Reviews from

in the past

A melhor de todas as expansões

Conseguiu ser melhor que o jogo padrão parabéns

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I played this by accident, thinking it was a main story quest rather than DLC. It's pretty good. It actually has a story where things happen and an antagonist who both Lincoln and I want dead and who interacts with Lincoln multiple times in the story. It has good characters. It has levels that are fun and not repetitive. When I thought this was a part of the base game, it gave me hope that this was the direction the rest of the game was headed. It makes the base game feel worse by reminding you what a decent game is meant to be like. I considered playing the other DLCs, but now that I've beat the game, the idea of never launching that shit again is too tempting.

A pretty decent DLC, you get to kill racists and drive cars and grow weed which idk about you but is pretty much the definition of a good time. Also has a great car chase near the end