Reviews from

in the past

-História super curta.
-Alguns novos personagens muito bem desenvolvidos e outros totalmente rasos.
-Dublagem nacional ruim, principalmente a da personagem Cassie Cage (Pitty ótima cantora, nada contra, mas que dublagem HORRÍVEL).
-Três estilos de luta diferente para cada personagem.
-Gráficos e Fatalities muito mais bonitos.
-Músicas e efeitos sonoros excelentes.

Como um jogo de luta é péssimo, como Mortal Kombat é ruim, Parece que os devs só fizeram o Scorpion como personagem bom e competitivo de verdade, de resto não tem o que falar, história quase nula, cenários ok e trilha sonora fraca

Mortal Kombat X - even if you close your eyes to the “so-so start, laguillagilag”, the project is still controversial. On the one hand, the gameplay is more vigorous than ever, for the first time an attempt to reveal the storyline, graphics and many modes (2x2 is missing - a big drawback).
On the other hand, the gameplay has not changed, it’s primitive and even dull, and what’s even more frustrating is the incredibly short storyline. I think after MK 9 it became obvious that the plot in the series is no longer “just for show,” so this situation is upsetting

Not a fighting game fan but I played this for the goofy campaign. It was fun even though I know nothing about most of these characters.

Oooooh hello favourite paced mk. There is a big step up in a lot of elements and factors from mk9 and even some unique ideas that we wouldn't see again so far like factions. Story while not a lot happens is written to be a lot more fun and sensible but it's also shot far more exciting and expensive. For gameplay this is where I think a sweet spot is hit for speed and the amount of experimentation there is on offer. Variations is definitely my favourite unique thing about the roster in this title. Given each character 3 basically unique playstyles/move sets that enable some customisation. The guests characters are like awesome sauce. Horror theme with alien predator Jason and leather face. Very fun cast. There's more detail I could give but I'll close by saying that there's a lot of post kontent to unlock. A great krypt. And while some moves feel useless and this game still feels loose in terms of balance I can't deny this is a solid entry in the series that I can't say no to a round or two of at any given moment. PSA this is where the WB easy fatalities/skip fight tokens come in and cost money. The nicrotransactions start here and unfortunately get more aggressive the further we go on. But fuck it. Get the XL edition for like 10 buck and you'll have yourself a great package

Primeiramente, nunca fui muito fã da franquia e resolvi dar uma chance começando pelo 10º título, e já adianto que foi uma decepção.

Mortal Kombat X possui uma trama razoável e bons personagens, porém a maior parte das lutas são desequilibradas e chatas.

Played this a little bit more recently again and honestly this game is really great and is easily the best netherrealm game but y'all ain't ready for that conversation (I still need to finish mortal kombat 1 though, Only at the beginning and it's pretty good so far).

I think the story is better than MK IX and MK11. The gameplay is not something special - Its OK.

Raiden just cannot stop taking L's

Mortal Kombat X segue todas as drásticas perdas do desfecho final do jogo anterior trazendo para resolver um pouco disso aquela ideia bem batida de filhos dos personagens principais da franquia para conseguir prosseguir com a história sem ter quase nenhum furo de roteiro, a história ela se desenvolve bem e traz ainda mais peso e desenvolvimento na personalidade de seus personagens, único ponto que pode ser considerado negativo por uma simples razão é algumas dublagens brasileiras aqui que esvaziam muito a densidade de alguns diálogos que realmente não convencem por ou terem sido readaptada de maneira errada ou apenas por soltar uma piada bem ridícula que não funcionam muito bem, foco principal sendo na dublagem da Cassandra Cage que chamaram justamente a Pitty (cantora) que por mais que tenha tentado se "esforçar" não chegou a convencer ninguém, mas fora isso, é um jogo que até que vale ser chamado de sucessor por trazer boas melhorias em sua mecânica que já era boa e trazer novamente uma seriedade em sua história com um vilão tão bom quanto o grande Shao Khan que é o Shinnok...

o modo história é decepcionante e as variações não servem pra nada, geralmente vc só usa uma mas no geral o jogo é bem maneiro

Mortal Kombat is never gonna reach this level of quality again. the campaign? thrilling, the graphics? gorgeous, the soundtrack? fire.

