Reviews from

in the past

i got 5 minutes into this and said "nope this is a waste of my time." i guuuuuuuuuesssss ill try sumire and iris but fuck man this shit is so boring the 4th time around. cant judge it fairly off 5 minutes tho.

edit: i just went to file explorer to start sumire and instinctively said "nope" i will not taint this series any more. i liked the first and second only. second more so.

edit 2: also i pirated this. something like this under zero circumstance should cost 70 dollars for 4 new 2 hour games. if youre a fast reader maybe 1 hour. that is a ripoff.

With every one of these it's increasingly clear Kataoka is content to write more or less the same story over and over. This one feels a lot more formless because there's not really any conflict until the last third. Which isn't inherently bad but I don't think there's enough in here for it to stand on its own without that structure. And that waiting room line isn't nearly as profound as the story seems to think it is.