Reviews from

in the past

Any fan of the YouTuber 'DankPods' likely knows about the store "Cashies", a bin of various miscellaneous tat that's fun to browse in the hopes you find old games, old toys or that TV show you've been trying to find a DVD of for months.

I went in there today because every so often I find Switch games for cheap, albeit without the boxes, and today while picking up a Mario game for half price I spotted this DS game.
Curious, I picked it up. After all, it was only £1.50.

The game itself is 5 minigames; Solitaire, a Breakout clone, Pool, Bowling, and Poker, all with some Casino-esque theming.

The first game is Solitaire, which I have no idea how this version works. Microsoft's version was at least easier to understand and get the gist of.

The second game is "Block Breaker Deluxe", a clone of Breakout, which has a story. No, seriously.
The game plays exactly as you'd expect, but you win money and "gifts" you give to other girls for a reason I don't exactly know. I don't even know the story here.
You'd be surprised to learn that even Breakout here is a bit of a challenge, a few levels you're trying to just get the angle right on the ball because you can't break certain blocks.

Game 3 is Midnight Pool, which features bootleg versions of rock songs, and plenty of woman ogling by gruff men.
Even on the easy mode it's hard. I don't understand how these games actually work.

Games 4 and 5, Bowling and Poker I didn't actually play but judging by the last 3 they're probably terrible ports that are way too hard for me, a casual gamer.

Just buy, like, Battleship or Uno or something. They're a lot more fun and actually understandable.