Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Melty Blood is one of those doujin fighting games that Insert Credit likes to go on and on about. Apparently it’s pretty good. The screenshots seem to depict a definite Guilty Gear kind of look.

Actually, I don’t really know what a “doujin” game is. Is that even the right word? In any case the game’s pretty fun, even if it does run at a sexilicious 17 fps on my system. Ooh, baby.

The gameplay for this will always suck complete ass, as all the sequels are deliberately better paced and many times more interesting. But the presentation is great, the sprites are great, and the VN section is actually pretty damn cool if you're on the heels of Tsukihime. Definitely worthwhile if you can stand the gameplay.

O modo VN é bem podre, feio e lento. Como jogo de luta é bacaninha até, mas é extremamente lento e arrastado. Não dá pra agir depois do dash, ground teching é quase impossível, mas o jogo tem uma block string bem daora.

Os sprites são bonitinhos

Wallachia is a really cool idea for a dead apostle icl

A fun VN/fighting game that introduces some new characters to the tsukihime series and tells an interesting story to balance the fights.

story good the rest is bad except for the op thats peak

Hisui had ONE special move in this game, this shit was something else man
the OP hits though

featuring atari dumbledore from porkslope turkeyhandle

Cool story for a fighting game, great animation and music, the gameplay is really well thought out, though it's a little rough playing without the Re:ACT patch.

The music will always be god tier as fuck.

Doy asco en los fighting games así que solo jugué su historia. A este punto no sé si considerarla como mejor o peor secuela Kagetsu Tohya (lo cual no es algo positivo), pero aun así no llega a ser nada destacable, de hecho la historia transcurre literalmente en una noche y no aporta en absoluto a Tsukihime más que un nuevo personaje y ver a la hermana menor de Shiki.

O Modo de visual novel é a única parte que eu gostei.
Como jogo de luta, é meio... ruim. Tava encaminhando pro que viria se tornar no Re-ACT, mas é o primeiro jogo então não pode exigir muito.

This game's movement and attacking speed is way slow for me. Mostly the fault of playing Type Lumina first but I need fast paced gameplay for fighters in general. It's cool to see similar or exact animations that were in Type Lumina though.

Como uma VN, produção visual péssima e roteiro nível fanfiction. Como um jogo de luta, gameplay lento e desbalanceado, não exige nada além de apertar dois botões pra fazer tudo, nem pra ser um esfolador de botão serve, pelo menos tem uns sprites bonitos. Realmente, é um trabalho do Nasu.

True sacchin route

jokes aside mechanics are pretty shitty compared to newer ones

i can't play fighting games but the music is really good and the story is solid