Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay é muito bala, foi o único MK que eu consegui jogar bem ao ponto de puxar partida online e jogar de igual com uns doido. A história é uma bosta mas possui pontos muito bons, salvo um ou outro personagem aqui e a dublagem da Pitty é sacanagem.

Melhor gameplay da franquia tirando o fato de ser só baseado em 50/50 e o roster ser meio buxa é um bom jogo

Demasiado difícil para un noob como yo, no me puedo aprender ni los combos fáciles. Eso sí, los fatalities son los mejores

That game was a huge disappointment for me, but it's not its fault. In 2014, I was visiting my friend, and he had some sort of PlayStation and some sort of latest Mortal Kombat. I was so charmed by that game! And I thought if I ever bought the console, I would find this game! And years later, at the end of 2016, I bought a PS4. And I bought the latest MK. And it was another game! With new, unfamiliar characters! What I thought! And then I investigated the subject. The game that charmed me was MK IX! which don't exist on PS4! only PS3! And the game I bought is MKX. 

apesar de quebrado a vezes, mkx tem uma gameplay empolgante e diverte muito. sou um grande fã de mk e dos fgc da netherhealm em geral, e tendo a dizer que o mkx é o meu game favorito da segunda trilogia 2d de mk e do renascimento da netherhealm como um todo.
apesar de ter agradado muito o meu gosto pessoal, mkx é lotado de problemas. o modo historia é pessimo, a ponto das hqs lançadas antes como prologo do game serem melhores, os graficos são pifios se levarmos em consideração a epoca em q ele saiu, e a gameplay também não é a mais equilibrada de todas.
mesmo ciente de todos esses erros, algo sempre me chama de volta ao game. talvez seja a atmosfera sombria, talvez seja a gameplay rapida e empolgante, eu realmente não sei. o que eu sei é que apesar de tudo mkx é um jogaço.

had a pretty good story that personally i enjoyed! the combat was a bit frustrating and certain characters had a better flow than others. i also think this has got some really ugly character models with a few exceptions like cassie cage and and jacqui briggs for example… excited to get the chance to play mk11 for myself next!

Eu tenho zero experiencia com jogos de luta, então meu foco nesse jogo foi apenas terminar o modo historia.
O modo historia é interessante o suficiente pra me manter interessado em continuar jogando, e não muito além disso.
Os acontecimentos não parecem ter o peso que o enredo quer que você pense que tem, é difícil ficar intimado por um vilão somente porque o chifre dele ficou maior.
Os personagens, bom os personagens clássicos estão bem caracterizados no jogo, a maioria não tem muito o que fazer na historia enquanto os outros parecem que vão passar por algum desenvolvimento, e não chegam a lugar nenhum.
Agora sobre os "protagonistas" dessa historia, a turma da malhação, um grupo de personagens que só tem graça devido a dublagem horrível de certos personagens, parece que os roteiristas pensaram em três palavras pra definir a personalidade de cada um e parou por aí, além da falta de carisma existe um problema maior que é a falta de um arco de desenvolvimento para esses que são os protagonistas, a sensação que fica ao ver esses personagens é que todo o roteiro teve que ser feito as pressas ou cortado devido a problemas no desenvolvimento ou algo do tipo.
Isso acabou virando mais um "desabafo" sobre a minha decepção com o modo historia desse jogo, mas apesar da decepção joga-lo foi uma experiencia positiva, valeu os 10 reais que paguei.

Absolutely love this game. Peak Mortal Kombat. NetherRealm had something special going into the 2010's that they just can't seem to reach again. The story was solid if not controversial and the gameplay was satisfying, complicated and entertaining.

Meu segundo preferido de toda franquia, aqui acertaram demais com a violência e outros modos

this and injustice 2 are the peaks of nrs. story is whatever as usual and the visuals have not aged well (i love me some browns and grays mmm scrumdiddlyumptious) but the gameplay is top-notch. it also has jason, leatherface, xenomorph, and predator which automatically makes this the best mortal kombat roster. too bad they will never top this

Если с друзьями то имба, а так хуйня.

