Reviews from

in the past

Made it to the first Wily stage boss on the GameCube version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection, but did not finish. Later finished the game on the Switch version of Mega Man Legacy Collection.

This game has many sins but Wily Capsule 7 alone really tanks it down to being only slightly better than MM1 on the whole, despite its improvements

I'll get my only negative out of the way immediately, and it's that I don't like that the game splits the Robot Masters you fight into two groups of 4 at a time. I figured the Game Boy RMX games did that because of platform limitations or something, but I don't think I understand exactly why they decided to do that with this game? Is it to make it more accessible for newcomers? That way, you feel less overwhelmed by eight Robot Masters? I'm not sure but that was my only complaint, because I felt limited in my options.

What immediately stood out to me in this game were its beautiful graphics and animation. After 6 games of being on the NES, I'm glad Capcom finally decided to move on. Better late than never. As much as I like the later NES Rockman games (esp 4-6), it was about time to make the leap to the next console generation. They also have quite a few cutscenes in the game. Most Rockman games before this had an intro, an outro or credits sequence with dialogue sometimes, and maybe one cutscene near the end of the game that elaborated on a major twist. This game has lots of dialogue, and it was super cool to feel the bump up in terms of story presentation thanks to the new hardware.

The game has another set of great Robot Masters and Wily Castle bosses that make up some of the most thoughtful and well-designed fights in the series, including the final boss. I previously said that Wily Capsule 4 was the best final boss the series had, but I think Capsule 7 was even better. The only bosses I thought sucked were Shade Man and Slash Man. Maybe I just couldn't figure out their patterns well enough, but they were more frustrating than fun. The secret Blues fight was really cool, but I felt like I didn't get much use out of his shield. The one time I thought to use it in a boss fight was against the first Forte fight in Wily Castle, but his beams just pass through my shield.

Loved the introduction of Forte and Gospel as new rival characters for Rock, as well. I don't think I ever heard of these guys before, so I had no clue that they were really built by Wily rather than the friendly rivals most of the game tries to convince you they are. Especially loved the bit where you find Forte damaged outside of one of the boss rooms, and you offer to bring him back to Dr. Right, only for him to betray us and steal the blueprints to copy the Rush Adaptor later on in the game. Fighting Super Forte as Super Rockman was a highlight of the game.

Rightot's shop was a great new feature as well. You can find everything you can buy from him in the levels naturally, but it just helps accelerate the process to be able to quickly buy things from the shop. Especially near the end, when I was exhausting all my items against Wily Capsule 7. I didn't really have to grind screws at all, so it was only a bit time-consuming mashing through the dialogue and waiting for my items to get crafted.

I don't think the levels themselves are as great as Rockman 5 or 6 with their interesting gimmicks or branching pathways, but the game rocks where it counts for me.

كانت لعبتي المفضلة عندما كنت صغير
الآن عندما اعيدها اصير واعي اكثر بمشاكلها
و اكبرهم هو الاوبننق الطويل بزيادة...
يظل جزء جيد
احب شخصية باسس و اضافات القيمبلاي مثل وضع راش ( اللي للأسف ما بيرجع لأي جزء آخر )

Love this game for its unique art style & sound design that the game can truly call its own, which is rare for Mega Man. Decent challenge throughout with some brutal segments (without the right equipment) & the level interactivity with certain weapons is a great touch.

I love just about everything this game tries to do. The boss fights are very different from the rest of the series but are all very good. Most people hate Slash Man and the Wily Capsule but mastering those was some of the most fun I've had with the series. The charge shot doing 2 damage and the invincibility frames being shortened were both great changes and I love the collectathon aspect it has. Easily one of the best classic series games.

Esse jogo é a masterpiece da saga clássica de Mega Man, o jogo foi feito só em 3 meses porém mesmo assim ele é cheios de itens pra se pega nas fases e ele melhora em tudo que tinha nos jogos passados

This fails to achieve the one thing that every side-scrolling Mega Man game should achieve by default: Mega Man 7 feels atrocious. Slippery, garish, and requiring near-Crash Bandicoot levels of precision for a lot of its most basic platforming segments. Not only that, but...

For reasons that are still unclear, much of Mega Man's progression in this game is tuned around (1) the new Rush Search function, which players are encouraged to use to find optional upgrades hidden throughout the Robot Master levels; and (2) an optional shop menu, where players can spend their hard-earned "bolts" to purchase extra lives, E-tanks, and any other upgrades that they were unable to find with the Rush Search. Clearly, Capcom's attempt to innovate the Mega Man formula isn't ill-intentioned. I respect the swing immensely, especially after six distinct NES games in the same graphics engine. Unfortunately, it was still a swing and a miss for me.

