Reviews from

in the past

Увы, я казуал в большей своей степени, так что мне было трудновато проходить игру, но насладиться ей всё же удалось

Jugablemente tienes que tenerle bastante paciencia, y hay ciertas cuestiones sin pulir como el "mundo abierto", secciones que pretenden ser de sigilo y que la música llega a volverse monótona, pero narrativamente es de los mejores exponentes en la industria, a nivel de diseño se nota el esfuerzo y cariño detrás, y la ambientación es de las más inmersivas que hay.

Se da valor a um bom enredo e trilhas sonoras marcantes, vale muito a pena, clássico e uma experiência marcante ao início da franquia.

Lançado em 2002, Mafia consegue juntar uma boa mecânica, uma trilha sonora memorável e uma história de mobster que não apenas é lindamente construída com seus personagens, mas também presta homenagens diretas a Don Corleone e Martin Scorsese. Hoje, depois de madrugar para encerrar a jogatina, finalizo minha primeira experiência com essa franquia e o que posso dizer do título inicial é: clássico!

É... Tem que tá vendo isso aí direito, né?!
Talvez, TALVEZ, eu dê uma chance para o remake algum dia. Mas isso aqui é uma bomba.

Dikkat ettiyseniz review'larımın hepsi, bir kaç gözden kaçan unsur harici çıkış tarihlerine göre baştan sonra sıralı şekilde gidiyordu ama bunu unutmuşum maalesef. Geri 2000'lere dönerek sırayı bozduk ama zaten oynayıp da anlatacağım başka bir oyun olmadığı için, söyleyeyim: kronolojik sıram, bu oyundan sonra hakkın rahmetine kavuşmuştur, bilginize.

Şimdi oyuna dönelim: Bölüm ve görev dizaynlarındaki çeşitlilik, sunum ve o dönemi güzel yansıtan dünyası haricinde, hala insanların bu hikayede abartılacak ne gördüğünü anlamadığım ve odun gibi odun mekaniklerin üzerine kasıntı bir health ve save mantığına sahip, uğraştırıcı bir oyun.

Bu eleştirim sevgimden bağımsızdır yine. Mafia'yı sevsem de, sadece dürüst de olalım istiyorum; başka derdim yok hani.

passei muito raiva nesse game, mas na infancia queria termina-lo mas nao consegui por conta da dificuldade e quando se é criança nos games tudo é mais dificil, porem mesmo depois de adulto achei um pouco dificil diferente dos jogos de hoje, mas na epoca era o bicho, mas sempre tive um carinho especial por esses jogos que passaram pela minha adolescencia/infancia como é este game :)

It opened a whole new world for me, it introduced me to jazz and suits.

One of the worst games you'll ever see, not even worth playing for nostalgia. The only thing worse than the graphics is the gameplay, and even if you don't care about the graphics, you can't excuse the gameplay. That's why I don't understand it's still available on Steam. Someone would have to be a severe masochist to play and enjoy this game despite the Definitive version. Even the Definitive version has some horrible gameplay mechanics carried over from the original game. You can still completely lose your sanity in the car racing mission. Anyway, the best game in the series is always the second game. A remake of the first game still can't change that. None of the characters from the first game are as memorable and well written as they are in the second game. Even the main character is extremely boring, one dimensional and exists only to give you a reason to play the game. I don't remember anything left in my mind when I finished the main story.

Joyita para los estandares de 2002

"oh b-but it cant run on modern computers~" fixes exist and are avaliable for download at any moment for a reason

J'ai adoré à l'époque, je faisais GTA San Andreas à cette même période et je trouvais qu'il n'avait rien à lui envié.

I'm a bit split on this game. I do think the story and atmosphere are incredibly captivating and great, but the gameplay often frustrates to the point of anger. The required usage of the map to navigate is a pretty cool idea, but a lot of missions have incredibly cheap shootouts, with the second half especially boasting insta-kill shotgun/Thompson enemies placed in corners you'd never know about unless you died to them. The very awkward shooting doesn't help matters at all and you can easily get stunlocked if one of them even takes out as much as 3 HP while you're trying to aim at the guy and going out of cover, because Tommy really likes to shoot the wall unless you're fully in the open. The checkpoints also don't help matters, as they're spaced out enough that if you die almost at the end of a shootout or make a mistake, you go all the way back to the beginning.