Es un juego divertido. Las bases de MK siguen ahi pero esta vez se vuelve mas lento el combate y eso no me termino de gustar nunca. Introduce personajes MUY buenos como Takeda o Ferrathor a los cuales nunca mas se les dio desarrollo. Su historia es entretenida pero nada mas.

o pior MK ate então, serio como eles puderam piorar tudo do MK anterior, eles tentaram meter um jogo dark e tals, mas é só um jogo escuro, não de temas, e sim de brilho
a minha maior critica vai pelo lance da tecnologia e o mitaliarismo, claro todo mk sempre teve isso, mas isso estragou muitas coisas, ao menos pra mim MK sempre foi de artes marciais misturada com magias e uma tecnologia de vez em quando é claro, e não só
estragando personagens como o Johnny Cage, nada contra ele ter envelhecido é claro, desenvolvimento de personagem é sempre bem vindo, mas pqp pra que transformar ele num militar, perdeu muito do carisma que ele tinha.
Esse jogo falta muito do conteudo que tinha no Anterior.
fora todas essas coisas negativas, tem um bom elenco de personagens, inclusive personagens novos que são bem legais de se jogar como Takeda e O kung Jin, os unicos meio nhe do elenco novo são a Ferra/Torr e Dvorah, mas fora isso todos bem divertido de jogar
e bom, melhora bastante o combate do 9, sendo a unica coisa negativa essa ideia idiota de variação de personagens
todo ponto positivo desse jogo vem com 1 ponto negativo junto infelizmente, mas é um bom jogo de se jogar com os amigos

I enjoyed the game from the beginning till the end. Good story, good voice acting, good mechanics and combos.

"There are fates worse than death." - Raiden

I whopped Anthony's ass in this game

The first mk of the new generation of the consoles and a downtrodden game. This game have such potential. It's the most dark game of the franshice, the colors are darker than the others and the DLC's characters fit in the atmosphere (horror movies). The story is "meh", it's not the strong point of mk. The gameplay is really cool and one of the bests fighting mechanics. The factions was a good add to the game, encouraging players to play more to defeat enemy factions, and the faction kills are very cool. This game has more outfits than MK9, and the skins are very cool. Is one of the few mk games that let we can play with the "boss".

Very fun MK game. In my opinion this game had the best collaboration skins like Alien, Predator, and Jason Voorhees.

my first mk game, has a special place in my heart

Mortal Kombat X - even if you close your eyes to the “so-so start, laguillagilag”, the project is still controversial. On the one hand, the gameplay is more vigorous than ever, for the first time an attempt to reveal the storyline, graphics and many modes (2x2 is missing - a big drawback).
On the other hand, the gameplay has not changed, it’s primitive and even dull, and what’s even more frustrating is the incredibly short storyline. I think after MK 9 it became obvious that the plot in the series is no longer “just for show,” so this situation is upsetting

