Reviews from

in the past

not as good as the first, but thats not to say the revival of this franchise wasnt exactly what everyone wanted. cant wait for meme run 3!!!

As much as the original Meme Run was beloved by many, its sequel Meme Run 2 falls short in several ways. The game seems to lack the same charm and wit that made the first one so special. The levels are less creative and feel uninspired, and the use of off-brand memes can feel cringy and out of touch with current internet culture. Furthermore, the game's difficulty level seems to have been ramped up without offering any new or exciting challenges. Additionally, the graphics and sound design lack the same level of polish and personality, making it feel like a soulless cash-grab rather than a passion project. Overall, Meme Run 2 is a disappointing follow-up to a beloved classic, failing to capture the same magic that made its predecessor so fun and memorable.

wow what a surprise. a sequel to a shovelware wii u game turns out to also be shovelware as well

Not as good as the original. Would have been much better if they added workshop support on Steam

This sure is a game alright !

FR though goat goat goat I can't believe they actually brought it back under the caveat they had to slightly alter some of the meme related content due to the potentiality of another copyright strike

making a sequel that's actually high quality is so shit

This game came from a place of cynicism and hatred. I almost respect it for that.

I think my soul may have left my body.