Reviews from

in the past

It’s Minecraft, what more has to be said. Only thing that needs to be said about Minecraft is reflecting on all the memories this game gave me and my friends hits different.

old minecraft is so calming

I do not know what's so specific about this version of MC, but I am having so much more fun with this than Java 1.20

i will never be this happy ever again

5 stars just for the heart-wrenching nostalgia of the tutorial world (i miss you so much)

Playing this with friends was grand.

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a versão do 360 consegue ser ainda mais nostálgica

Honestly my favorite version of Minecraft. The tutorial world was so fun to explore and never really got old for me.
Used to play this with split screen for 4 with my 2 cousins and brother. We would even give our younger cousin a control and tell me him he was playing.

eu colocava o jogo do meu lado quando eu ia dormir

Playing this single + local multiplayer in 2012 & watching like roosterteeths old minecraft 360 lps are some of purest joys i can recall.

when i used to not want to kms beaustiful

Nothing but five stars for the goat. Practically started a genre of gaming on its own.

The first port of my favorite version of Minecraft, and the game that is responsible for my career and interest in software engineering. It may not have all the bells and whistles of other ports of the game, but it's a wonderful little port that worked extremely well for what it had to be. 4J Studios are masterful console developers and expertly adapted Minecraft. I have countless hours in this game and I still play it much to this day (although on other editions of Legacy Console)

Jogar sozinho é triste e enjoativo 🦖

Mheee, es entretenido y da para muchas horas si eres creativo para construir (yo no lo soy).

The best version of the game, this game gives me so much nostalgia.