Ms than the crap they put on TV nowadays.

Shell Shocked is not good. The Minis are mentally sick in the head and it felt like I was too by the midpoint - I haven't finished this game. I can't do it. I won't do it. The physics are janky. The graphics are stilted and ugly to look at. The hit detection is dreadful; getting slightly too close to something without actually touching it kills you immediately. The collision accuracy is about on par with Stevie Wonder using a Tommy Gun.

It fails at being a mediocre Crash clone and doesn't even succeed at making me want M&Ms. No wonder the developers just made shovelware until they closed.

A corportate Crash Bandicoot clone of Crash Bandicoot that tried to push the appeal of the yellow M&M but failed to provide a playable enough 3D platformer in the process. Its levels were ranging between unfair and confusing but at the very least they nailed the presentation and the cutscenes so I can't be too mad about it.

Also, whoever was in charge of the physics of the moving platforms did either a really bad job or none whatsoever. There are games with ice physics less slippery than that. And that's without mentioning invisible hitboxes and bosses that lag from time to time.

product placement crash bandicoot rip-off I had some fun with

Another one to add to the list of shit crash clones, buttons don't do what they're intended to and the movement physics are super messed up. Slightly redeemed by a truly Eric™ story though

Could have been a okay Crash clone if it had like 2 more months for fixing and polishing stuff. Level design is mostly ok, but the ideas just don't work as intended in most cases to the point I ended up having more fun with the few vehicle stages and the rather simple and easy bosses because they don't demand much from the game's buggy physics.

At least the cutscenes and the music are good, but if you are into emulation and don't have any nostalgia specifically for this game there are thousands of better games to waste your time.

It's like Crash Bandicoot...

except made by a bunch of dim witted monkeys who know absolutely nothing about why Crash Bandicoot is so beloved... and they're making it on a train that's about to head off of a cliff and crash into a nearby building.

M&M's Shell Shocked has all the makings of a classic bad game: terrible graphics, stiff as hell controls, a lifeless presentation and some of the most wretched collision detection ever known to the history of human civilization itself.

About the only good thing would be the cutscenes.... but they're all taken straight from The Lost Formulas (a PC game which is the same as Shell Shocked but also had educational segments to break up the platforming) so technically there isn't anything good about it.

Don't send this to a games store. Burn it. Burn it all and make the world a much happier place. unless you're like me and are still keeping it in your collection anyway :3

I wish physics in real life worked like they did in this game so I could be dead and not have to play this game.

The devil made this. JK Simmons lends his voice to the Yellow M&M -- does he remember recording lines for this game? Portal-esque in all honesty. I've had better diarrhea.

I do not know why my parents bought us this

Okay, you know what, I've always wanted a M&M Crash Bandicoot rip-off where you play as the Yellow M&M (who has white skin for some reason) after he eats a whole blotter of the Bicycle Day LSD and stares at the player like this, this just ain't it.

"Mãe, podemos levar Crash Bandicoot para casa?"

"Filho, nós já temos Crash Bandicoot em casa."

O Crash Bandicoot que temos em casa:

i am stunned from how bad this game feels to play, you have no idea until you try it yourself. plenty of laughs between the fmvs and the driving levels but overall a miserable experience lol. extra half star when you play m&m ads on the side while playing

this game leaves you with one question at it's climactic ending: what if crash bandicoot was chocolate? what would you do...?

A Crash Bandicoot clone but it was one of the games of my childhood so I have to give it a decent score. All I can remember is that first level in the car