Reviews from

in the past

wow. genuinely no idea how to rate this thing. it appears to be a dungeon crawler (and not even one with automap, but with the map already visible) with a bunch of mid-'90s cgi video and stop-motion elements. you explore until an encounter, where you — to the best of my understanding — use the directional buttons to highlight a section of musculature on your chosen bioform's caked-up humanoid diagram (?!)... and, whether you are successful or not (who can say), you switch to some kind of killer instinct lookin side-on view where one monster hits the other. beyond that... i couldn't tell you.

in my total befuddlement i looked for a longplay on youtube and found a video where the guy looked up someone else's playthru and determined they had no better idea of how to play than he did. so it would seem nobody on earth knows how to play this thing. ok! well, it looks fucking cool, anyway...!