Reviews from

in the past

Essa merda consegue ser pior que o primeiro pra mim, jogo é feio igual, chato igual, e pro ano de 2009, no DS, já tinha jogos de luta melhores, muito triste o jogo

game sucks i was so hype for this but it’s so bsd

I am the first person to review this game and i will be the best at doing so, to compare it to anything i think it is like a naruto tekken. It is very fun singleplayer but since i'm the only person in the universe to play this game, i couldn't experience multiplayer. The combat is surprisingly deep for it being a fucking nintendo DS game. Overall very fun experience but sasuke uchiha is the strongest character jesus fucking christ what the hell is this character's fucking damage output. 7/10

Bare bones fighting game with about 1 hour's worth of content.

Halfway decent 2D fighter with abysmal 3D graphics, only covers up to the end of the Sasuke reunion.