Has the most brutal and gutwrenching fatalities despite being less gory than 11, gameplay is crisp and more balanced than most of the titles. DLC was fantastic and not a single character (except maybe D’Vorah) is unlikable or not true to form.

fighting game with gore
sorry i never know what to say about fighting games

Better than Mortal Kombat 11.

Mortal Kombat X is not a good game in my opinion. The story is filled with SJW propaganda, featuring unlikable new characters that we should "love" because they are "diverse". And the story mode has too much filler chapters. The gameplay is strong as always but I still prefer the previous game over this one.

The Full Review(No Spoilers):

Woke Kombat
Ugh, I can't believe we will talk about this but okay. Let's start from the beginning. After replaying Mortal Kombat(9) and really enjoying it, I decided to continue the series before going into MK1. Yes, yes I know that some hardcore fans are angry at the game but I will buy it during the Black Friday sales.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I was feeling good after Mortal Kombat(9), I was like "Yes, I am a Mortal Kombat Lore Guy know, I know everything and I love it.". Mortal Kombat X not only murdered my love of the franchise but it also showed me that even if the series got a soft reboot with the previous game, Netherrealm were just not interested in having newcomers to this franchise.

Oh my god, I will explain it all in time so let's just start with the story. And let's actually start with a good thing. The story here is full of twists and turns. Weird things happens. Especially in the first couple of chapters. This is NOT going to go the way you think it is. So I will have to be careful and I will also have to lie to you about the story summary a little bit. A teeny tiny bit. I am trying to protect you.

Our story here is set 25 years after the events of the previous game. Just like it was teased, Shinnok is here with Quan Chi and the resurrected good guys at his side. And he has launched a full on assault at Earthrealm. However, our remaining heroes are still doing their best to defend us. Johnny, Sonya and Raiden were the survivors of the previous game and we also have Fujin and Kenshi being introduced.

Or maybe introduced is a bad word, because they are just added to the game and we get no explanation as to who they are. And that's my biggest problem with this story. Mortal Kombat(9)'s story was written for newcomers to the franchise as well. Every character, literally every single one of them got their origin stories and explanations as to who they are, what they are, what they want to do.

This game does this for some characters as well but definitely not all. Some of these characters are just pushed into the story with no explanation of where they came from. There are also some other not explained things as well. Kuai Liang is a human again, how? He was a cyborg. Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi again, how? It kind of has an explanation if you really force yourself to it but there is nothing clear said in the story or dialogues.

There is also a second thing that I really don't want to talk about but we have to do it. While the story here introduces a bunch of legacy characters without telling anything about their origin which kills the experience for newcomers, the story here clearly tries to include a new group of heroes and passes the torch to them.

We have Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, Kung Jin and Takahashi Takeda who are all a relative of our favorite classic MK characters. And oh boy, they don't work. They really don't work. The best one among them is probably Takeda because of his own personal story was very good.

But the other 3 are basically, I'm very sorry I usually don't swear, assholes. They are very annoying, they have that weird "Gen Z" attitude and as a Gen Z person myself I can definitely say that we are not like that. These characters are just not likeable and they are too bossy to everyone they see.

This is truly the sequel-ification of Mortal Kombat. But it's even worse than those characters to be honest. We at least had BB-8 in the sequels, none of these new characters are likeable. I would go so far in fact and say that they are unwatchable.

And of course, SJW. They are a very "diverse" group. I'm fine with diversity when it's not forced. This here, is forced. All of them have "something" to them. We have 2 women with one being black. And we have 2 men with both being asian and one being gay.

