Reviews from

in the past

Not much to add to what I previously wrote. I discovered that apparently, achievements were locked behind not playing with a controller for some particular reason. Playing with the DS4? No achievements. Playing with KB+M? Everything's "fine"!

Speaking of fine, you know what's really not fine? Not allowing a player to go back to the Main Menu with any controls whatsoever and requiring them to just quit by using the Windows key to get out of the game. I know I managed to quit before using a controller, but because of how long it's been, I'm starting to wonder if I just saved and was allowed to quit because I was at a save point or if I just gave up and Windows keyed out that time, too.

Either way, this game's a mess and on top of that, the visual style is badness with awful outlining, lackluster creature designs, and some of the laziest naming conventions ever for creatures.

But hey, at least you can take massive damage from enemies that are a lower level than you even when their attacks are ineffective against your typing! Nothing wrong with that at all!

But really, I'm lowering this to one star.

Prior review below.


With the full release of this game, I finally got to try my hand at it again.

-- Achievements don't unlock for the most part (I got the super-effective achievement, but haven't gotten one for visiting the item shop or even for getting my starter mon, among other things)

-- The controller doesn't work with half of the selection options (DS4 controller). Menu highlights are darkened, lightened, or minorly-animated changes to the choice boxes, and sometimes what's highlighted still doesn't actually work when I use the controller on it, forcing me to swap to mouse temporarily. For a game that only lets you do stuff ONCE in each room, having only the CANCEL button work to leave the room is kind of bad.

-- There's no visual display for how your mons are doing. I can see the HP and AP of the enemy mons, but I can only check mine between fights in the menu. Which means it's really tough to figure out if I need to use a healing item or an AP-restorative or to plan out my moves to make the most use of my AP in any given battle.

I've only based this rating off the first twenty minutes or so of playing, but with these kinds of issues, it's hard not to fault a game pretty harshly.