Reviews from

in the past

This was a Steam Deck play. Had a lot of fun grinding this game out actually. I hit nearly 100 hours on my first playthrough since I was being somewhat thorough (but not super thorough).

Well after first giving up on this when it first released, I’m glad I went back and gave it another chance.

Putting aside some of the cheesy dialogue - I actually found it to be a lot of fun with a really good storyline.

The combat won’t be for everyone, turn based with a card based loot box system. But once you get to grips with the mechanics it’s great putting together an attack deck with your favourite marvel heroes.

There were a few game glitches and crashes - but no overall game bugs that stopped progression. If you have the opportunity I’d really advise playing the DLC packs too.

I surprisingly loved this game, I don’t like most turn based games but I’m into the marvel characters and setting so I’m glad I gave it a chance. It is very much so a story game at its core so if you want to play it for the combat then you may not enjoy it since there is so much downtime between missions. Often the downtime ends up being longer than the missions so it’s likely you’ll spend more time in the Abby than doing the actual missions. All the systems and upgrades feel great to obtain and the upgrading system is very rewarding. It loses the star for me due to a lot of quality of life features not being there. I thought the Abby UI is really confusing and bad. Pretty good story and definitely got my money’s worth in terms of playtime.

This game had absolutely no reason to be as good as it was. XCOM with cards and a story that knows its a hokey mess.

This feels like a Marvel game from the old days, before the MCU became a thing.

It's such a wacky premise, cast of characters and gameplay. But somehow, it works in the end.

You can easily show a random moment from this game and completely ruin it as often it doesn't look that great. But stick with it and it starts getting It's claws into you, in a good way.

This has (O)cult hit written all over it.

There's a lot to like about this game, but enough to keep me from absolutely loving it. The idea of taking all the spooky Marvel characters and sticking them in an insane plot full of Darkholds, Cthon, and all that other crap is so up my alley it's nuts. I don't get why characters like Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man are here, but its' still fun. I just feel like some elements could have been tightened up. The whole card-based gameplay gets a little tedious after a while, and the game can just drag at certain points. I liked wandering around the grounds and befriending everyone, but it felt like it was so close to being a really fantastic game, and just didn't quite get there.

Was anyone going to warn me that outside of combat this is borderline a Marvel dating sim?

It’s got the weirdest roster this side of Rise of the Imperfects but this time you get to dress them up in a bathing suit of your choice and improve your friendship level with them by going on “dates” to various havens

I’m not making this up

I'll be honest I refused to play this game originally on release because turn based card combat games are not my thing. However after recently playing both Marvel Snap and Baldur's Gate 3 I thought I'd give it a try especially since it's on PS Plus Extra. I gotta say after only playing it for 5 hours straight I'm addicted. It's actually really fun to play and interact with iconic super heroes, the customization is also fun. I wont spoil anything story related but I urge you to try this game out especially if you're a marvel fan.

I love how the XCom devs totally rethought turn-based squad tactics to fit the super-powered setting. Cover is gone, replaced by positioning incentivized by pinballing enemies into teammates and environmental hazards. Reliable skill choices with cooldowns are gone, replaced by a composite deck of cards built from any 3 heroes that reminded me a lot of Steamworld Quest’s similarly fun combat. The story missions seem to more consistently offer unique tweaks to the standard gameplay than XCom, and the Limbo training room and legendary solo challenges are a fun twist to get a better handle on each character’s strengths.

The strategy layer experimentation is less successful. As neat as the Haven base is at first, it quickly becomes a more tedious “menu presented as a map of locations to run between” that made me wish for the relative efficiency of XCom’s ant farm. There’s so many tedious little optional rotating chores between missions that seem like they must be vital, especially with the past context of urgency and efficiency-seeking XCom’s campaign requires, but most of it can be ignored. The absence of any mission clock to be raced against makes this explicit; you can play ten basic missions between every story mission if you want, and beyond your own level of patience there’s no real indication if you should race to the next story mission or farm more rewards between them. For a game that ends up eventually overstaying its welcome, I would have appreciated more genuine urgency and active discouragement from grinding between progression missions. There’s some charm to be found with after hours teammate interactions, but the conversation animations are so much worse and wooden compared to the very high bar set by AAA games at this level of fidelity. It’s another case where I wish they’d scaled back what they were doing if they couldn’t do it well at this level of expression/complexity.