Yeah, just stop please. And again I want to say this again and again. While I am okay with diversity, it's definitely forced here and these characters are also very poorly written. Their dialogues are absolutely terrible.

Okay, I think I am done. Wow, yeah. I hated the story here. And I hated all the new characters. This was bad. But what about the gameplay? Surely that's good right? Well the core gameplay is good. It's very similar to the previous game but now we also have environmental items we can use like Injustice. And X-Rays are back as well.

There is a new stamina bar too but I really don't know what it works. I am a casual fighting game fan, sorry. Compared to the previous game, I would definitely say that this combat is better. It's not too different but it's an upgraded and expanded version of that.

However, I do have one big complaint about the gameplay. Actually, the story mode structure. Similar to the previous game, we have chapters. We had 16 previously, in this game we have 12. Each chapter focuses on one character and after we do 4 fights with them, chapter ends and we go to the next character. That's all nice. But the problem is that many times, these 4 fights are forced.

There are chapters, not many but still 1 or 2 where all fights happens at the exact same location. So you do 4 fights with 1 character in 1 map. That's ridiculous. And in most cases by the way, like 7 or 8 characters, you do 3 of the fights in 1 map. The story just doesn't move forward. This story here is a much shorter one actually but it's stretched with filler fights. Previous game had a few of these as well but compared to this one? There is also the fact that while the previous game had 2-3 filler chapters, it had 16 chapters.

This game has 6-7 filler chapters and only has 12 chapters. I, I just really didn't like the structure as well. It got old very quick. Technically, the game is fine. I don't know why but Netherrealm must have thought that the previous game had too much color so they basically added a PS3-era grey filter.

Female characters looks much better but I wasn't a fan of the male characters' design. Raiden looked too much like a futuristic robot for example. In music department, nothing caught my eye. Or should I say ear?

Mortal Kombat X is not a good game in my opinion. The story is filled with SJW propaganda, featuring unlikable new characters that we should "love" because they are "diverse". And the story mode has too much filler chapters. The gameplay is strong as always but I still prefer the previous game over this one.

Como jogo de luta ele é até bom, apesar de um balanceamento bem questionável sendo muito fácil ou criar combo meio que infinitos ou tomar combo infinito, mas dá pra se divertir bem... agora o modo historia... que coisa tenebrosa... Personagens Rasos, plot sem pé nem cabeça, um monte de coisa avulsa só pra aumentar uma campanha minúscula.
Foram apenas 4 horas... mas pareceram 15

Would be cooler if I didn't suck so bad at fighting games.

repulsive, insulting, and downright disturbing

the way characters casually move in ways that should either make themselves fall down or break their bones is more grotesque than any fatality in mk's history. genuinely some of the worst animation/choreography i've ever seen

Muito bom, mas 10 fps no xray doi!

icônico, porém bem básico infelizmente. poderia ter sido bem melhor, e ainda mais com com aquele finalzinho mequetrefe da cassie cage, que inclusive tem personagens novos sofríveis

I dont understand much about Fighting games, so dont take my veredict too seriously, i found the game decent and appealing, and it was also quite gore, which my friends and i tend to enjoy, but thats mostly it...? I did beat the story back then, and it was such a clown fiesta haha.

You Can Play As Horror Characters. And The Fatalities Are FANTASTIC. Prob my favorite MK Game

Definitely the worst of the 2010s era of Mortal Kombat games. I appreciate them bringing in new characters to invest in and progress the series, but the Kombat Kids are basically all unlikable and dumb, Cassie is the only one whose existence is useful at all. Somehow the fatalities are a downgrade from the last game as well.

show de bola bommjigoo de hluta the melhoes na ndfsitrua

Played the XL version, this game is so much fun, the playable characters are all satisfying to learn and master and each has 3 styles that makes mastering them a fun challenge.

I probably got 60% of all those Brutalities by accident. Mileena is best girl