I also need to talk about the game's notorious final boss, Wily Capsule 7. What is going on there? It's possible to dodge some of his attacks with perfect timing, but it's so clearly tuned around going to the shop, purchasing a full set of E-tanks and an S-tank (a new item that restores weapon energy), and tanking the majority of his hits without much strategy. Truly sadistic stuff—neither a final test of the skills you've honed so far nor a means of catharsis. Instead, it just feels hostile.

Look, I'll say it again. This game is gorgeous. I want to live inside of it. But, for you, reader of this review, it would probably be best to look at some screenshots and listen to the music instead of actually playing Mega Man 7. What a miserable, beautiful mess.

Salvo por los gráficos, el juego desaprovecha mucho todo lo que el SNES podia hacer, la música no es memorable y la jugabilidad no evoluciona prácticamente nada.

Oh, sweet Mega Man 7... Everything about this game works, there are moments of frustration in a few levels but they never held me up for long enough to feel unfair, and the larger sprite sizes are well worth to me with how awesome this game's graphics are. They definitely upped the presentation, and what little it interferes with the gameplay doesn't get to me, as the gameplay is really good! The levels are well designed, with really good secrets and discovery. The super adapter knocks it out of the park, and the rivalry with Bass is a really awesome addition to this both story and gameplay wise. Everything about this game is incredible, and sets it up as my favorite in the Classic line, and then you fight the final boss and never want to play this game ever again. It is hard not to mention this game's most glaring flaw, but all in all it is a really well designed experience.

Turbo man is a turbo fuck head. Also the music is pretty forgettable.

I don't understand how people did this without save states I would have bashed my skull in. This game was so good and then it just kept getting worse. Wily castle stages were torture.

this game was made in 3 months. i can't even imagine...but i like it! i like mega man 7!

This was yet another game I only beat once when I was younger on the Mega Man Anniversary Collection, but I had generally positive memories of it. I remembered it as "another one" of a generally positive slew of Mega Man games post-Mega Man 3. Hooooo boy, was I in for a surprise going through it again this time XP. It took me about three hours to complete the Japanese version of the game.

Mega Man 7 is the first entry in the classic series on the Super Nintendo, but it still has a fairly simple story. Taking place soon after Mega Man 6, Dr. Wily had a back-up army ready to break him out of jail, and it's up to Mega Man to put him back there once again! You're assisted by your new robot friend Auto, who runs a shop you can buy power ups at, and you're going against a rival made by Dr. Wily, Bass (and his Rush-analogue named Treble), but it's still an ultimately quite simple and typical story for Mega Man.

Despite not being anywhere close to Mega Man's first outing on a 16-bit console (both Mega Man X and X2 were out already), you would think this was the second Mega Man game ever with how many mistakes they make. In order to get Mega Man to be a big and detailed sprite, he's, well, BIG. he takes up a lot of real estate on the screen compared to how much he did on the NES, and it ends up feeling a lot more like the Game Boy entries in many less than positive ways. Your hitbox is often unclear, so getting onto ladders is often frustrating (not to mention how that makes fighting enemies harder), and how big arenas/areas are compared to how big the screen is can make some bosses like Cloud Man feel far more frustrating than they need to. The game's stages overall just have far more mean and unfair-feeling traps than you had in previous games, even in Mega Man X, and it makes them far less fun to replay as a result if you're hunting for the hidden items (which this game has very similarly to how Mega Man X did) or just going for yet another attempt at a boss.

This game's bosses are also harmed by how big you are and generally feel really unpolished. Mega Man feels slow and heavy a lot of the time, despite his ground-dash, and bosses frequently feel way more mobile than you. I very often only tried to kill them with just the mega buster once, if even that, because my expectations for how fun they'd even be to fight were lowered so much by the end of things. The final boss has a reputation for being a really tough bastard, deliberately designed to be "impossible without an E-tank", and that's a well deserved reputation. Dr. Wily is about as difficult as he'd ever be, and is just one huge cherry on the sundae of generally unpolished and needlessly difficult bosses this game is plagued with.