Regardless of the time-wasting strategy layer issues, I still spent most of my time in tactics combat and thankfully that’s the part that’s great!

Good lord, ok so there's a billion and one things to say about the game.
Firstly, the combat is GREAT. I really like the positioning elements as well as the card system. The card system and how environmental attacks play off each other is especially great. Some cards let you get more turns, others buff you for one or several turns, and some other ones are either indescribable amounts of damage or some really cool positioning related attacks, like portals or creating a field that makes your teammates heal and become immune to one attack. It's great and becomes really in-depth and a little stressful at the end, especially if you actually bother to up the difficulty like I did (I went up to Heroic III but I toned it down to Heroic II for sanity's sake).
Story is pretty simple, there's a prophecy and you wanna stop it. Some twists are expected, others are pretty surprising and a little hype (final fight has a really good one). I think the game shines most strongly in its character writing. And I'm like 80% sure people are gonna get irritated at the group taking every single chance to argue possible, but I think that leads to some good dynamics. They argue, cliques form, some people like others more, some people hate others more, but they still try to work together. And when upping your relationships with the individual characters, that's when the writing becomes the best. It's fun seeing how these characters develop, how having the MC in their lives changes their views a tad bit and how they start trusting you more and more. It's quite literally Western Persona, so that's really cool. Game took me 70 hours to beat, and yeah honestly it could slog at times, but the character writing helped me through near the end. I absolutely recommend it to everyone, it's a fun time and probably one of the best Marvel games ever made. It's such a shame it flopped commercially cuz I'd love to see these ideas expanded upon with other Marvel groups: X-Men, Avengers, etc.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is what you get when you combine Marvel's superheroes and a digital trading card game into an XCOM style 3D strategy game. The story revolves around the titular Midnight Suns, Marvel's supernatural and mystical themed faction, reviving an ancient "chosen one" in order to combat the return of the demon Lilith. Despite the magic themed story and name, Hydra comes to the aid of Lilith, and Ironman lends his and the Avenger's assistance to the Midnight Suns, allowing for all manner of Marvel heroes and villains to appear, magic or otherwise. The story feels good, and mostly in line with how Marvel does their comics, but being stuck behind a player created "chosen one" character in a Marvel story feels like an obstacle to enjoying the universe. Every character in the game has their own deck of cards that can be used in battle, each with their own specific traits and quirks that give them their own strengths, combos, and playstyles. There is plenty of customization between your own character, the other heroes, and the Abbey, the Midnight Suns' base of operations. If you're a fan of games like Hearthstone and Gwent, and you appreciate Marvel, you'll enjoy this, but don't expect much if you're not into card games. Not worth it at full price, but if you can get it on sale, you'll get your worth out of it.

Это определённо игра, и это определённо эпос.

This was a really solid experience pretty much all-around and was insanely good for the genre of game it comes from.

Going into this, I was pretty skeptical. I'm not that familiar with card games, or even turn-based ones for that matter, so I really wasn't sure at all whether I'd enjoy it or not. Almost pretty much instantly though as soon as I got my hands on the characters and gained control, I was having a really good time. It's actually, surprisingly, a very complex strategy game that combines the turn-based, card elements of the gameplay with a simplified RPG aspect that makes pretty much every faucet of the game really fresh. You can either grind encounters, grind encounters for resources to upgrade your abilities or the currency to tailor your heroes' appearances to your liking or, perhaps one of my favourite parts of the game, literally sit and chat with the roster of heroes.

