Reviews from

in the past

I liked the overall idea, the enemy design ect. The problem with this game is that it lacks the complexity or amount of stuff that other Rogue-lites have. Everything feel rather samey to use.

There aren't really that many crazy synergies, everything seems rather tame and scaled back. Overall, the game feels like it needed far more content to be considered truly good.
This even extends to room layouts and configurations, there aren't too many before it feels like you're playing the same level again and again.

Minus 1 star. If you are going to make a game in this genre, it has to have a lot of content to switch up the basic premise of all Rogue Likes/lites.

Also minus a star for how grindy some of the enemies can feel to kill. It just feels like a needless DPS check that has you running more than dodging some enemies.