What also doesn't help is how vague the objectives are. In the second half I had to straight up look up how to beat some of them, because there is absolutely nothing to tell you exactly how to do a mission in some parts. The game requires you to do each mission exactly how it wants and if you deviate in the slightest, you either fail or get killed. I understand this game was in development well before GTA III and has a different structure in mission progression, but even that game has a lot more freedom in mission approaches than this game does. I usually give old games leeway because of their age, but a lot of what Mafia does wrong is placed more in the design aspect than mechanics.

Overall, I still think the game has appeal in its great atmosphere and story, but the gameplay leaves me with a sour taste and very hesitant on ever revisting it. I would not recommend it to newcomers of the series. If you want to be captivated by the 1930s Americana atmosphere of the game and its compelling story, I would suggest opting towards the Definitive Edition instead.

Good. I think I would have appreciated it more back in the day, though.

Lo giocai ad 11 anni e mi ha aperto un mondo su questo tipo di giuochi. Al ristorante di Pepè avrei dato 5 stelle su google.

So, this game, it was given away for free on Steam, and I thought, "Hey, why not give it a shot?" Well, let me tell you, I was not impressed.

I mean, seriously, I tried to get into it, but man, it was booooooooring. Like, snooze-fest central. I even played it while on a call with a buddy, and neither of us could muster up any enthusiasm for it.

The gameplay felt clunky, the story didn't grab me, and don't even get me started on the graphics – talk about outdated. It was like trying to drive a beat-up old car when you're used to cruising in a shiny new sports car. Just not the same, you know?

I know some folks out there swear by this game, but honestly, I just don't see the appeal. Maybe it's a case of it not aging well, or maybe it's just not my cup of tea. Either way, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over not finishing it.

Objectively - not without problems. Subjectively - loved every moment of it.

Pretended to be sick for a whole week in 3rd grade and did nothing but play this game everyday.
Pretty cool.

A classic that's sometimes funnier than you remember^^ The German dubbing is very trashy in places, but I loved it back then. The story is still very cool, of course it uses mafia clichés but you hadn't seen it like this in game form before. It was really tough at times, the car race is well known for its level of difficulty, but the normal combat sequences are also really tough. Great soundtrack and great atmosphere overall, still very playable.

it's obviously dated to the point of being unplayable at this point in time, but back in 2002 you rarely got games with graphics, story and a atmosphere like this

História excepcional e narrativa engajante com uma fotografia e direção de arte excelente. Demora umas 3 missões para pegar no tranco, mas, a partir daí, só melhora a cada missão. Algumas delas são mais difíceis do que deviam devido a inteligência artificial dos companheiros, que parecem uma criança de 3 anos usando armas, e devido aos controles antigos. A cidade é imensa e, apesar dos gráficos antigos, é bem imersiva e possui uma atmosfera incrível.

Rozhodně jedna z nejlepších českých her a na tu dobu absolutně revoluční. Výborný český dabing, skvělá hudba a ten storytelling je naprosto boží. <3

i used to be really, REALLY obsessed with this game, the fact that some czech randos just managed to make a masterpiece of gaming storytelling is something that got into my head, and once it into my head i couldn't take it off, yeah, it may look shitty now, and even then, but there was something charming about how it was made, the detailed interiors, the attention to detail, everything is great, it's made with passion, even the driving, which seems to be quite divisive between players, i didn't even mind it, i got used to it cause i absolutely hate how you drive in gta, cars SHOULD feel a bit clunky, that's the point, they're machines after all, they shouldn't be THAT quick and volatile, but anyways, what sold me on this was the storytelling, cause even if the dialogue is indeed a bit amateurish, the story happens to manage its characters and atmosphere so well

Hikayesinin ve Hikayenin sunum şeklini çok beğendim. Ama oynanış için aynı şeyi söylemem. Evet bu tamamen duygusal

Look, i get the hype, it was a really good game at the time and i tried to have an Open mind about the gameplay and Focus on the great storytelling. But the shooting mechanics are god-awful imo.

In my opinion the game is nearly unplayable as of today's standards. Big plus for the setting and story, but gamplay wise it has aged cruelly. Also, I really don't have the time to stop at every single red light, I have it in real life, thank you. Still, it is a classic so you should check it out either way.