This review contains spoilers

This game is... An extremely mixed bag.
I love the gameplay. Just to preface. There's an extremely fluid sense of combo structure, and each character feels extremely fleshed out. Variations add a lot to movesets, and guest characters especially feel true to life.
With that said. If you're a pro player looking for tournament matches, you'll LOVE this game.
If you're a casual player, you'll probably get a kick out of the camp in this game.
If you're a longtime Mortal Kombat fan like me... There's a lot you REALLY won't like about this game.
The story is no Mortal Kombat 9. The new characters, primarily the (ugh) Kombat Kids feel extremely lacking in the department of 'cool' we've been accustomed to. I think even a lot of the casual players feel this. I don't think I've ever seen a single fan of Jacqui Briggs or Kung Jin. And yet, I see people with profile pictures of Hsu Hao and Drahmin in the community on a weekly basis.
The Kombat Kids, for the most part, are extremely uninspired. Cassie is literally just Johnny, but a teenage girl. Jacqui is literally just Jax, but a teenage girl. One of my biggest pet peeves in fighting games is when designers clearly run out of ideas, so they make a character that clearly just apes from an existing character. Rock Howard, this is not.
Their writing, as well as the writing of a lot of veteran characters is... Actually just really bad, and at times it's really, REALLY bad. If you like Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, prepare to watch them get totally assassinated. Instead of a confident movie star and a fierce special forces fighter, we instead get Deadbeat Dad and Strong Indypendent Oil War Whamen going at it in the marriage counselor's office.
The story beats themselves are incredibly rushed at times. The entire last act feels like it was rewritten at the last minute and had half the act cut out just to wank the Kombat Kids. Cassie Cage beating Corrupted Shinnok, seriously? It's a teenage girl effortlessly beating a corrupted chaos Elder God. Fuck it, let's just have Stryker shoot Onaga in the face next game lol.
A lot of the drama surrounding the game is about the Kombat Kids learning to fight and getting into teen drama. Was any of this REALLY necessary when it's obvious the entire last act was rushed? And I don't just say it was rushed for no reason, there's characters with movesets you can fight in the story mode that aren't even playable lol. Hell, one of them (Tanya) was DLC just a few months after the game released. Something weird was going on behind the scenes here, I'm not gonna go on a limb and say "SWEET BABY INC CALIFORNIA GOTTEM" or something, but I suspect a lot of the writing was either outsourced, meddled, or, the most likely option, rushed. I realize that Mortal Kombat has never really been known for having a tight knit story, but it was never outright lame.
Now, we've established the Kombat Kids are terrible. But the villains... They're pretty good! Kotal Khan and Erron Black have very slick designs and dialogue, D'Vorah is one of the most loathable villains in the whole series, and Ferra/Torr is actually, in my opinion, one of the better and more unique new characters to come in one of these games. An Aztec royal, a bounty hunter, an insectoid, and a symbiotic species make for some genuinely captivating characters. There's a very bizarre discrepancy of characters NetherRealm REALLY gave a shit about, and characters they really didn't.
The art direction... Ugh. Don't like it at all. The move from a more animated style to realism and constant murky grays and browns did this game no favors. Levels that should look fun and colorful just don't, and a lot of the characters look flat out ugly from it.
I won't go too much into the discourse about censorship for these games, but this was also the first that started the really hypocritical idea that the old titles were problematic in how the women were depicted. Because making everything gray and having iconic characters go through divorce is more gripping than letting them show around 30% of their skin while whooping ass, right? As well, I guess watching fathers mutilate their daughters is less problematic... Lol.
Don't get it twisted here though. While this game started a lot of issues I have with the series, it definitely has its strong points. The Krypt has a ton of content, and the towers make it very replayable. Different modifiers can activate for each tower, leading to some great shenanigans. There's even a Kustom Kombat mode where you can freely mix modifiers together in singles matches. Though, you can't play the Living Towers offline, and you can't fight CPUs in Kustom Kombat, so the enjoyment of these modes is a little limited even if the execution is great.
There's a lot of unlockables, including skins, concept art, and the brutality system. The brutalities are GREAT, fantastic even, adding tons of new ways to finish every match by fulfilling requirements and hitting specific inputs to finish an opponent in a fun, flashy way.
Overall, the real strengths of this game lie directly in the gameplay. If you turn your brain off, you'll probably have a lot of fun. It's a mixed bag, as I said, but I do lean towards it being good.

Back when Mortal Kombat was gritty dark and interesting, the writing wasn't as bad as MK1, there wasn't any dumb secondary fighters. Every move and combo actually felt satisfying to pull off, I really wish they would return to this style of Mortal Kombat it worked so well compared to what they are trying now. its worth picking up you can probably get it on sale as well since its from 2015.

Nunca tinha jogado modo história em jogo de luta, é legal.

Played this a little bit more recently again and honestly this game is really great and is easily the best netherrealm game but y'all ain't ready for that conversation (I still need to finish mortal kombat 1 though, Only at the beginning and it's pretty good so far).