I really enjoyed trying to get onto the good side of some of my favourite characters and getting to know them (Wolverine, Deadpool, Iron Man, Captain America) as well as doing the most random as fuck activities with them to make them even more powerful in combat. The game has a very unique way of approaching encounters given which heroes you use and certain combinations are a lot better than others, so it's not really just mindlessly picking whoever to take with you nor does the game reward you for not putting effort into upgrades or tools used to give you an advantage. All of those factors actually make the gameplay a lot more satisfying than you'd think, so grinding in this game isn't nearly as draining especially given most of the grinding really is the core of the gameplay outside of the story missions, it didn't feel repetitive at all.

The narrative, although, is pretty subpar. It's not great but it has it's moments and in the end was pretty enjoyable for the most part, I think it was honestly leagues better than Square Enix's attempt at an Avengers game, (I even preferred some of the voice acting.) It get's the job done, basically, as Magik would say. It doesn't outstay it's welcome nor does it try to take itself too seriously, though given whether you have the DLC addition of Deadpool or not, that probably changes things, but overall I think it does a really good job of utilising each character to their fullest, despite Hulk not getting as much screen time as a Midnight Sun at the end.

As said, it's a really solid experience, even more so if you're into Marvel. It's a very fresh, unique take on the franchise in darker waters that has such a great atmosphere and ambience, it's nice seeing the characters in a different light and I'm interested to see where the series goes next with who I can assume to be is Dr. Doom (and the addition of the Fantastic Four.)

I'll admit, I didn't 100 percent Midnight Suns because the content started to get repetitive eventually. But I loved Midnight Suns! This game is as complex as Slay The Spire, with more cards, 3D maps, badass bosses and Marvel heroes. The only reason the content wears thin is that the writing of the above-mentioned Marvel heroes is a little one note.

A refreshing take on the turn based game, adding a card somewhat straight forward deck builder. The game itself starts off very slow, but once you pick up on the mechanics and start making decks for your favourite marvel hero’s it becomes a joy. I did find towards the in between mission hangouts a drag towards the end but throughout really dug the friendship system. A good get for any marvel fan looking for a fresh challenge (blade is my guy!)

The gameplay is a pure masterpiece.

The story and friendship sim aspect of the game were not as bad as people make it out to be. I even enjoyed it most of the time. It was a nice break between fights.


It was fun. A bit too long but I guess that gave me the chance to make these people extremely powerful by the end and I liked that. Last level was pretty much a breeze despite the frame rate crashing to a difficult-to-understand-what’s-even-happening low number. Didn’t have any problems with frame rate up to then but, wow, that was bad. Also, sometimes I wished some of the characters would just shut up.

while calling this marvel card tactics persona might seem derivative, that's almost exactly what it is and if you dont like any of those four words, it's simply just not gonna be as fun for you. and while this game has stellar combat, the story can be a bit of a slog and while the dialogue can be charming it can also be extremely grating at times. that said, this is still a stellar tactics game and something id recommend to fans of the genre

If you can look past the sometimes awful dialogue, the XCOM plus card battler system in place in this game is terrific. If they had made a mode where you can just engage in the combat without story, I'd probably give it a higher rating.

Really great avenues for tactical expression in this game, and all of the character interactions are really fun. However, the game goes on a bit too long and overstays its welcome; also it has a generally really strong lack of overall polish.

If you can endure the initial barrage of highly concentrated Marvel smarm (I really wanted Stark thrown out an airlock in the first few hours), this is a pretty fun and interesting little tactics game. As a bonus, looks and runs great in HDR on the Steam Deck OLED.

I truly can't believe I enjoyed this as much as I did. It has some rough parts, and the vampire sections were tedious at times.