The presentation of the game is fine, but not really what you'd expect by now. While the graphics are very pretty, their largeness and prettiness comes at the expense of the level design (in my opinion), and while the music is nice, it's never nearly as good as the music in Mega Man X. None of the presentation is bad, per se, but it doesn't exactly impress when compared to Capcom's previous SNES titles even in just this series.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. I recommend this game really only in the view that it's still ultimately a fairly solid game compared to a lot of other SNES action titles. However, as a Mega Man game, it's a severe disappointment. It was developed over only three months, and damn if it doesn't feel like it. While within that frame of reference, it's still super remarkable that Mega Man 7 is even as good as it actually is, it's still a really unpolished experience that will likely frustrate just as often as it entertains, and if you were going to skip any entry in the classic Mega Man series, it should really be this one. I know some people hold this up as their favorite Mega Man game, but I just cannot see the appeal when I compare it to what came before (let alone what came later).

A fun adventure full of secrets that sadly doesn't stick the landing.

Mega Man 7 is an interesting game. i like it. it takes the secrets and upgrades from Mega Man 6 and runs wild with it. Each stage in 7 has a secret in it that you might have to come back for later, and it adds a level of intrigue that was not present in earlier Mega Man games. They might not have needed that intrigue, but i gladly welcome it here.

One of those secrets involves an overarching side quest with Proto Man, that ends in a really cool reward, i'm a big fan of it.

Even though Mega Man 7 doesn't follow the gameplay of the newly started sequel series, Mega Man X, it does heavily emphasize using the Super Adaptor Armor, a very Mega Man X powerup. Sure, don't give Mega Man the dash, but he can absolutely have the double jump. Thankfully, the double jump doesn't break the game like Mega Man 6's Jet Adaptor does.

The music of Mega Man 7 is odd to me. Up until this point, the musical identity of Mega Man was just 8bit chiptunes, so there was nothing specific to bass this identity off of. So Mega Man 7 goes in the interesting direction of being midi semi-orchestral songs. It sounds softer and slower than its predecessors. It's not bad by any means, but especially considering how Mega Man 8 and 11 would take the more Techno-inspired route, Mega Man 7 feels pretty out of place, musically.

The final boss of Mega Man 7 is a really rough time. It's a war of attrition that spits in your face if you get far enough and fail anyway. Unless you play perfectly, in which case i'm proud of you, you will be forced to use a health and/or weapon refill, and then when you die you will not have that refill next time.

I did not beat Mega Man 7 the first time i played it. Thankfully i pulled it off years later, but good lord. Here's a hint for you that i would have loved to know back then: you can mash buttons to get out of the burning animation sooner.

And then you beat the game and, if you're playing in english, you get a cringeworthy character assassination of everyone's favorite little blue guy Mega Man. it just can't stick that landing, man.

I recommend Mega Man 7 to anyone who likes Mega Man and anyone who wants a taste of everything Mega Man has to offer but doesn't want to wade through over 10 games. Consider Mega Man 7 as your second course after 2 or 3.

Talvez seja porque eu vim logo de seguida dos jogos do NES, mas achei a gameplay bem mais enferrujada do que dos outros jogos, mesmo assim gostei minimamente da experiencia. Tirando o boss final. É demasiado dificil.

I can't think of a single moment where I had even a modicum of fun with how atrocious Mega Man controls in this one. At least it introduced us to Bass I guess.

looks sick and is fun to play

me estaba flipando hasta que he llegado al final boss, literalmente crimen de guerra

Makes Me More Intelligent !!

Hardest and most frustrating Dr. Wily boss fight ever. Beside that the game is a 16-bit gem. Wish they made more like this instead of 8 (literal EIGHT) 8-bit ones.

very flawed but pretty fun
hard as shit tho

Mega Man 7: The Game
You know the story by now, 3 months, team that would later end up becoming Inti Creates, yadder yadder yadder.

Mega Man is a series that I've always had a casual enjoyment of, and I have a pretty neutral opinion of most of the games I've tried. That being said, I found a lot of enjoyment out of 7 in particular, probably because I prefer SNES graphics and music to the 8-bit games.

It's the standard Mega Man fare, tightly designed 2D levels, action packed levels with boss fights of varying difficulty throughout the adventure. Most of the robot master's weapons are fun to use, and the ability to swap between them with the shoulder buttons is a very welcome addition. I found myself sticking with the Thunder Bolt most of the time for its high damage and range, but other weapons such as the Noise Crush and Freeze Cracker were useful.

The game also has quite a few secrets that make replaying the stages rewarding. It's not one of the more challenging games in the series, but classic mega man gameplay is always gonna be fun.

Still my favorite Mega Man game in the entire series. Solid gameplay & wonderful level design, alongside some great visuals. The final boss is extremely cheap though

This one took some years to grow on me but it’s a banger, i love all the secrets and the story is pretty rad

I played this with the Restoration and Refit romhacks

último chefe extremamente frustrante