Reviews from

in the past

Maybe remember what widescreen is? Boards are awesome but the minigames are almost all exactly the same thanks to the motion control pandemic of the late-2000s.

Despite it feeling more like a gamecube entry, this is a very serviceable Mario Party game.

played as a kid and had a lot of fun but probably doesnt hold up nowadays

MC Ballyhoo- I will find you. And I will kill you.

I don't remember much about this one. Not because I didn't want to play it, but because I lend it to a friend of mine at the time and I never got it back; instead being stuck with Mario Party fucking 9, the worst possible outcome.

I remember having a lot of fun with this one. The board that was just a train was pretty cool!

this is the only one I owned

ok, ill admit it. mario party 8 is my favorite one. and you know why that is? its because its the one i grew up with. im almost entirely certain thats the only reason i love this game so much. everyone's got their favorite mario party, and this one's mine. i dunno, i dont think the motion controls are THAT bad, certainly not as bad as people say. it just takes a bit of getting used to. i also think this one has my favorite soundtrack of all the mario party games, shoutouts to king boos haunted hideaway for having one of the spookiest funk tracks in any videogame ever.

now heres the hard part. do i recommend this one? maybe?? if youre like me and find yourself getting hooked on certain series, where you then must play every single game in that series, go for it. i do think that there are some other mario party games, specifically the gamecube ones, that more people will enjoy. i think i just like this one the most.

Yet to play a better mario party

Ugliest mario party with garbage minigames and boring boards. I think the items are fine though. This is the one I played the most as a kid so the only thing it has going for me is funny nostalgia. its genuinely pretty bad.

Pretty good send off for the last one in the golden age. Koopa’s Tycoon Town is peak Mario Party.

First Mario Party I started to not like much. Hated the motion controls applied on minigames. MC Ballyhoo is one of the few Mario characters I can't stand and find annoying.

Purely based off childhood memories

la cabra de perder amistades si me preguntan

I haven't played the bowser map yet, but based on playing the others, this is a really nice Mario Party game. The mini-games are not the highest quality, but there are plenty of fun ones, and the boards help make up for it (though some are too linear and lacking in unique mechanics). Easily prefer 5-7, but this game has its own value as one to play from time to time and mix up the rotation. Some of the gamecube mario party games have a problem with their mini-games where it boils down to button mashing, button inputs, or luck, rather than unique, trainable, gameplay mechanics. Despite being clunky, the dimension added by motion controls help alleviate monotony. That's why this isn't higher than a 6. Shame Mario Party 9 was so bad, because this was a great beta test to eventually make a really fun Wii Mario Party game. The worst part of the game is the declined quality. In many ways, the graphics somehow look worse than 6 and 7, and it was clearly rushed by Nintendo to have a flagship party game for their new console. The best part is probably the presentation, love the entire vibe of the game from the board theming, to the character roster, and the carnival setting.

For GCN/Wii MPs, 6 > 7 > 5 > 8 > 4 > 9

This game is possibly the first game I've ever played, back before I even owned any game consoles. Either that, or it was Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis.

Later, when we got our own copy from Wal-Mart, we played a lot of this game, but never ventured outside the main mode. Upon clearing Star Battle once, I unlocked Bowser's Warped Orbit, as well as one of the unlockable characters, don't remember which one. Star Battle is more trouble than it's worth, so while I plan to return to this game with my siblings in the future, the remaining unlockable character will have to stay locked.

every mario party (not super) is at least fun

nostalgia influences this rating but i played TF out of this game. unlocked everything tickets could buy in the weird hat guy store. that guy was wild. i loved the minigames and the boards were all diverse and fun. don't get the hate on this game, it was my first mario party and an instant classic

I'm over here stroking my wiimote I got the wrist strap on my wiimote right now I'm just rolling my dice I'm amused as fuck man I'm a mario partier man.

I don't play many Mario Party games but I found this one to be better than Super Mario Party. I can tell that's not saying much.

This game def isn't the best Mario Party but my childhood says otherwise

j'en garde de très bons souvenirs perso

Great boards, terrible gameplay. MP8 not being full screen is very funny

Mario Party 8 was my childhood. Playing with my older brothers, we had so much fun together. Unfortunately, one of them doesn't speak to me anymore for some reason, and I'm now addicted to League of Legends.