Откровенно говоря, я пытался много раз поиграть в игру. Игра незатейливая и как по мне - просто хорошая убивалка времени. Не более. Наиграв часов этак 30, пришел к выводу что лично мне игра неинтересна. Ну вот неинтересно и все. Очень жалею что послушал карамышева и других ебучих гиков с чем-то коричневого у рта чтобы потестить игру. Удалил и не жалею. Просто карточная дрочильня типа пытающаяся в сюжет. Лет мб в 14 игра стоит того, и то вряд ли. А так смотреть и слушать кто такая капитан марвел или тони старка, кем они стали и как... чет как-то такое, если быть честным. П.с. персону переношу, ибо после первых двух часов - мое сердечко йокнуло не на шутку. Игра не заслуживает чтобы быть в геймпассе, лично для меня. Беру в стиме позже однозначно.

Não tinha como dar errado uma mistura de XCOM + Marvel + Deck Builder + Persona.

Eu não sei como deixei passar esse jogo em 2022, mas é definitivamente um dos melhores do ano. Vou começar dizendo o porre que é ter um personagem com o arquétipo da Zeladora. Esse estilo de mãe super protetora e cabeça dura que vira uma antagonista por si só é muito irritante (talvez cumprindo seu papel?).

Iniciei a jornada de Hunter com uma certa dose de ceticismo, mas as mecânicas do jogo me surpreenderam positivamente. O gameplay básico é muito divertido e os elementos de estratégia misturados com uma pitada de aleatoriedade demonstram precisamente a experiência da Firaxis no gênero.

A história é uma clássica jornada para impedir o fim do mundo, tão batida no mundo dos quadrinhos, mas que aqui tem novo fôlego com as doses diárias de interações com seus companheiros superpoderosos. A forma que esses companheiros são apresentados ao longo dessa jornada e a construção individual de cada um, definitivamente, são o ponto alto do jogo. A rivalidade entre os subgrupos (Midnight Suns vs Vingadores) é interessantíssima e proporciona alguns embates divertidos. Em um grande resumo, a história em si é satisfatória, ainda mais quando aliada com as missões e heróis extras das DLCs. Existe algum grau de inconsistência entre os personagens apresentados nas DLCs e quando eles também aparecem na história principal, mas nada que chega a ser artificial.

Ainda existe, mesmo que de menor importância, um certo nível de exploração na Abadia. Ela serve como uma espécie de Krypta (do MK) onde você encontra mistérios e baús coloridos para receber itens cosméticos e afins.

E com isso entramos aqui nos pontos negativos. Sem as DLCs existem pouquíssimas opções de roupas diferentes e tudo o que resta são cosméticos que mudam apenas as cores. O passe de temporada só vale a pena se estiver em promoção (comprei por cerca de R$80 na PS Store) e aí sim temos todas as roupas que, caso contrário, teríamos que desembolsar uma boa quantia em alguma moeda fictícia para tê-las. Outro ponto é que o jogo é cheio de querer fazer você perder tempo, os recursos são divididos em infinidades de tipos diferentes que só um tipo de missão específica vai te recompensar com um deles. Algo meio na linha de jogos mobile em que você precisa fazer algo para ter um tanto de madeira, outro algo para ter um tanto de ferro etc. Isso é ainda mais agravante quando consideramos que à medida que o jogo vai progredindo a quantidade dessas recompensas não acompanham, mas o custo dos itens, melhorias e outras coisas aumentam.

No aspecto gráfico o jogo é bonito, desde que os personagens estejam vestidos com as roupas de combate, fora delas todos parecem sem sal, muito simples. Os vilões são bem feitos e caracterizados, mas a variedade é pequena. Ao todo são quatro que se repetem, um chefão final e um genérico que aparece esporadicamente em missões. As histórias presentes na DLC sofrem do mesmo problema porém reduzindo o número de vilões a apenas dois.

No fim, é um jogo muito divertido de estratégia/deck builder com diálogos cativantes entre companheiros, mas que peca em expandir alguns pontos do que está relacionado a gameplay fora do combate.